Quotes[edit | edit source]
Volume 2[edit | edit source]
- (To herself) “—filthy peasants and monsters! They should all be wiped out!”
- To Erin:
- “I intend to go north as soon as possible. I will not stay another minute in this—this hellhole of abominations and freaks!”
- “Am I not your guest? And I am—weak. Why would you force me to work?”
- “She’s a freak! An untrustworthy spy and troublemaker! I insist she leave at once!”
- “Monster! You violent thug! Criminal! Rogue! You filthy, horrible, wretched—”
- “You consort with the dead? What kind of twisted monster are you? I defy your magic, [Necromancer]!”
- (To Erin) “I may have—that is not important! I am noble! I will not be sullied with a—commoner’s class!”
- (To Reynold) “I demand to be taken along!”
- To Erin:
- “…Are you unwell in the head? How will a frying pan kill monsters?”
- “Wait, you killed a zombie? By yourself?”
- “You are insane! I thought you were just unnatural, but you are clearly—insane!”
Volume 3[edit | edit source]
- (To Olesm) “Please, Olesm? Please? And I need butter and vegetables—I have a list here. Oh, and let me add…”
- (To Pawn) “What do you mean, it looks fattening!?”
- (To Zel) “If you’re willing…then welcome. As I said, my name is Lyonette. This is Mrsha. Welcome…to the Wandering Inn.”
- (To herself) “I, Lyonette du Marquin, swear on my name. I swear by my blood. Someday I will…”
Volume 4[edit | edit source]
- (To Erin) “He wasn’t ever good! He was always a monster! He’d push me into Shield Spider nests, make me run for miles without rest, hit me, abandon me in the middle of nowhere for hours…he was your skeleton, but you never controlled him! At all!”
- To Ryoka:
- “I thought—I thought he’d kill me if I told, sometimes. Other times I didn’t care, but no one listened. Because I always complained. When he was gone…at first I was the happiest I could ever be, until I realized Erin was gone too. And then you left…”
- “I think I was happiest when Erin was gone. Really. I was. It sounds crazy, but after I started working—when I had to do everything myself, I started being happy. Because I was doing it all! I was actually keeping the inn running, and feeding Mrsha, and getting guests—I did it. All by myself.”
- “But I’m a failure. I never reached more than Level 5 in my [Princess] class.”
- (To Krshia) “I, Lyonette du Marquin do solemnly grant you, Krshia Silverfang and whatever business you pursue my royal favor, now and unto perpetuity. You who have forgiven when we did not deserve it. You, whose kin we called friend however briefly. You, who have lost much—we offer our small blessing. Let the world know you are favored and that favor grant you all the riches you wish for.”
Volume 5[edit | edit source]
- (To Bird) “Um, well, I’m not certain. Why not? I’m sure there are birds that go out in the rain. Actually, I lied. There are most definitely fish birds, Bird.”
- (Singing) “It’s raining, it’s raining, water’s on the floor, Mrsha at the door, it’s raining, it’s raining—”
- (To Erin) “I am Lyonette du Marquin, a [Princess]. Sixth in line to the Eternal Throne of Calanfer, which isn’t actually eternal. We date about six thousand years back.”
Volume 6[edit | edit source]
- (To Zevara) “There must be law. And that was Drake law, wasn’t it? I survived. And I got a second chance, fairly or not, thanks to Zel Shivertail. I don’t think I’ll get a third.”
- (To Erin) “I’ve never done something like that in my life. How on earth did you do that? You don’t have the [Tumbler] class, right?”
- (To Erin) “We’ve got two cakes, unless Numbtongue or Mrsha’s eaten one when I haven’t been looking. And enough ice cream ingredients for eight guests. Or two Relcs. Why?”
- To Gnolls:
- “Don’t you dare call her yours. Or Plains Gnoll. Or think you can tell me what she is. Because she is mine! My child and I am her mother! Mine! My daughter!”
- “My daughter, no matter what comes to pass. My daughter, no Gnoll’s child but mine. Mine, no matter your past.”
- To Erin:
- “Because that’s not how it works, Erin! Do you think you can just ignore or—or fight something as big as Wistram? Do you think, really think you can be the lone, independent force that never negotiates, and gets her own way? Don’t answer! That’s exactly what you think!”
- “That’s idiotic. That’s not how the world works, Erin. You want to do that, be my guest. But if you put Mrsha in danger, I’ll have Apista sting you!”
Volume 7[edit | edit source]
- (To Erin) “He reminds me of you, a bit. A male you, Erin.”
- (To Erin) “Because I’m the mean, strict mother and person managing this inn. And you’re the cool boss.”
- (Thoughts) But that was Erin. Normal rules were like butter to Erin. You could take it or leave it or put it on toast, but it wasn’t an impediment to her.
- (To Pawn) “Honestly, I don’t know how your class works, Pawn. It’s so—unique. Mine? I’m very glad about being a [Worldly Princess]. Otherwise, only royal acts would allow me to level. Which is why most of the royalty are under-leveled compared to everyone else. Well—we also level slower.”
