Interlude – Chocolate Alchemy

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Interlude – Chocolate Alchemy
March 6, 2020
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Interlude – Chocolate Alchemy is the 17th chapter of Volume 7 and the 5th chapter of Book 16.

tl;dr[edit | edit source]

  • Palt dries out Erins beans with a spell, then they talk about their species weird quarks.
  • Wailant complains to Erin that the kids keep harassing him while he plants.
  • Erin, Palt, Relc and Embria, talk about the Military benefits of Nali-sticks, while waiting for the roasted cocoa beans come back from winnowing.
  • The cooks and Ishkr start grinding and sweetening the chocolate, when Visma comes in with a bloody nose.
  • The kids make up over their first Chocolate.
  • Dismayed over the small return on their labor, Lyonette and Erin start thinking of the most efficient use the chocolate, and how improve the yield.
  • Erin goes to Saliss's workshop on the 9th to bribe him but brings him back to the inn instead.
  • Saliss and Octavia meet and start to talk to about alchemy. Later Saliss invite her to his shop for an exchange of knowledge.
  • Erin mentions “I like him. I want to be best friends.” after Saliss goes through the door, to every ones amazement.
  • Mrsha gets pants.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Characters[edit | edit source]

Locations[edit | edit source]

Items[edit | edit source]

  • Cocoa Beans = Chocolate
  • Cigarette-sized Puffer
  • Vapor-less Puffer
  • Puzzle Lock
  • Sage’s Grass
  • Nali­-Sticks
  • Stone Grinder
  • Magical Door
  • Erin’s Happy Purple Flame
  • Wyvern Eyes
  • Youth Potion
  • Anti-Aging Potion (Mentioned)
  • Acid Jars (Mentioned)
  • Bag of Holding
  • Potion of Speed
  • Invisibility Potion
  • Matches
  • Baking Soda
  • Anti-[Appraisal] Ring
  • Magicore
  • Potion of Haste