Chapter 4.09
February 3, 2018
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Chapter 4.09 is the 10th chapter of Volume 4 and Book 5, The Last Light.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]
Ryoka returns to Liscor and delivers Teriarch's book to Krshia. She doesn't reveal to Ilvriss how Periss perished.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
- Zel Shivertail reluctantly sits in the Tailless Thief with Wall Lord Ilvriss and tells him about hearing Ryoka Griffin's name when he was in the inn. Ilvriss confirms that he has his retinue on the lookout for the runner but Zel berates him for only asking Drakes.
- Zel reminds Ilvriss about the threat of the Goblin Lord but Ilvriss is more concerned about the Antinium in the city. Zel tells Ilvriss that he'd rather have this conversation in the Wandering Inn but Ilvriss is incredulous over Zel preferring human food. Ilvriss orders more food for the both of them.
- Ryoka and Ivolethe arrive outside Liscor before she's suddenly ambushed by Mrsha. Some of the Silverfang Gnolls arrive to ensure Mrsha's safety and after confirming that Ryoka has returned with what Krshia needs they carry her into the city to Krshia's apartment.
- While Ilvriss tries to convince Zel of how good Peslas' food is they overhear Ryoka's shouts from outside as she's carried towards Krshia's apartment. Recognising her voice Ilvriss gathers his followers and they immediately follow.
- The Gnolls deliver Ryoka to Krshia and begins to ask Ryoka about what she's brought back for them. The runner pulls out the instructional tome she obtained from Teriarch and assures the Gnolls that the single book is enough to settle the debt. Ryoka explains that it was a gift from Teriarch, an incredibly powerful magic user, and Krshia reaffirms that they will never forget Ryoka or Teriarch's names.
- Krshia opens the tome and sees a written language that they don't know, she sends some Gnolls out to get a pair of lenses with translate, but an argument outside quickly begins outside. Ilvriss and his retinue are armed outside the building and have come for Ryoka. Krshia, Brunkr, Ryoka and the other Gnolls go out to confront the Drakes.
- Ryoka recognises the Wall Lord and is caught in a memory of how Periss died to Az'kerash's undead.
- Ilvriss tries to get the Gnolls to step aside, but they refuse feigning ignorance at his station. Ilvriss tries to intimidate them with a skill but Krshia still refuses to give up Ryoka. Ryoka however calls out to the Wall Lord. Ilvriss asks how Periss died but Ryoka uses the runner's confidentiality to avoid his question fearing for both of their lives if Az'kerash finds out.
- Watch Captain Zevara arrives with her Guardsmen to intervene between the two groups. Zevara tries to talk down Ilvriss but Ilvriss draws his sword. Erin throws a frying pan but Ilvriss catches it before he can be hit. Erin manages to hit him with the second. She's accompanied by Griffon Hunt, the Half-seekers and the Horns of Hammerad.
Characters[edit | edit source]
- Zel Shivertail
- Ilvriss
- Goblin Lord (Mentioned)
- Peslas
- Ryoka Griffin
- Ivolethe
- Mrsha
- Krshia Silverfang
- Brunkr
- Kerash (Flashback)
- Bea (Flashback)
- Periss (Flashback)
- Zevara
- Erin Solstice
- Halrac Everam
- Ceria Springwalker
- Pisces
- Ksmvr
- Yvlon Byres
- Jelaqua Ivirith
- Revi
- Typhenous
- Ulrien
- Moore
- Seborn
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Floodplains
- Liscor
- Tailless Thief
- Krshia’s House
- Liscor
Items[edit | edit source]
- Fireshot (Spicy Drink)
- Magical Instructional Tome of Rihal
- A black, cast-iron frying pan