Eternal Throne of Calanfer

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Eternal Throne, by Enuryn
(Commissioned by Pirateaba)

The Eternal Throne of Calanfer is a dragonthrone gifted to Marquin at the end of the Creler Wars, and became the capital city of Calanfer.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The city is beautiful, and literally shines by day. There are laws against littering and spitting, and horses and other animals are forbidden from entering the inner city,[1] to keep it as clean and resplendent. It hosts diplomats from all over the world, and is the most-visited city in southern Terandria.

While it has plumbing and sewers, it is not to the extent of a Drake Walled City, where everyone could have a private toilet.[2]

Layout[edit | edit source]

The dragonthrone makes up the palace and the inner city of the capital. A river feeding into a lake separates the old part of the city from the new.[2]

City[edit | edit source]

Streets and buildings do not break in the inner city and barely flex during earthquakes, thanks to the magical material they are founded on. Later additions are held to a similar standard. The streets are covered in smooth, flat tiles of semi-lustrous stone in various colors, and some citizens can tell on which street they're on just by looking. They are so fine that even the heaviest cart couldn't dent them, and are easy to clean.[2]

Many spots of interest within the city have light-based names. Chelinese Tower is a building with a different restaurant in different styles on each floor. The Gardens of Twilight is a publicly-accessible garden with plants from many different biomes, selected for beauty. Other places include Sunbreak Bridge, the Midday Plaza and the Starlight Peak.[2]

The Skybridge is a bridge of crystal spanning the gulf of the lake that changes colors depending on the light of day and night, making it look like one is standing on pure light. It is forbidden to sail under it.[2]

Palace[edit | edit source]

Instead of walls and floors, the throne room is surrounded by starry space with stellar objects passing throurgh, and gravity is weaker within. It is filled with floating daises of crystal and light, connected by stairs of light. The royal dais burns like the sun, and was once the throne used by Dragons. It has a crystalline pair of high-backed thrones for the current human monarchs, which glow with the strongest light in the room.[3]

History[edit | edit source]

It used to be the Dragonthrone of Illuminations[4] of Raendersolis, the first Dragonlord of Dawn, who had declared himself Dragonking.[3]

At the end of the Creler Wars, the dragonthrone was gifted to Marquin by the remaining dragons for her heroism. It was later used as a city, and became the new nation's capital.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Seraphel also said the city is called Fezreit.[1]

References[edit | edit source]