Sacrifice of Roses

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

The Sacrifice of Roses was an event that happened during the Second Antinium War. Many [Lords] and even more [Ladies] lost their lives here to push back the forces of the Goblin King.

Background[edit | edit source]

During the Second Antinium War, Izril had to fight against multiple threats. part of it was the Antinium, but the necromancer was also active, as was the goblin king, Velan. Due to all of these fights, the north of Izril was running out of fighting forces. When the Goblin King attempted to take the north, many ladies of Izril took to the field in First Landing[1] and sacrificed their lives to turn the goblins back. Through this sacrifice, they did manage to kill one of Velan's Goblin Lords, Murmar.[2] This was the first time that one of Velan's Goblin Lords was killed and so the Goblin King abandoned his direct attack of First Landing and instead focused on pillaging the countryside.

Families Affected[edit | edit source]

While most families of Izril were affected in some way, some were hurt more than others:

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

Many houses of Izril were devastated after the sacrifice of Roses. Over 60% of the [Ladies] who fought in that battle perished.[2] This along with the loss of [Lords] and many others left a large hole in Izril's nobility for years to come.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]