Elena Othonos/Quotes

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< Elena Othonos(Redirected from Elena/Quotes)

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Volume 7[edit | edit source]

  • (To Aaron) “You mean…your Iron Man suit.”
  • (To Wistram [Mages]) “The world is round. All of you can go to hell. It’s round and I can prove it!”
  • (Implied to Aaron) ‘it’s your fault I have to deal with these flat-earthers’
  • (To Aaron) “Oh my god. I want to kill them all.”
  • (To Teura) “I believe in being kind either way, Miss Teura. Besides. As I understand it, the Golems of Archmage Zelkyr rule Wistram. Not [Mages]. When that changes, I’ll stop tipping.”
  • (To Sidney) “Have a drink. Sit, Sidney. Let’s sit on the beach. Look—there’s even the tide. You can swim, if you want. I’m glad you’re here. Are you okay?”
  • To Aaron:
    • “She’s not going to like that. Don’t get me wrong, Aaron. Blackmage. Cara was grateful for all the help you gave her.”
    • “They found us, you mean? Most of us weren’t ‘saved’. You heard Basil. Adventurers saved him. Wistram just found him after everything was done. Do you think—nah. You couldn’t know what people think of Wistram.”
    • “Cara found me. She saved me. You think rats and Goblins are the worst thing in the world, Aaron? At least you could kill those. If Saif had a real gun, he could kill them. But there are things worse than them.”
    • “I marched with Cara on a village out of hell. Ruled by an immortal [Witch]. I saw evil, Aaron. This? This is what Cara was afraid of. Powerful people, ruling the world and deciding how other people live or die.”
  • (To Wistram Earthers) “When I left—it was 2018. When Cara left, it was 2017. Eun swears it was the end of 2016, but he and I both arrived barely a week apart. Erik. Show everyone your tablet.”
  • To Feor & Viltach:
    • idiots! Archmages, this is unacceptable!”
    • “That’s not good journalism. You—it—you can’t just say ‘go buy magic crystals’!”
  • To Batman:
    • You’re batman? I mean—oh my god. They’ll know where you are! Listen—Wistram knows where every device they call is!”
    • “No. But listen. Cara’s safe. They haven’t gotten her and I don’t know if they can. She’s too big. She can protect you if you need it. She’s high-level and she has friends.”
  • To Batman:
    • “Where do I even begin? There’s too much to say…where are you, I guess? Can I ask that? Or is it…dangerous?”
    • “There’s a lot Wistram doesn’t know, I think. Or most of them don’t. They pretend to, but you just have to ask multiple people. Play on their egos. And they’ll wink or reveal…the point is, I’m almost positive they don’t know what brought us here.”

Volume 8[edit | edit source]

  • (To Quarass) “You don’t? Excuse me—what are you? I don’t know much, but I heard people talking about you when the King of Destruction…cut off your head?”