Tyrion Veltras

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Tyrion Veltras
By MonikaisMyWaifu
  • Lord Tyrion
  • Lance of the North
  • Smiling Man



44 (Originally)[1]
28 (Currently)[1]




Veltras Family





First Appearance

Chapter 4.06 KM

Tyrion Veltras, also known as the Lance of the North, is the head of House Veltras, one of the Five Families, making him one of the most powerful people in Izril.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Tyrion is a very serious looking, tall, middle-aged man with black hair and cold, dark blue eyes. He has a trimmed goatee and clean-shaven upper lip.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Tyrion is said to have a strong sense of honor. Unlike Mangolia who often seems to do business with the Assassin’s Guild, his honor doesn't allow him to use any of the services provided by them.[3] He believes that it is not proper for a [Lord] to deal with underhanded murders and plots. If he were to kill someone, he would do it in the open.[4] He loves tournaments, having participated in every one he was able to attend.[5]

Background[edit | edit source]

Veltras Lands (here in green) are on the westernmost flank of Izril. (Artist's rendition)

Due to one of the Reinharts' plots, Tyrion had to grow up without a father.[6] The Veltras' family lands cover a huge area on the westernmost part of Izril, between the Vail Forest and the 'Tail of Izril'[7]

As a child, Tyrion was traumatised by the Terland cooking Golem, Garneis, and hid in a cupboard for two hours. He was also banned from the Terland estates at some point, though he never noticed as he didn't visit them in eleven years.[8]

Tyrion focuses on the war-related traits of his [Lord] class, not the ones that concern themselves with economy and governing. While he can deal with problems arising in these areas, he tackles them in a war-like manner, and doesn't like to do so. His wife, Lady Salva, who had been a good influence on his good governance, was assassinated four years prior to the current storyline.[7]Upon his request, Magnolia Reinhart found out for him that the Walled Cities paid for her death and was arranged by Zeres.[9] Afterwards, the two nobles didn't meet each other again until a reception at the Estate of Melissar.[4]

His wife left Veltras with two young sons, Hethon and Sammial, to whom he has grown distant due to his campaigns outside of his lands.[10][11] Still, he cares deeply for his children who are among his foremost concerns, although he can't relate to them. Their education has been delegated to his [Majordomo], Ullim, but Tyrion sometimes visits them and listens in to their bedtime stories.[10]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

He had a squabble with other [Lords] in Volume 2. His fine forces routed two enemy armies with neglectable casualties.[12]

During the gathering of several of Izril's human nobles at the Melissars' estate, Magnolia Reinhart advised for them to aid the Drakes in their fight against the Goblin Lord. Instead of considering the danger the Goblin Lord poses, though, Tyrion only sees this as an opportunity to eliminate the Drakes. He is of the opinion that if they were to succeed in beating them in the Blood Fields, they would be able to conquer Liscor.[4]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

He possesses enough strength to bend a metal cup with his hand.[4]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Lord of the Pursuit] Lv. 33[13]
    • Derived from [Diligent Lord] Lv. 29[14]
  • [Lancer of the Ages] Lv. 37[15]
    • Derived from [Peerless Lance]

Lost Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels that were lost after he was de-aged by 16 years.[1]

  • [Lancelord of A Thousand Victories] Lv. 47[16]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

Note that some of them ( * = ? ) may be Lost after he was de-aged by 16 years.

  • [A Second of Time]
  • [Barrier of Pride] *
  • [Bloodless Wounds] (suspected)
  • [Company: Zigzag Maneuvering] *
  • [Fourfold Strike]
  • [Great Shield]
  • [Greater Resistance: Chronos]
  • [Lance: Touch of Age (temporary)]
  • [Lesser Speed]
  • [Lightning Hooves]
  • [Lunging Strike]
  • [Might of Four] *
  • [Mount: In Time, Your Truest Potential]
  • [Peilspear Formation] *
  • [Piercing Thrust]
  • [Repel Point]
  • [Retribution of the Shield] *
  • [Summon: The Phantom of My Legend]
  • [Swift Mustering] *
  • [Ten-Foot Slash]
  • [Thirty-foot Slash] *
  • [Thirty-Foot Thrust] *
  • [Twenty-foot Strike]
    • Advanced from [Ten-foot Strike]
  • [Unit: Snowcover Riders]
  • [Vertical Charge] *
  • [Wildwind Ride] *

Lost Skills:[edit | edit source]

List of Skills that are lost after he was de-aged by 16 years.[1]

  • [Enhanced Speed] → [Greater Speed]
  • [Fourfold Strike] (Restored)
  • [Lancing Hydrastrike][1]
  • [Lightning Hooves] (Restored)

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He was mentioned for the first time in Interlude - 3. He was originally mentioned as "Lord Tyron Velstras," a name later amended by the author to "Tyrion" after the typo proved more appealing than the original idea.
  • According to Magnolia, Lord Tyrion’s army can smash two other armies with very few casualties. This is because his soldiers are splendidly well equipped and trained. They are peerless among the armies of the north and described as a "bright and shining jewel that needs only the correct setting to become perfection."[12]
  • One of the members of the Gold-rank Adventurer Team Griffon Hunt, Typhenous, is an informant for him, as shown when he sent a [Message] for him about Erin and the possible presence of a Dragon (Teriarch) near Liscor, as well as the Antinium knowledge about it.[17]
  • Every few years Tyrion sends an army to wage war upon the Drakes, resulting in the deaths of thousands of soldiers.[4]
  • His approximate age was revealed in one of his interior monologues in Ch 5.37 G.
  • According to some lists, he is second-best[18] of the top five most powerful [Lords] in Innworld, and is rumored to be the best [Lord] in personal combat.[19]
  • Due to his serious nature and luck of smiling, there are some cruel, injust rumours said of him, behind his back, that every time he smiled, spring was delayed another month, or that every time he smiled, a Kraken stirred.[20]
  • When he was young, Tyrion had once sent Ressa some love letters, but unfortunately their content was so terrible that it left Ressa mortified to this day.[21]

References[edit | edit source]