Mrsha du Marquin/Quotes

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Quotes[edit | edit source]

As Mrsha is mute, her quotes are through sign language or writing. As a [Druid], she can also telepathically communicate but only with other [Druids].

Volume 7[edit | edit source]

  • To Ryoka:
    • The days have pressed on, and one finds oneself wan of late. My dearest companions, Visma and Ekirra (of whom I have vouchsafed to you before), are passing well. I am currently recumbent in the inn, and my breaking of the fast has been quite fine.
    • It has come to my attention of late that my studies have allowed me to communicate in the written fashion. This first letter is addressed to you as I hold you in great esteem. It is still difficult to write, what with the difficulties of paws, but I know how and will continue to correspond with you as time allows. Please, continue to send more updates to The Wandering Inn, as I earnestly await your missives.
  • (To Palt) “Palt, can you cast [Darkness] on the second floor for us? Pwease?

Volume 8[edit | edit source]

  • (To Niers) “You’re very welcome, sir. I am sorry you got hurt. My name is Mrsha, it is very nice to meet you.”
  • (To Apista) This is no time for games, Apista! We’re in serious poo! Maximum poo! Look!
  • (To Calescent) Nice doing business with you. Remember: we never met. I was never here. Burn the card.
  • Thoughts:
    • You wound me, my friend. I wish I could be the bigger Gnoll. However. You have only yourself to blame.
    • To all those who have hurt me, I’m sorry. For what I’m going to do to you.
    • It helped assuage the pain in her heart, as if small kindness could make up for what she was about to do.
    • Ah, but it tasted like ashes. Like blood. Can my conscience ever let me enjoy another meal in peace?
  • (To Ryoka) …Whereupon I find myself disappointed by your pressing need to honor your affairs, Ryoka, I shall await your egress with much anticipation and conduct myself with all due diligence until such time as…
  • (To Ulvama) Can you pwease enchant my fur with armor?
  • Thoughts:
    • Boring competence! Her mortal enemy!
    • “So this is my fate. I’ve washed my paws in blood, and it’s time to dance the hempen jig at last. Do I have any regrets? Only that I didn’t get away with it.”–Mrsha the [Gang Boss]
  • (To Wanderer) See here a minute! You can’t just carry me off, tell me I’m Doom and then tell me I have to do all the running to wherever we’re going to! Am I a [Damsel] or not?
  • (To Wanderer) If we can’t get to Salazsar, maybe we can go to Oteslia? Pwease? My mother’s there.
  • (To Mrell) I have no father. I have a mother, and her name is Lyonette. Leave me alone, stranger.
  • (Missive to Lyonette) I’m here. Find me with everyone, Mother. I miss you.
  • (To Gire) Don’t say that. You can do something. Don’t be a stupid Lism. You can do something to help. I envy you.
  • (To Adetr) I’ve killed Face-Eater Moths, fought Crelers, Raskghar, and evil [Witches], rookie. Bow down to Mrsha the Warrior!
  • (To everyone) “Terrible, stupid, stinky people do terrible things. I lived, despite the [Witch]. Despite it all. I won’t let them do it again. Some day, I will be big and no one will ever do such things again. My friends won’t let it happen either. We all knew Erin. And each time this happens, we level up. When she comes back, everything will be okay. Until then—we have to do Erin-things.

Volume 9[edit | edit source]

  • (To Belavierr) “I can talk! I can say something! I’ve always hated you, but you have a great hat! F-forsooth! I can speak! I can—
  • (At the sky) No tea! No snuggling! No gods or masters!
  • (Thoughts) Help! I’m surrounded by old, affectionate people! Help!
  • (To Manus) I am going to curse you with all the bad luck in the world.