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Age |
23 |
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Male |
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First Appearance |
Pisces Jealnet is a [Necromancer], and a regular customer of The Wandering Inn. He is a Gold-ranked adventurer and member of the Horns of Hammerad.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Pisces is a young man, thin, with pale skin and brown, unkempt hair.[1] His eyes are described by Erin as being "grey and green, not like moss on a rock, more like a dance between the two colors, a nebula of both and perhaps the faintest hint of orange in that distant solar phenomenon." Initially, he wore dirty grey robes[2] but later replaced them for clean white ones, enchanted to be stainless.[3]
Personality[edit | edit source]
Pisces: Thus far I haven't found any people worthy of my assistance. Why should I help those who judge me in ignorance and fear?
Erin: Because you're a better person than they are.
Pisces and Erin.[4]
To most people, Pisces can come off as an arrogant and obnoxious jerk with an odd habit of sniffing when displaying scorn or showing off. He has a habit of using seven words when one word would suffice. Pisces often believes himself to be the smartest person in the room and enjoys lording his intellectual superiority over others. While this attitude sometimes gets him into trouble,[5] he is not ignorant of the way it makes others view him, and occasionally even acts more arrogant than he really is in order to manipulate those around him.[6]
However, Pisces has a softer, more human side that he rarely shows to others. He can be quite charming when he wants to, and is shown to empathize with the plights of others. He enjoys lecturing as a way of showing off his intelligence, and engaged in many debates during his time in Wistram. His abrasive nature serves as a defense mechanism to avoid getting close with others, as most people automatically hate him after learning his class.
Just from having the [Necromancer] class, Pisces attracts scorn and hatred from many people. He refuses to hide who he is, choosing to weather this hatred as ignorance, refusing to change for societal pressure, and usually turns away from others.[7] Unlike many other [Necromancers], he seeks to achieve beauty and truth through his craft, not power and the possibility to kill others. This always set him apart from other [Necromancer] outlaws, at least in his mind.[8] However, he is fearful of becoming a monster like Az'kerash, and has freely admitted the dangers of the undead. He has also expressed bitterness over how most modern [Necromancers] are criminals and graverobbers, stating his desire to meet at least one decent [Necromancer].[9] By Pisces's own admission, he would have gone the path of death and destruction, like Az'kerash and many other [Necromancers], if he hadn't met Erin Solstice.
He has a great love for magic, and often spends days holed up learning new spells, or reconfiguring his undead designs.
Background[edit | edit source]
Pisces is the son of Padurn and Enica Jealnet and grew up as a commoner in a recently annexed province of the Terandrian nation of Ailendamus. His father was a [Fencer] employed by the [Lord] of House Dultel. His father wanted him to also learn the trade of a [Fencer] and trained him accordingly, but Pisces eventually refused to follow in his footsteps.
His change of mind occurred when he was a teenager, after meeting a [Necromancer] named Gewilena who showed him - as he tells it - a beautiful bone construct and helped him find out he was adept at magic, and Necromancy as well. He renounced his father's class and tried to impress his local [Lord] as a [Mage], even finding tutorship. One early attempt at combining his fencing and magical skills was to become a [Spellsword], but he didn't manage that before he was found out as a [Necromancer].
