Silvenia Ettertree/Relationships

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Rhir[edit | edit source]

Demon Kingdom[edit | edit source]

Bazeth[edit | edit source]

Silvenia is friendly towards Bazeth, he served as a [General] commanding her troops during her assault on 5th wall.[1] Silvenia is less formal than Bazeth in their relation, and the Demon usually doesn't question her decisions.[1]

Czautha'qshe[edit | edit source]

Relation between two Deaths is complicated, words like friends or allies are incomplete, because of that it's easier to call them war comrades.[2]They, are not alike.[2] Silvenia saved Czautha from verge of death using her magic,[3]she cares for her, means well,[4] and is willing to help Czautha's in her cause.[2][1] Despite that, Silvenia can be very annoying to her fellow Death.[4]

Demon King[edit | edit source]

Silvenia is one of the most powerful and important vassals of the Demon King.[5] Death of Magic represents the wrath of the Demons and is willing to destroy entire armies for the Demon King,[1] more than that Silvenia cares for the needs of their people and provides them with her magic and various magical constructs, such as Paradise Domes, that serve the betterment of them all.[4] Death of Magic respects her king and follows his orders. The Demon King is aware of Silvenia's importance and role in his kingdom and doesn't hesitate to order her to go back when she's risking too much.[1]

Flora[edit | edit source]

Flora helped Silvenia recover[3] and the Deathles gave the girl lessons about the world.[6] Silvenia likes Flora, yet the girl is nervous in [Archmage]'s presence, even though Silvenia reeasured Flora of her opinion about the Texan girl multiple times.[4] Flora and Silvenia talk to each other,[3] the girl knows the half elf good enough to know when she's not confident.[3]

Rinu[edit | edit source]

Silvenia and Rinu have very affectionate relation between each other. The Earther genuinely loves the [Archmage], he constantly follows her around like a lost kitten, gets excited about everything that she does, cries when she tells him sad stories, rages when he hears about her enemies and urges her to care about herself when he feels like she neglects her own needs. Silvenia likes and cares about Rinu. She's very kind and gentle to him, her affection is best seen when she hugs the earther or carries him around while calling him her cute, little cat. The Deathless trust young earther and is willing to tell him great secrets about herself and the world, secrets that other people would tear their own eyes out just to hear. The two spend a lot of time together, Rinu's class, [Pillowfriend] is centered on enabling The Death of Magic rest. The two people live in Silvenia's tower and usually sleep together whenever the half-elf needs to rest.[7]

Serinpotva[edit | edit source]

Silvenia and Serinpotva are good friends,[7] the two Deaths care about each other. Silvenia healed her fellow Deathless once she didn't need to use her magic to keep herself from dying.[7] Serinpotva understands the Death of Magic, she knows when she's not feeling best and in such situations she tries to cheer her up.[4][7]

Blighted Kingdom[edit | edit source]

Othius IV[edit | edit source]
Hayvon Operland[edit | edit source]
Quiteil[edit | edit source]

Chandrar[edit | edit source]

Izril[edit | edit source]

Liscor[edit | edit source]

Terandria[edit | edit source]

Baleros[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]