List of magical or unique plants and fungi shown in The Wandering Inn universe.
Plant List[edit | edit source]
(Only Named Plants)
Amentus[edit | edit source]
Trees that grows blue fruits with a thick layer of sweet, edible flesh on a hard, highly poisonous core in the center. It is processed into Amentus wine in Northern Izril and sold at great cost. It's always slightly poisonous, so simple [Detect Poison] checks fail to confirm whether it was made correctly.
Ashwheat[edit | edit source]
A type of wheat that grows in Noelictus.[1]
Birevine[edit | edit source]
Infamous plant with vines stronger than steel rope, and covered in razor-sharp thorns.[2] Grown from [Bloodseeds] magic.
Bladegrass[edit | edit source]
Fragile but sharp grass that can be weaved to make something sharp, but weak.[3] Namesake of the Woven Bladegrass tribe.
Blood Grass[edit | edit source]
Dangerous plants in the Bloodfields.
Bloodfields Shambler[edit | edit source]
Carnivorous plant-monster of the Bloodfields.[4] Likely a variety of Elementals similar to Bush Shamblers or Vastlands Shamblers.
Cloudleaf[edit | edit source]
Narcotic plant used for smoking.
Deshwood[edit | edit source]
Species of trees found on the Isle of Minos.[5]
Dreamleaf[edit | edit source]
Narcotic plant used for smoking.
Eir Kelp[edit | edit source]
Aquatic plant used to make Eir Gel, an ingredient necessary for making healing potions. It has a number of mildly poisonous spines in its unprocessed state. A majority of the world's Eir Kelp grows in a reef out by the Last Tide, on the island of Hesheit.
Elfleaf[edit | edit source]
Edible leaves that are eaten by half-Elves.[6]
Eternal Grasslands[edit | edit source]
Yellow grass that is capable of keeping water and living in the driest months.[7] It hides and is undetectable through long droughts.
Invented by the eponymous [Archmage].
Faerie Flowers[edit | edit source]
Highly magical flowers from the land of the Fae. Can be used to enhance a number of alchemical and magical mixtures, with unpredictable and double-edged results. Possess multiple 'stages' of development; at the highest known, their roots become capable of piercing Skills and distorting the very fabric of the world.
Fimie-seeds[edit | edit source]
Seeds from an unknown plant in the New Lands. They look like pale-blue tufts, are a bit sticky, and are carried by the wind.[8] They come from long swaying trees grown on cliffs, with huge fluffs of the seeds. They have little branches that group together and soft wood.[9]
Flarespot Shrooms[edit | edit source]
Edible mushrooms with glowing red spots on the caps that grow after wildfires. They're hot to the touch, enough to ignite wicker.[10]
Ghost Shrooms[edit | edit source]
Rare mushrooms with phantasmal properties. Can be used to make ethereal liquids for medicine, or ethereal coatings for arrows and the like.
Gickel[edit | edit source]
The plant used to make Telgas, the Gelatin Food (Spam Food)[11].
Glasswhistle[edit | edit source]
Exceptionally fragile plant that would actually kill itself under its own weight in time, which is how it reproduces.[12]
Glowberries[edit | edit source]
A type of edible berries.[13] Possibly the same as Sweetberries.
Goudolep[edit | edit source]
Four-foot tall Chandrarian plant. Hollow and filled with water. Shoot a jet of liquid for self-defense at anyone who approaches.[14]
Herthee[edit | edit source]
Edible stalk-like plant, with the side effects of giving a swollen, slightly irritated tongue for the next 2-6 hours.[15] Grows in the Great Plains.
Hinterthere Melons[edit | edit source]
Edible plants.[16]
Hourglass Barley[edit | edit source]
Type of barley that grows in Noelictus. It ferments and absorbs much more than usual. Used to brew Midnight Runoff.[17]
Invisible Pumpkins[edit | edit source]
Edible pumpkins that are invisible.[14]
Jumping Durians[edit | edit source]
A type of fruit.[18]
Krakk Trees[edit | edit source]
Dangerous trees with explosive bark.
Lyepeppers[edit | edit source]
Edible peppers with unhealthy or poisonous looking colouring.[15] See also: Batesian mimicry, Aposematism.
Mela’s Kiss[edit | edit source]
Very light narcotic plant from the sea that practically evaporates under a tiny bit of heat without producing any smoke.[19]
Morning Marigold[edit | edit source]
Magical variety of marigolds. One in ten thousand marigolds can turn into one from exposure to magic. They have glowing pistils that are used in Potions of Warmth and in Rhaldon's Superior Tonic of Virility, although all parts of the plant are magical.[20]
Nali-Stick[edit | edit source]
Highly sweet edible plants from Baleros. Used as a sugar-substitute, but they can be addictive.