Most of the [Necromancers] in his cabal, including Gewilena, were captured and executed by being burned to death.[10] Pisces himself was returned to his parents. Afterwards, he defeated his father in a duel and stole his silver bell. He ran away and used magic and sleight of hand to earn enough gold to pay the price of admission to Wistram, where he met Ceria Springwalker[8]
By his 2nd year at Wistram, Pisces had made a name for himself with his prowess in magic and duelling. He could beat students with several years on him thanks to his talent with a rapier. But he was also rich in secrets due to his use of undead. Sometimes, it appeared as though he knew everything. People could be whispering in the halls and he’d pick up on it. As a result, everyone suspected Pisces of having mastered an advanced eavesdropping spell, but no one could tell when he was using it or which spell it was. No one was aware that, in actuality, he was using undead mice to listen to other people's conversations. On numerous occasions, students had been casting [Detect Magic] to try and observe him using the spell, without any success.[11]
Pisces's [Necromancer] class was exposed to everyone during a [Pirate] attack. Due to the current policies banning necromancy, Pisces's scholarship was revoked, forcing him to sell his rapier and silver bell to Charles de Trevalier to pay his student dues.[12] He failed to find a mentor, even when swearing off necromancy. Boycotted by all the students, he was briefly estranged with Ceria, though she later started talking with him again as a distraction from Illphres's incoming challenge with Cognita. They fought when she found out he was taking lessons from Cognita, who had also given him Zelkyr's spell formula for creating a leveling Golem or undead.[13]
After Illphres and her companions were defeated and killed by Cognita, Pisces animated their bodies into Liches, and used them to break into the grave of Archmage Nekhret. He accidentally set off a curse, unleashing shades to Wistram, killing sixty people. Pisces and Ceria were exiled from Wistram, Pisces for his crimes, and Ceria for speaking in his defense at his trial. However, before they left, Cognita graduated them, making them full accreditted Wistram [Mages].[14]
Chronology[edit | edit source]
Volumes 1 and 2[edit | edit source]
When introduced to the audience, Pisces was terrorizing the countryside with skeletons for money and food, but that strategy didn't work with Erin, who instead made him pay after he assaulted her inn. Contrary to what Pisces assumed, she then actually fed him.[15] Liscor's City Watch had at that time been on the lookout for the "monster" that Pisces pretended to be, and were happy when Erin could point them to Pisces. However, when Erin learned he was going to be executed for being a [Necromancer], she changed her mind and withdrew her statements. She continued hosting Pisces in exchange for promises of future payment, but also didn't make a secret out of being disgusted with him. She tested her more dubious food on him first, regularly refused to give him the best food available, and didn't let him stay overnight. In exchange for that free food and basic hospitality, Pisces saved her life,[2] taught her and Rags something about magic,[16] and built her a skeletal servant, Toren.[17] Despite being Toren's creator, Pisces lost all control over the skeleton when making it obedient to Erin, a circumstance that he soon regretted.[18]
After having been exposed to Liscor's Watch, he was banned from the city for months and lived in a former bear cave that he called his den, protecting it with magical wards. This den was not suitable to study magic in, being open to all weather conditions so he hated that place.[19] At some point he was contacted by his former Wistram friend Ceria, who asked him to cure Ryoka's shattered leg. Pisces agreed and was paid 40 gold coins,[20] but that payment was collected in full by Relc to pay for all of Pisces' crimes in Liscor. After that incident, Pisces was again allowed within city limits,[21] but continued to live in his bear cave and dine at The Wandering Inn that eventually moved closer to Liscor.
Pisces again saved Erin's life during Skinner's Attack on Liscor, when he also fought the Undead that invaded the city.[22] Afterwards, Pisces received a custom [Message] spell from Ceria informing him that she had survived in the Ruins of Liscor.[23] Then, Pisces, Erin, Ryoka, Rags, Ksmvr, and Toren all entered the ruins together and rescued Ceria and Olesm.[24]
His luck changed when Lyonette was exiled from Liscor: Selys made him a Bronze-Rank Adventurer in exchange for making Erin save the girl's life.[25] Pisces had always been adverse to become an adventurer, but he needed to get money and higher levels. So, he got himself recruited into Ceria's new Horns of Hammerad, and he thus became a full adventurer, albeit in a group of rejects and misfits.[19] Just after the Horns reformed, Olesm arrived at the Wandering Inn with a unique map of Albez. Pisces recognized the value and soon after left for the dungeon, borrowing money from Erin for the journey.[26]
Volume 3[edit | edit source]
Despite their initial zeal, the Horns' journey to the ruins was not straightforward. Pisces especially was unhappy with the poor progress of their expedition. He eventually convinced the group to let him use his skeletons to help excavate an entrance. This soon enough led them to a trapped way in and the adventurers entered the Ruins of Albez. They proceeded through traps and Crelers until they found a door that - despite their caution - caught them in states of insanity. Pisces was under the delusion that he was his father training Pisces himself to fence.[27] The group was saved through the efforts of Ceria and Ksmvr and, despite Pisces' delusional attempts to fight the group, they all eventually woke up. Pisces created a way out and they found a hoard of ancient treasure. Before they could take anything, a final anti-intruder measure activated burning the adventurers and melting the treasure. Pisces used his minions to recover a few small pieces.[28] Pisces and his group recovered enough to retrieve the now melted pile of gold and gems and made their way to the nearest city. Despite a tense moment at the walls, they were allowed in and were eventually praised as successful returning adventurers.[29] After a bit of celebration, Ryoka arrived telling the Horns of Erin being stuck in Celum and they gave Ryoka their loot to be appraised before she was taken away by Magnolia's servants.[6] The group then set out for Celum to escort Erin back home and find a missing Toren.
