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Putrid One






Tolveilouka Ve’delina Mer (Undead Servant)



First Appearance

Chapter 8.11 E

Zacheales, infamously known as the Putrid One, was one of the greatest and fearsome [Necromancers] in history.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He had the form of a rotting half-Elf with a missing ear. He wore torn regal robes with decay seeping down his left side. He could also take some sort of larger noxious form where his rotting flesh engulfed his original body.[1]

Personality[edit | edit source]

The Putrid One was one of the most dangerous [Necromancers] in history. being responsible for the deaths of millions. Based on an first-hand account from a Djinni, his discontent among his own people became a contempt for all life.[2] His disregard for life is evidenced by him turning his greatest servant into a Revenant for greater power, and enslaving unwilling souls to serve him as part of his army.[3] Most of his undead creations were the results of experiments for effectively killing people, such as Wyverns carrying Ghouls and poisonous Skeleton Knights..[4]

In death, the Putrid One became weary existing as a half-alive ghost after countless eons, though he displayed little remorse for his actions. Although he desired a second chance at life, he ended up sacrificing his soul to save those he considered enemies in search of respite.[1]

Background[edit | edit source]

Millennia ago, he plagued the world as a villain, committing countless atrocities and killing millions of people. At some point, he constructed the Village of the Dead, an seemingly innocuous town protected by undead which hid an inner city where his personal laboratory was located.[4]

He destroyed a Walled City, possibly the City of Dreams. Naamreles helped to repel him.

Eventually, the Putrid One met his end at the hands of a Dullahan [Paladin] who was a member of the Radiance of Canopies, an adventuring team from Baleros. However, he preserved the moment of his death by placing the area around him in a time stasis. He thus existed as a half-dead, half-alive ghost in the lands of the dead for thousands of years.

According to Tolveilouka, he had been in stasis for ten thousand years.

Chronology[edit | edit source]

TBA From Chapter 8.11 E

TBA From Chapter 8.17 H + Chapter 8.19 H

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

According to Pisces, the Putrid One is one of the most powerful individual necromancers, thus able to command a small horde of undead finely.[5] It is presumed that his Level is around 80.

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Necromancer] Lv. ?

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He was mentioned for the first time in Chapter 2.04, and his real name was revealed in Chapter 9.55 (Pt.2).
  • The Putrid One died before the Creler Wars, implying his death occurred over 6,000 years before the current time.
  • At least nine Walled Cities existed during his era.[6] He also predates Nerrhavia.[7]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • To Erin:
    • “Hope is a terrible thing, girl. Perhaps you will never wake. Like me, you will stay here. Neither dead nor alive. Waiting for one or the other. And that is worst of all.”
    • “So even my legacy is lost. Well. You stand before the Putrid One. At least, so they knew me. A legend of death I thought would never be eclipsed. Which was true until the next [Necromancer] appeared.”
    • “Countless eons, Erin. Did they tell you to regret your follies in life, those ghosts? They should have told you to regret that you had not fully died. For you may suffer here forever.”
  • (To Erin & Yderigrisel) “To one trapped as I am, yes. But I will not be lectured on how I lived. Not by a lizard who dreamed of being treated as a [Knight] and knelt to every kingdom and [Lord] he could find.”
  • To Erin:
    • “Human girl. Mortal woman. I loathe you. If you have a second chance, if you could recognize your mistakes, I hate you. I envy you. And if I could take that away from you…”
    • “I am like you. Yet when the time of my return comes, it shall be the moment of my death. So. I wish I had another chance. I wish I had seen more clearly.”
  • (To everyone) “Of all the ways it should end, like this? Defending a silver Dragon. Yet it is an end.”
  • (To Erin) “We have power in this place. Look, friend of [Necromancers]. This is what I was.

References[edit | edit source]