Wesle Salkie

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Wesle Salkie
Wesle by Enuryn.png
By Enuryn (Cut-out)

Fuzzylips (by Erin)






  • Guardsman (Formerly)
  • Actor
First Appearance

Chapter 2.44

Wesle Salkie is an [Actor] and former [Guardsman] of Celum’s City Watch.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Wesle has brown hair[1] and wears fairly fancy red tunic and breeches.[2] He used to have a fuzzy mustache.[1] but now his lips and chin are clean-shaven.[3]

While he doesn't appear to be overly tall, just a little taller than Erin, he makes the impression to be bigger than the people around him due to the manner he conducts himself.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Background[edit | edit source]

Wesle once dreamed of becoming an adventurer or a [Knight], but realized that he didn't have the necessary courage and insanity, so he remained a timid [City Guard].[4] One of his favored pastimes was throwing horseshoes on a target pole.[5]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

The first Earther Wesle met was Ryoka Griffin who regularly passed by the gates but who rudely avoided conversation. Erin also first met him when he was posted at the city gates of Celum. After she paid an entrance fee to bring in living Ashfire Bees, he pointed her towards Octavia Cotton's [Alechemist] Shop. Soon afterwards, he was fetched by Grev towards the place where Erin had beaten up the Muggers who had been ambushing her when she had allowed Grev to bring her to the [Alchemist]. This next time, Wesle showed her there himself.[1]

Erin regularly visited Wesle at the city's guardhouse to ask if Toren had shown up.[5] As Wesle rounded up Grev again for loitering, and brought him to the Frenzied Hare, he was caught up in the founding of the Players of Celum, when he got to play Romeo as the lead actor, starring together with Grev's sister Jasi.[4]


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Famed Method Actor] Lv. ? (over 30)
    • Derived from [Method Actor], which was derived from [Actor]
  • [Guardsman] Lv. ?

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Everyday Prop]
  • [Method Acting]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • His surname was revealed in Ch 5.04.
  • He had a habit of scratching his fuzzy mustache.[1] Even after shaving it, Wesle still strokes his lips where his mustache used to be.[3]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

See Here

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Volume 2[edit | edit source]

  • (To Erin) “So, you took down three muggers – one of whom was a former Bronze-rank Adventurer – with your bare hands.”
  • (To Erin) “It was my pleasure, Miss Erin. And if you ever need help, I’m sure I’d be happy to help.”

Volume 3[edit | edit source]

  • (As Romeo to Jasi) “My name, my very nature, dear [Lady], I hate myself—because it is an enemy to you. Had I my name and race written down, I would tear up like parchment.”
  • (As Romeo to Jasi) “I fear your hand is too noble for mine to ever touch. But I have two blushing balms to offer you, my lips—to smooth your rough scales with a tender kiss.”

Volume 5[edit | edit source]

  • (To Erin) “Oh, nothing. It’s just that life is never dull when you’re around, Erin. I think I’ve had enough excitement and then you turn up.”
  • (To Erin) “Goblin bouncers. Or rather, Goblin guards for an inn. Break my legs, I never thought I’d see the like.”
  • (As Ilvriss) “Stand! I said stand! Liscor’s wall shall not fall while I am here! A Wall Lord of Salazsar does not retreat! Rally to me, brave Drakes of Izril!”
  • (As Ilvriss) “Cowards, cowards! Enough of this! If Pallass won’t send reinforcements then damn their cowardly tails to oblivion! Liscor will triumph alone! True Drakes know no fear!”

Volume 7[edit | edit source]

  • (To everyone) “Ah, the Crazy Human of Liscor. The leader of Goblins, the [Innkeeper] herself. Erin Solstice.
  • (To Ryoka) “I don’t know if I can cover this grief with a smile. But I could do a sad play—if there were one wretched enough for me.”
  • (To Ryoka and Players) “Are you serious, Ryoka Griffin? If there were one chance in a million—Players of Celum! Stop weeping and on your feet! We have performances to get to! Get the stage set! Get the B-team out of their rooms!”

References[edit | edit source]