Chapter 6.21 D
June 1, 2019
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Chapter 6.21 D is the 22nd chapter of Volume 6 and the 5th chapter of Book 11, The Titan of Baleros. The D stands for Doctor Geneva.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]

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Synopsis[edit | edit source]

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Characters[edit | edit source]
- Niers's Advanced Students (Just under 16 students)
- Perorn Sadiluc (First Appearance)
- ? - Rustarmor (Nickname) (First Appearance)
- ? - Taligrit’s 3rd [Prince]? (First Appearance)
- ? - Plains Gnoll Student (First Appearance)
- Niers Astoragon
- Niers's Senior Students (First Appearance)
- ? - 2 Humans
- ? - 2 female Dullahans
- ? - 1 Male Half-Elf
Characters Mentioned[edit | edit source]
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Baleros
- Elvallian
- Titan’s School
- Umina’s Apartment
- Stalker’s Pub
- Elvallian
Items[edit | edit source]
- Armorgator’s Tooth
- Scattershot Porcupines's Quills
- 3 Mossbears’ Hide
- Enchanted Spectacles
- Firebreath Whiskey (Drink)