Huntsong Chapter 2.54

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Chapter 2.54
May 2, 2024
Chapter Guide



Chapter 2.53

Chapter 2.55

Chapter List


Chapter 2.54 is the 54th chapter of Huntsong.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Haeight is amazed on how famous her friend has become. Often adventuring with Princess Telleis of Samal, Greina has become a rising star and is the third-most eligible bachelorette in Terandria. As the leader of the Gold-ranked team Nobel Spirit, she travels around Noelictus, hunting down undead like a [Hunter]. At a desk selling famous adventurers’ illustrations, Haeight sees Greina’s among other Named Adventurers like Elia Arcsinger, Lehra Ruinstrider, and Saliss of Lights.

Later, Haeight sees her opportunity when Greina and her team make an appearance at the Adventurer’s Guild. However, she is dissuaded by a crowd of rabid fans, who are just as eager to see the Gold-ranked team. By the time they disappear into the Guild, Haeight is lying on her back, having been punched, knocked down, then trampled over. She tries three more times over the next two days with the same results. Dismayed, she decides to go back home to rest, wishing they could meet once more.

Hungry and penniless (again), Cara is in a bad mood while walking back to the Synphasia. However, her attention is caught by a female Helpful Servant being chased by two servants calling her “Elena”. The servants are trying to get Elena to return back to their employer, Lady Batiseva. The Lady had slapped Elena, which violated the terms of their contract. The two servants try bribing Elena, but the Helpful Servant states in a mild tone that further attempts to impede her would result in Batiseva’s permanent removal from the Helpful Servants’ services. After the servants leave, Cara tries to get Elena’s attention, but the other girl refuses, claiming that a different client reserved a priority slot. Desperate, Cara shows Elena her phone. The Helpful Servant recognizes it, becoming excited before her face changes to fear and dread, then a blank face before back to her default smile. Sensing something deeply wrong, Cara physically tries to stop Elena, fully aware that this is not a good look for her, especially when a [Guardsman] appears. But then Haeight arrives on the scene.

Characters[edit | edit source]

( * = First Appearance)

Locations[edit | edit source]

Creatures[edit | edit source]

Items[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]