Chapter 2.42

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Chapter 2.42
July 8, 2017
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Chapter 2.41

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Chapter 2.42 is the 50th chapter of Volume 2 and Book 2, Fae and Fare.

It is told from the PoVs of Erin, Lyonette and Toren.

tl;dr[edit | edit source]

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Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Erin decides to go on an expedition and find things that will make her inn more popular. While Ryoka is sitting in the inn and thinking, Erin takes Lyonette and Toren with her. Selys gets to take care of Mrsha for the day, and Klbkch promises to keep Ryoka safe.

Since there is deep snow all around, Erin decides to go shopping first. She buys a sled and other materials, then uses her [Advanced Crafting] to fashion herself a sleigh. Toren has to pull the vehicle while Erin and Lyonette ride it. Accompanied by curious Frost Faeries, and singing Christmas songs, the expedition arrives at the caves where Toren has found mushrooms before.

On their expedition, they meet a sleeping bear and in the fourth cave, a colony of giant bees who react violent when meeting the Frost Faeries. Erin orders Toren to get honey and honeycomb, and thousands of bees escort the skeleton back out of the cave, dumping him from high above into the snow.

On the way back, the group is attacked by Snow Golems, and Erin keeps some magical brain-ice from them. They also come across Corusdeer that were killed by Toren earlier, and Erin has Toren collect their horns.

Finally, Erin starts a sledge-riding trend in front of Liscor's city walls, demoting Toren to a sled-lift.

Characters[edit | edit source]

Locations[edit | edit source]

Creatures Introduced[edit | edit source]

Creatures[edit | edit source]

Items[edit | edit source]

  • Erin's Sledge
  • Glass Jars with various mushrooms, honey, Snow Golem braincore
  • Corusdeer Antlers

Stastics Revealed[edit | edit source]

Lyonette de Marquin[edit | edit source]

  • Classes/Levels = [Barmaid] Lv. 3 (+3) (Offscreen)
  • Skills = [Lesser Stamina]