Dullahan Geneva

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Dullahan Geneva









First Appearance

Chapter 9.23 GGGGGGGGG

Dullahan Geneva is a copied mind of Geneva Scala in the body of a Dullahan.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

She was created when Geneva copied her mind into brain-dead bodies at the Gathering Citadel. She would cut the tendons and break the bones of Evil-Geneva, and would have finished her off to the alarm of the Genevas but a Drowned Woman-Geneva would stop her and remind her of their Hippocratic Oath, to which she reluctantly agreed. She would than escape the Gathering Citadel while it was being assaulted.[1]

During Zeladona’s Trial of Blades, as there were no Healing Potions for the wounded participants, she would contact the [Healers] there via scrying orb, and give the ones with no surgical expertise a crash-course in dressing wounds. Later on as the [Healers] were being overwhelmed by to many wounded participants who were bleeding to dead, she witnessed a mysterious white Drake who mercilessly painfully stitch the wounded while telling the [Healers] to stop using useless painless healing and stitch the wound even if it hurts them so that they could save them, to which she almost wept in relief in knowing that there was someone else like them Genevas there.[2]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To the Genevas) “The bodies of the dead are already defiled by undeath. The dead I could cut apart and reassemble. Not the living.”
  • (To Demerra) “Don’t waste a potion on that! Give me a look at it—sterilize those goddamn needles! Apply pressure to slow the bleeding!”

References[edit | edit source]