Night Cabbage[edit | edit source]
Type of cabbage that grows in Noelictus.[17]
Peckle Nuts[edit | edit source]
Edible plants.[16]
Pickstriker Fungi[edit | edit source]
A fungus that grows in Liscor's dungeon. It may be the orange fungus cultivated as a major hazard for the maze, capable of locomotion.
Prelons[edit | edit source]
Sourish pale-red fruits in hairy red-brown shells.[21] Have a shelf-life of about four days without Skill or magic.[22]
Qizl beans[edit | edit source]
Grow to fantastical giant vines if given enough mana, "overnight" as the legends say.[23]
Sage’s Grass[edit | edit source]
Famous plant that naturally produces mana, and an integral component in many magical recipes. Invented by the [Sage of a Hundred Thousand Secrets], Velzi. Used to create Sage's Water and myriad other ways of infusing mana into potions and brews.
Appears as grass glowing with a faintly red, magical light. The plants become much more magical as they age.
Salamander Peppers[edit | edit source]
Also called Sally-peppers. Used as an alchemical ingredient and seasoning.[24]
Sea Oranges[edit | edit source]
A type of fruit.[18]
Sendipe Bush[edit | edit source]
???. Grown from [Bloodseeds] magic.
Sireen Lilies[edit | edit source]
Lovely huge lilies that wail in the wind.[25] A favorite of the 18th Queen of Khelt, Xierca.
Snowcorn[edit | edit source]
Corn grown in Noelictus. It has kernals white as snow and black leaves.[26]
Snowmelon[edit | edit source]
A crop that can be grown in the winter.[27]
Spiather[edit | edit source]
Also called Grass of the Swamps, and Gaarhweed by Drakes. A long, green, stringy kelp-like plant that grows on muddy swamp floors and causes rashes on contact. Very effective at neutralizing acids, even powerful ones.[20] Used in traditional Gnollish medicine.
Su-yellat[edit | edit source]
Rare, magical Yellat varieties, that aid the body for a while.[28] Appear as thin strands of magic extracted from mashed Yellats.
Sweetberries[edit | edit source]
Edible red glowing berries.[29] Also mildly magical.
Sweetgrass Hay[edit | edit source]
Type of hay used to feed horses.[30]
Swordtrees[edit | edit source]
Tough and sharp trees.[7]
Threadvine[12][edit | edit source]
Toricel Shieldplant[edit | edit source]
???. Grown from [Bloodseeds] magic.
Veil Tomatoes[edit | edit source]
Dark tomatoes grown in Noelictus. It has tough, chewy skin like a potato's.[31]
Wrapleafs[edit | edit source]
Spreads by wrapping around others to embedded its seeds in them.[32]
Watchertrees[edit | edit source]
Carnivorous trees that drain their victim's blood. Capable of locomotion under certain circumstances, but their low magic resistance makes them vulnerable to curses.
Wireweed[edit | edit source]
Can be used to make Wireweed Tobacco for smoking, which burns so slowly that 4 hours of smoking would barely take down 30% of the cigar.[33]
World Trees[edit | edit source]
Sometimes-sentient magical trees that have grown to immense heights; capable of dominating Great Forests. Only one known instance remains, the stunted and magically-drained tree of Oteslia.
Yellat[edit | edit source]
Edible plants. They can grow in almost any environment, no matter how dry, wet, salty, or barren. A staple crop of Chandrar which has saved countless lives and fed entire empires.
Can develop magical varieties - Su-yellats, giant Yellats, running Yellats, etc.
Yellow Shamblers[edit | edit source]
Parasitic plant that puppets bodies, comparable to a zombie.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Chapter 9.10 W
- ↑ Chapter 8.79
- ↑ Chapter 8.10
- ↑ Chapter 9.64 BH
- ↑ Chapter 7.47 K
- ↑ Chapter 8.17 H
- ↑ Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Chapter 8.78 F
- ↑ 10.02 Y
- ↑ 10.03 Y
- ↑ 10.33 MNK
- ↑ Interlude – Hectval (Pt. 3)
- ↑ Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 Chapter 8.07 L
- ↑ Chapter 6.55 K
- ↑ Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 Chapter 7.54
- ↑ Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 Chapter 8.30
- ↑ Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 Chapter 8.68
- ↑ Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 Gravesong Book One
- ↑ Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 Chapter 8.66
- ↑ Chapter 7.06
- ↑ Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 Chapter 9.54 C
- ↑ Interlude - Senior Guardsman Relc
- ↑ 10.13
- ↑ Chapter 7.50
- ↑ Interlude - Of Vampires and Fraerlings
- ↑ Chapter 8.32
- ↑ Chapter 9.01
- ↑ 10.23 LMGY
- ↑ Chapter 8.37 H
- ↑ Chapter 9.03
- ↑ Chapter 9.21
- ↑ Chapter 8.50
- ↑ Chapter 7.05 P
- ↑ Interlude – Brewing Sariants