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Armored Antinium
Liscor’s Second Army


Armored Prognugator


Hive of the Armored Antinium

First Appearance

Chapter 6.68

Dekass is an Antinium, and one of the Armored Prognugators of the Armored Antinium.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Dekass has a form reminiscent of a Soldier with four arms and the same general build. But unlike a them his body looks even more reinforced, and he has fingers on his four hands.[1]

Personality[edit | edit source]

While he is eating he liked to finish each plate first down to the scraps. Only then would he eat from a second plate.[2]

Background[edit | edit source]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Volume 6[edit | edit source]

After the access tunnel was done, he and Tersk were send by the Armored Queen to Liscor, to establish relations before the Grand Queen’s envoys to the Free Antinium. There they talked about cats, the city and what it has to over, and the possibility that the Armored Queen desired a more substantial alliance with the Free Antinium. While Dekass doubted Tersk's opinion of the Free Antinium's value, he conceded that the inn they passed by was somewhat interesting, which had, in his opinion, impressive architecture with a "very porous" design.[1]

Volume 7[edit | edit source]

Two weeks after their arrival, he and Tersk accompanied Pawn, Yellow Splatters and a bevy of Antinium Workers and a few Painted Soldiers, to the reopening of The Wandering Inn. There he introduced himself and Tersk as ordinary Antinium Workers to Lyonette. Tersk seeing Lyonette’s confusion from the statement, jabbed Dekass to correct himself, which prompted him to say that they were only ordinary Antinium Soldiers. Afterwards, they marched back believing that they had completed a successful infiltration when in reality they had failed and been almost instantly noticed.[3]

Volume 8[edit | edit source]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • ??? - Renders a unit under the users command resistant to electricity.[4] This also makes them immune to lightning-based Spells like a [Lightning Bolt], as well as giving them ‘free mana’ whenever they get hit by them.[5]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • To Tersk:
    • “I will concede one point. The inn we passed was somewhat enticing. At least that was impressive architecture. Very porous.”
    • “What is…soup?”
  • To Lyonette:
    • “Hello. We are ordinary Antinium Workers, here for sustenance.”
    • “We are ordinary Antinium Soldiers. Excuse me.”
  • To Drassi:
    • “What is the point of drinking a liquid other than water? Is there an enhanced nutritional benefit? Does it taste good? That is important information.”
    • “Drunk? What is this phenomenon of which you speak, [Bartender] Drake? I am currently undecided on your gender, by the way.”
  • (To Pivr) “Be quiet. Food is very important. You do not fully understand. Yet. We must show you.”
  • To Pawn:
    • “I see. Then we must replace Erin Solstice at once.”
    • “Is that all you have to do, Prognugator Pawn? I am giving you this title since it seems appropriate and Tersk said I should.”
  • (To Tersk) “Clearly my hearing faculties have stopped working. No, we are all under a [Confusion] spell. We must employ anti-illusion tactics. Tersk. That would imply she could heal all wounds that are mundane.
  • (To a Gnoll [Healer]) “I do not know. It is your job to tell me. If I am infected, kill me quickly. Have my sword.”
  • (To Olesm) “Nothing is wrong, Commander Olesm. I am coincidentally sick and nothing else of note has happened.”

References[edit | edit source]