Dullahans are a race of armored beings native to Baleros.
Physiology[edit | edit source]
Appearance & Physical Abilities[edit | edit source]
Dullahans are a humanoid race, with a loose connection between their head and body, and detachable limbs. When they take their head or limbs off their body, a dark orange/purple light can be seen flickering within the opening and mist coming out from the hole. Their body parts are magically connected through a type of magical sinew referred to as galas-muscle, which enables blood flow.[1] Even when their heads are detached, Dullahans are still able to eat.
Underneath their armor is a transparent skin where their internal organs, muscles, and tendons are clearly visible. It looks as if a normal Human skin had lost all their dermal layers, but left their organs intact. Touching their internal structure however lightly it was, is painful to them. If the armor breaks and something like a bug or dirt get's in, they will get an infection, hence Dullahans need to always wear armor to cover and protect their body, even if the armor is made with wood or inferior scrap metal, and why they tried to upgrade their armor, as it is their skin, and any holes would expose them to all kinds of dangers.[2]
Lifespan[edit | edit source]
Their lifespan seems to be below 80, as most die before ever reaching that age.[3]
Magical Qualities[edit | edit source]
Dullahans do not have [Shamans], only [Mages].[4]
Special Abilities[edit | edit source]
Dullahans can sense the area around their bodies, but it is not so convenient.[5] Still, thanks to this power, they can separate body parts and send them long distances. Their body parts can usually only be sent a hundred feet, but with practice, they could go further. It is said that the Seer of Steel can control his body thousands of miles from his head. This doesn't extend only to their body, but also to their limbs as well, as unlike String People, when Dullahans detach parts of their body temporarily, these limbs remain alive. Also, by fulfilling certain conditions, like advancing the [Juggernaut] Class, Dullahans can increase their size to become War Walkers.[6]
They are also slightly more resilient to mental effects than most other species.[7]
Weaknesses[edit | edit source]
As mentioned above, without some sort of armor to cover their skin, they are vulnerable to injury and disease.
Subraces[edit | edit source]
Half-Dullahans[edit | edit source]
Half-Dullahans look like humans, with only some of their limbs being armored and detachable, such as their arms. They may be treated as outcasts in Dullahan culture, and are at least on the island of Hesheit.[8]
Behavior and Culture[edit | edit source]
Dullahan society normally functions on highly specific rankings of status and protocol.
Armor and Status[edit | edit source]
For Dullahans, their armor is a reflection of their personality and their social standing in a hierarchy, all based on the type, quality, and materials of their armor on each different Dullahan. While this hierarchy is often unspoken, it shapes every interaction they share and exists in any group, even just between two individuals. Typically, the Dullahan with the most impressive armor always speaks first, and everyone else defers to them. It isn’t just what their armor is made of either; someone with ornate armor is more important than someone with the same material of armor, but less craftsmanship. As such it is considered rude and offensive, to not address them first.[9] Staring at a Dullahan's armor is a sign of respect.[10]
They traditionally make adamantium armor for their [Generals] whenever it is plentiful.[11] It is customary for Dullahans to honor [Smiths] whom they hold in high regard, even among friends.[12]
They gift armors to non-Dullahans they respect. It's considered a great honor, but also a test, as they expect the recipient to wear the armor even while away. They will not accept among them non-Dullahans who only pretend to be like them.[13]
Heads[edit | edit source]
Dullahans like to see things in two different ways, either by gently cradling their heads in their hands and turning it or by having their heads float by their side. Though it is considered rude for Dullahans to have their heads float by their side in presence of others, while it is a sign of respect to put their heads on their shoulders.[14] Staring at a Dullahan’s head is a sign of intimacy, in contrast to staring at their armor.[10]
Privacy[edit | edit source]
Dullahans are a private and formal species. They don't try to start conversations with people of other species unless there is some kind of necessity. Most Dullahans are prudish, and find showing their bare body to others embarrassing. Consequently, steam baths are considered inviolate, and no Dullahan would consider sanctioning a trap or an [Assassin] in one of them.[15] The most significant act for a Dullahan is to show their inner beauty or passion.[16]
Courtships and Weddings[edit | edit source]
Dullahan courtships are long affairs of protocol and getting to know the other’s families. It is controvertial for a highly regarded Dullahan to court a non-Dullahan.
In Dullahan communities, weddings are seen as group events and need not only the approval of the spouses to be, but the families and friends too. Anyone may speak during the proceedings to either reassure the couple the relationship is right or to state their objections, without directly addressing them, in a rare moment when it is societally acceptable to speak their mind. It is the custom for the bride and groom to listen to every compliment or complaint.[17]
Enmity and Grudges[edit | edit source]
Dullahans are a vengeful species, and will hold on to grudges longer than even Drakes.[18] They will ignore people they simply dislike.[13]
Relations[edit | edit source]
Relations with other Races[edit | edit source]
Drakes[edit | edit source]
During the time of Dragons, the two species were great enemies. As of the current age they are now allies, to the point that some Drakes even believe that they were always traditional allies. In Pallass, while Dullahans remain a minority, two of them occupy two seats in the Assembly of Crafts,[19] while another is the commander of the city's 1st Army.[20]
Demons[edit | edit source]
Dullahans are one of the few races that refuse to ratify the Pact of Rhir and thus aren't at war with the Demons. They have allied and made peace with them in the past. Some Dullahan cities send aid to the Blighted Kingdom, but the Iron Vanguard refuse to send a tithe.[21] They do not have a direct alliance, and claim to be neutral in Rhir.[22]
Dragons[edit | edit source]
The Dullahans of Baleros harbor a deep hatred of Dragons over past conflicts, and seek to kill any that exist.[22]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Chapter 8.51 D
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Chapter 1.00 D
- ↑ Chapter 6.13 K
- ↑ Chapter 8.43
- ↑ Chapter 6.09
- ↑ Chapter 1.05 D
- ↑ Chapter 9.23 GGGGGGGGG
- ↑ The Last Tide: Book One
- ↑ Chapter 1.03 D
- ↑ Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 Chapter 1.03 D
- ↑ Chapter 9.08
- ↑ Chapter 6.31
- ↑ Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 10.06
- ↑ Interlude - 3
- ↑ Chapter 5.50 G
- ↑ Interlude - Mundanities and Memorials
- ↑ Chapter 9.65
- ↑ Chapter 9.70 (Pt. 2)
- ↑ Chapter 6.31
- ↑ Chapter 7.03
- ↑ Chapter 7.34 C
- ↑ Jump up to: 22.0 22.1 Interlude - Foody Discussions
- ↑ Wistram Days (Pt. 3)
- ↑ Chapter 6.08