
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

List of magical or unique plants shown in The Wandering Inn universe.

Plant List[edit | edit source]

(Only Named Plants)

Amentus[edit | edit source]

Trees that grows blue fruits with a thick layer of sweet, edible flesh on a hard, highly poisonous core in the center.

Ashwheat[edit | edit source]

A type of wheat that grows in Noelictus.[1]

Birevine[edit | edit source]

Infamous plant with vines stronger than steel rope, and covered in razor-sharp thorns.[2]

Bladegrass[edit | edit source]

Fragile but sharp grass that can be weaved to make something sharp, but weak.[3]

Blood Grass[edit | edit source]

Dangerous plants in the Bloodfields.

Bloodfields Shambler[edit | edit source]

Carnivorous plant-monster of the Bloodfields.[4]

Cloudleaf[edit | edit source]

Narcotic plant used for smoking.

Deshwood[edit | edit source]

Species of trees found on the Isle of Minos.[5]

Dreamleaf[edit | edit source]

Narcotic plant used for smoking.

Eir Kelp[edit | edit source]

Aquatic plant used to make Eir Gel.

Elfleaf[edit | edit source]

Edible leaves that are eaten by half-Elves.[6]

Eternal Grasslands[edit | edit source]

Yellow grass that is capable of keeping water and living in the driest months.[7]

Faerie Flowers[edit | edit source]

Highly magical flowers from the land of the Fae.

Fimie-seeds[edit | edit source]

Seeds from an unknown plant in the New Lands. They look like pale-blue tufts, are a bit sticky, and are carried by the wind.[8] They come from long swaying trees with huge fluffs of the seeds. They have little branches that group together and soft wood.[9]

Ghost Shrooms[edit | edit source]

Rare mushrooms with ethereal properties.

Gickel[edit | edit source]

The plant used to make Telgas, the Gelatin Food (Spam Food)[10]

Glasswhistle[edit | edit source]

Exceptionally fragile plant that would actually kill itself under its own weight in time, which is how it reproduces.[11]

Glowberries[edit | edit source]

A type of edible berries.[12]

Goudolep[edit | edit source]

Four-foot tall Chandrarian plant. Hollow and filled with water. Shoot a jet of liquid for self-defense at anyone who approaches.[13]

Herthee[edit | edit source]

Edible stalk-like plant, with the side effects of giving a swollen, slightly irritated tongue for the next 2-6 hours.[14]

Hinterthere Melons[edit | edit source]

Edible plants.[15]

Hourglass Barley[edit | edit source]

Type of barley that grows in Noelictus. It ferments and absorbs much more than usual. Used to brew Midnight Runuff.[16]

Invisible Pumpkins[edit | edit source]

Edible pumpkins that are invisible.[13]

Jumping Durians[edit | edit source]

A type of fruit.[17]

Krakk Trees[edit | edit source]

Dangerous trees with explosive bark.

Lyepeppers[edit | edit source]

Edible peppers with unhealthy or poisonous looking colouring.[14]

Mela’s Kiss[edit | edit source]

Very light narcotic plant from the sea that practically evaporates under a tiny bit of heat without producing any smoke.[18]

Morning Marigold[edit | edit source]

Magical variety of marigolds. One in ten thousand marigolds can turn into one from exposure to magic. They have glowing pistils.[19]

Nali-Stick[edit | edit source]

Highly sweet edible plants.

Night Cabbage[edit | edit source]

Type of cabbage that grows in Noelictus.[16]

Peckle Nuts[edit | edit source]

Edible plants.[15]

Prelons[edit | edit source]

Sourish pale-red fruits in hairy red-brown shells.[20] Have a shelf-life of about four days without Skill or magic.[21]

Qizl beans[edit | edit source]

Grow to fantastical giant vines if given enough mana, overnight as the legends say.[22]

Sage’s Grass[edit | edit source]

Famous magical plant and an integral component in many magical recipes.

Salamander Peppers[edit | edit source]

Also called Sally-peppers. Used as an alchemical ingredient and seasoning.[23]

Sea Oranges[edit | edit source]

A type of fruit.[17]

Sendipe Bush[edit | edit source]


Sireen Lilies[edit | edit source]

Lovely huge lilies that wail in the wind.[24]

Snowcorn[edit | edit source]

Corn grown in Noelictus. It has kernals white as snow and black leaves.[25]

Snowmelon[edit | edit source]

A crop that can be grown in the winter.[26]

Spiather[edit | edit source]

Also called Grass of the Swamps, and Gaarhweed by Drakes. A long, green, stringy kelp-like plant that grows on muddy swamp floors and causes rashes on contact. Very effective at neutralizing acids.[19]

Su-yellat[edit | edit source]

Edible rare magical Yellat that aid the body for a while.[27]

Sweetberries[edit | edit source]

Edible red glowing berries.[28]

Sweetgrass Hay[edit | edit source]

Type of hay used to feed horses.[29]

Swordtrees[edit | edit source]

Tough and sharp trees.[7]

Threadvine[11][edit | edit source]


Toricel Shieldplant[edit | edit source]


Wrapleafs[edit | edit source]

Spreads by wrapping around others to embedded its seeds in them.[30]

Watchertrees[edit | edit source]

Carnivorous trees that drain their victim's blood.

Wireweed[edit | edit source]

Can be used to make Wireweed Tobacco for smoking, which burns so slowly that 4 hours of smoking would barely take down 30% of the cigar.[31]

Veil Tomatoes[edit | edit source]

Tomatoes grown in Noelictus. It has tough, chewy skin like a potato's.[32]

Yellat[edit | edit source]

Edible plants.

Yellow Shamblers[edit | edit source]

Parasitic plant that puppets bodies, comparable to a zombie.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]