- (To Erin) “That is correct in everything, but—how can you be so wrong, Erin?”
- (To Erin) “It’s not our job to stop that. Let the Watch deal with it. Erin. Don’t go out that door.”
- (To Bird) “They’re too expensive. What am I saying? We are not mounting a ballista on the inn!”
- (To Mrsha) “Oh, so you believe a bit of fire more than me? How dare you, you silly little bean!”
- (To Ryoka) “Why, Miss Griffin, why would I possibly have a problem with you? At all? For any reason? It must be in your imagination.”
- (To Fierre) “She just ran a delivery to wake up the Archmage on that isle that killed countless people. You think she’d weigh the odds? Ryoka Griffin is insane. Erin…”
- To Ryoka:
- “You do. Because, why? You have a secret weapon that trumps everything? Or because it’s you? I thought monarchs had huge egos. But Runners take everything.”
- “When we first met—truly met, not me being an ungrateful child after Erin rescued me—I liked you. I hated Erin, at the time. Remember? With Maran and Safry?”
- “Do you know how many nights she cried for you? For you, the person who’d rescued her. And you were gone. I hated you for that.”
- “But then you came back. I was jealous because Mrsha loved you. She’s my daughter, you understand? I was jealous and that wasn’t fair.”
- “I wish she didn’t love you. I wish you’d never come back and she grieved and cried but forgot about you. Because someday, someone is going to have to tell her that you’re dead. It won’t be decades from now. It might not even be years. And that person will be me, or Erin.”
- “I understand. And it might be wrong. But even if—can’t you let them die? Because I don’t want you to die. Do you understand that? You’re too important to us.”
- “I could never do anything, either. I was a [Princess] without anything. I hated that. So I ran away. Now—I almost wish I was that old Lyonette. Because she was helpless. And she didn’t care. She didn’t have a child and she didn’t worry every night—I could stop you.”
- “I could. I’d have Pawn and the Antinium hold you captive. But that wouldn’t change who you are. Or why Mrsha loves you. In the end—I won’t get in your way.”
- “Giving you my boon! It’s a Skill! If you’re going to—why isn’t it working? Please don’t tell me I have to kiss anywhere else. I don’t even think—what’s wrong?”
- To Krshia:
- “If it was the choice between putting Mrsha in danger with a one in a ten thousand chance of her getting hurt and not doing it, I’d never do it, Krshia. Even if it made the Silverfang tribe the most powerful in all of Izril.”
- “Enough. Fine. You’ve made your point. That doesn’t change my opinion at all.”
- (To Erin) “Who are you? Are you really making plans? Albeit late?”
- (To everyone) “Erin is not this inn. She’s the heart of it. But it was never just her. Now, she needs us. More than ever. I won’t give up. I’m going…to Oteslia. To find a way to bring her back.”
Volume 8[edit | edit source]
- To Zevara:
- “She would have been upset, of course. And demanded—oh, I don’t know. ‘Days Since Dungeon Attack’, and ‘Days Since Mrsha Incident’. And that last one would never be above two, let me tell you. But Erin wouldn’t have been really offended—she knows what she does.”
- “When I was a girl, I wanted to be an adventurer. Or go on one. I had a grand dream that out there was everything I wanted. Everything I dreamed of. I suppose that’s childish to you.”
- “Today? I would have been happy to grow old without adventure. I feel old now. Somehow, I became a mother. I know I didn’t give birth to her, but I would never be anything else. I made great friends. I did something important, more important than my old life.”
- “And then—Erin was hurt. And it turned out everything I thought was so secure was so fragile.”
- To Nalthaliarstrelous:
- “—I believe you and I, and Druid Shassa, know that there was only one place they came from. And if they appeared in places other than that of Xif and Saliss’ gardens, they were stolen. I have no proof. But you were there.”
- “Perhaps so, Druid Nalthaliarstrelous. But do you deny that it is also wrong to steal and lie about the truth, even if it is obvious but without evidence?”
- “Saliss and Xif have their flowers. Oteslia can trade for them. But they will trade.”
- (To Ilvriss) “Can you imagine what Erin would do if she were here? She’d probably already have set loose a plague of rats in the ballroom.”
- (To Mivifa) “I have to go back to Liscor. I promised I would. I know a lot’s going on, but…it’s time to go.”
- (To Saliss) “It’s what we’re good at. Or have you never met a [Princess], Saliss? We are tools of the crown. I would have gone to another kingdom to forge an alliance. This—at least I care about this.”
- (To Magnolia) “I fear…with great apologies, Lady Reinhart, I might request a different cup? Mine is rather too sweet for my liking.”
- To Magnolia:
- “Forgive me, Lady Magnolia. But I meant to say…what is wrong with you? What has changed? Why are you so…timid?”
- “It’s too long, Lady Reinhart. We can do more. You say we will be allies—that is to say, north and south for only the most dire enemies. You give these species a chance to change over time. But I have been to a place where bonds just as great can be forged far faster. Why not ask for more? Let those who sign that contract be allies in all wars. In all battles.”