Pisces and his group eventually did make it to Erin and Pisces helped Erin sever her connection to Toren because of his danger.[30] To apologize and help her feel better he and Ksmvr went back to Albez to retrieve the door that led into the pit of [Insanity]. They eventually realized how strong the door was and Erin took it.[31] On the way back to Liscor, Pisces practiced his rusty [Flash Step] and rapier skills and met a disguised Teriarch who wanted advice from Erin on how to operate Ryoka's iPhone. Teriarch also taught Pisces and Ceria a bit about magic to help them hide from a roving pack of goblins.[32] With this danger dealt with, the group returned to Liscor and waited until Ryoka sent word that their loot was all appraised although Ryoka only sent word of part of the haul.[33][34] Besides this, Pisces was involved in Erin's Christmas shenanigans especially the mistletoe where he was proven a skilful kisser.[35] He trailed after Erin when she ran away crying from homesickness and got a new robe from Ceria when things got better as the group exchanged gifts.[36]
Volume 4[edit | edit source]
student of Az'kerash... wanted by Wistram... Bloodfields...

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]
He appears to be able to cast more than fifty different spells, given that Ceria mentioned him to know more spells than she does.[19] The highest tier Pisces can cast is in the 3rd tier with the exception of one 4th tier spell ([Invisibility]). Aside from Necromancy, he is, according to himself, a specialist of the Wind Elementalist and Illusionary fields of magic.[2] Pisces managed to create an undead that can level, an extremely rare feat that was a long-term dream of his. He also developed the ability to raise undead without skeletal structures, such as a baby Shield Spider which he uses for scouting and spying on people, since he is able to look and hear through his undead creations.[37]
As a [Necromancer] he has a massive advantage when fighting against the undead. When Liscor was attacked by a horde of the undead, he managed to kill at least 100 minor undead and even a Crypt Lord.[19] In a state of strong exhaustion he succeeded in reanimating over thirty skeletons in a ten minute period. However, that act almost killed him.[29] Pisces is able to create Bone Horrors, a kind of amalgamation of undead bone fragments. He has used them to clear out rats in Liscor's sewers, and has used them as weapons in the exploration of Liscor's Dungeon.[38] After having optimized them, his primary Bone Horror has become 20% more efficient.[39] After reaching Level 40 and advancing his class to [Necromancer of Reclaimed Grandeur], he gained the ability to reanimate anything, such as returning a sunken ship to its former state in a process similar to [Restoration].
Furthermore, he is an excellent duelist, demonstrating his skill at Wistram as well as in subsequent fights. However, he avoided the [Fencer] class, as he never wanted to level in it, having been harshly treated by his father during their training.[38] However, he later accepted it after Zeladona Ischen's Trial of a Thousand Blades, becoming a [Duelist of Wistram].
Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]
- [Necromancer of Reclaimed Grandeur] Lv. 41[40]
- Derived from [Necromancer] → [Ossific Necromancer] → [Deathbane Necromancer] Lv. 39
- [Duelist of Wistram] Lv. 17
- Class Consolidation: [Mage] Lv. 22
Removed Classes:[edit | edit source]
- [Slave] Lv. 3[41]
Titles:[edit | edit source]
- [Duelist of Lesegoth]
Skills:[edit | edit source]
- [Animate Undead (Objects)]
- [Ashen Mana Well]
- [Authority of Death (Lesser)]
- [Bound Spell – Rapier: Boneclad Enchantment]
- [Constant Foe (Undead)]
- [Drain Death Mana]
- [Flash Parry]
- [Impaling Lunge]
- [Improved Mana Circulation]
- [Manacharged Reflexes]
- [Manufacture Stellar Ivory]
- [Monumental Animation]
- [Open the Crossroads of Izril (Gateway)]
- [Quick Reset]
- [Reanimation: Reclaim Earthly Possessions]
- [Rising Spearthrust]
- [Sword Art: Joveln’s Parry]
- [Undead: Duelist Instincts]
- ??? - Gives greater mastery of bones shaping.
- ??? - Enables casting magic without a wand.[19]
Removed Skills:[edit | edit source]
- [Master's Sympathy]
Spells:[edit | edit source]
- Tier 0:
- [Light]
- Tier 1:
- [Bone Circle: Animate Undead]
- [Bone Dart]
- [Detect Death]
- [Electric Jolt]
- [Frozen Wind]
- [Light Arrow]
- Tier 2:
- [Flame Jet]
- [Shock Volt]
- [Sticky Webs]
- [Stone Dart]
- [Stone Spray]
- Tier 3:
- [Acid Orb]
- [Death's Ground]
- [Detect Magic]
- [Fireball]
- [Flame Arrow]
- [Flash Step][42]
- [Message]
- Tier 4:
- [Deathbolt]
- [Invisibility]
- Unknown Tier:
- [Amplify Sound]
- [Animate Dead]
- [Arc of Midnight]
- [Barrier of Air]
- [Bone Fracture]
- [Bone Shiv]
- [Bone Wall][43]
- [Bone Wheel]
- [Burst of Speed]
- [Cleanse]
- [Charm of Thoughts]
- [Condensation]
- [Detect Life]
- [Firefly]
- [Flame Rapier]
- [Flame Swathe]
- [Flying Bone Club]
- [High Jump]
- [Iron Bones]
- [Lightning Jolt]
- [Muffle]
- [Neutralize Odor]
- [Raise Dead]
- [Raise Skeleton]
- [Repair]
- [Ritual of the Lord of Bones]
- [Sealed Space]
- [Silence]
- [Sleep]
- [Slumber]
- [Translate]
- [Undead Shattertouch]
- [Unearth the Tomb]
- [Wind Blast]
- [Wind Shield][43]
- Unnamed flaming sphere spell (Can conjure a flaming sphere that when thrown can consume its targets).[22]
- Able to cast illusions to make himself look like a monster
Conditions[edit | edit source]
- [Famous Name]
(For Leveling History see Here)
Abilities:[edit | edit source]
Undead:[edit | edit source]
Possessions[edit | edit source]
- Nekhret's Bones (all but the four bones he used for Toren)
- White robes, enchanted with a small protective charm and resistance to stains.[3]
- Arrowguard Ring: It can deflect up to 3 or 4 arrows. It does not work if the arrows are skill-augmented or shot from point-blank range. It recharges on ambient mana in the span of a day.[49]
- [Shatterbolt] Ring[3]
- Spellbook written by Djinni[10]
- Stalker-hide underarmor[50]
- Bell of Challenge[40]
Former Possessions:[edit | edit source]
- Waisrabbit Bone Wand
- Silver Fencer's Bell
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- His surname was first revealed in Ch 6.57.
- Pisces was sixteen years old and a Level 14 [Mage].[51]when he first entered Wistram Academy seven years ago.[52]
- He became a Level 22 [Necromancer] at some point during his stay at Wistram.[20]
- He is wanted by several cities for extortion and troublemaking and has a bounty issued by Wistram Academy. As a result, he rarely stays in the same area for long, because every time the academy discovers his whereabouts they send out a team to capture him.[20]
- The first Tier 4 spell Pisces learned was [Invisibility], though it nearly killed him. He studied every night for at least two hours for a month before he got it down. He learned [Invisibility] when he was Level 18 and managed to level twice from learning it.[53]
- The time he needed to learn a Tier 4 spell is not the norm, as it usually would require a mage much longer to be able to learn such complicated spell.
- Ksmvr is the only person who can annoy Pisces without also being annoyed by him.[32]
- Pisces has indirectly caused the deaths of more than sixty people (Toren's attack on Esthelm resulted in the death of "a lot of people"[30] and Nekhret's shades killed around sixty people at Wistram[54])
- Pisces was the first member of the Horns of Hammerad to learn of Earthers.[55]
- Pisces prefers Skeletons over Zombies, because he finds the latter rotting flesh unrefined. Because of this, he does not have any Skills involving the summoning of flesh-based undead.[56]
- It was already hinted at in 3.07 H that Pisces is not a noble from Terandria but common-born, which was then confirmed in 6.58.
- Pisces was around 14 years old when he first leveled.[8]
- Rufelt initially assumed that Pisces was a Gnoll as Erin had described him as a "sniffing [Necromancer]"[57]
- According to Ishkr's Secret Files: Employee edition, he is rated as a 4 star difficulty guest.[58]
- Pisces hates traps because he had entirely too many experiences encountering hunters’ snares or traps in forests.[59]
- Pisces is the first [Necromancer] in Innworld's history to be a Human titled duelist of a Walled City, have received a Bell of Challenges from Lesegoth, be a freed [Slave], and been on Terandria, Izril, and Chandrar.[60]
- In an alternative reality where Erin never woke up, Pisces had brief marriages to Selys, Revi, and Jecaina, and leads the Horns of Hammerad as the only remaining member from its second edition. He is Named-rank in his own right and a level 48 [Adventurer of Necromantic Duels].
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Chapter 1.08
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 Chapter 1.22
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Chapter 4.10
- ↑ Chapter 1.22
- ↑ Chapter 1.10
- ↑ Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 Chapter 3.10
- ↑ Chapter 5.18 S
- ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 Chapter 6.59
- ↑ Chapter 9.69 H (Pt. 2)
- ↑ Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 10.2 Interlude – Pisces (Revised)
- ↑ Wistram Days (Pt. 5)
- ↑ Interlude – Wistram Days (Pt. 5)
- ↑ Interlude – Wistram Days (Pt. 6)
- ↑ Interlude – Wistram Days (Pt. 7)
- ↑ Chapter 1.09
- ↑ Chapter 1.34
- ↑ Chapter 1.32
- ↑ Chapter 2.10 T
- ↑ Jump up to: 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 Chapter 2.32 H
- ↑ Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 20.2 Chapter 1.06 R
- ↑ Chapter 1.31
- ↑ Jump up to: 22.0 22.1 Chapter 1.42
- ↑ Chapter 2.02
- ↑ Chapter 2.04
- ↑ Chapter 2.23
- ↑ Chapter 2.33
- ↑ Chapter 3.02 H
- ↑ Chapter 3.07 H
- ↑ Jump up to: 29.0 29.1 Chapter 3.08 H
- ↑ Jump up to: 30.0 30.1 Chapter 3.24
- ↑ Chapter 3.25
- ↑ Jump up to: 32.0 32.1 Chapter 3.30
- ↑ Chapter 3.38
- ↑ Chapter 3.39
- ↑ Chapter 3.41
- ↑ Chapter 3.42
- ↑ Chapter 4.10, Chapter 4.37 O, Chapter 5.26 L
- ↑ Jump up to: 38.0 38.1 Chapter 4.37 O
- ↑ Chapter 6.39
- ↑ Jump up to: 40.0 40.1 Chapter 9.69 H (Pt. 2)
- ↑ 10.12 H (Pt. 2)
- ↑ Wistram Days (Pt 4)
- ↑ Jump up to: 43.0 43.1 Chapter 5.29
- ↑ Chapter 5.35 H
- ↑ Jump up to: 45.0 45.1 Chapter 6.51 A
- ↑ Chapter 6.66 H
- ↑ Chapter 8.38 H
- ↑ Chapter 9.36 HO
- ↑ Chapter 6.57
- ↑ Chapter 9.64 BH
- ↑ Wistram Days (Pt. 1)
- ↑ Timeline.txt
- ↑ Chapter 2.18
- ↑ Wistram Days (Pt. 7)
- ↑ Chapter 2.20
- ↑ Chapter 6.18 H
- ↑ Interlude - Rufelt
- ↑ Interlude - The Great Race
- ↑ Interlude – Adventurers (Pt. 1)
- ↑ Chapter 9.70 (Pt. 1)