Relationships[edit | edit source]
Family[edit | edit source]
Lyonette du Marquin (Adoptive Mother)
Mrell (Birth Father)
Prha (Birth mother)
Urksh (Chieftain of the Stone Spears)
Friends/Allies[edit | edit source]
Nanette Weishart[edit | edit source]
She helped Nanette who was going through a rough time with the death of her mother and helped to bring her out of her shell enough to move forward. Now, as a fellow ward and young girl living in the Wandering Inn, they have become close and think as thieves.
Erin Solstice[edit | edit source]
From living in Erin's inn for so long and going through many dangerous situations while also experiencing the many wonders courtesy of Erin herself, she loves and admires Erin. She looks up to her as an influential guardian figure, enough so that she gains a smaller version of Erin's [Like Fire, Memory] skill after Erin's death.
Numbtongue[edit | edit source]
Numbtongue is not quite a normal responsible adult guardian to her but he is still older than she is. So he acts more like an enabler uncle type figure as his perspective is of a goblin who has short lifespans and thus, mature far quicker. He believes that everyone else is too overprotective over her and would join her into having more dangerous excursions than what Lyonette would allow.
Bird[edit | edit source]
A good brother to Mrsha in that they are both young and inexperienced in life. They would have fun, learn of new things together and play.
Krshia Silverfang[edit | edit source]
Her Gnoll guardian who teaches her about Gnoll culture from Liscor. Mrsha would have frequent lessons in Krshia's house to learn about things that Lyonette or Erin would be unable to teach her such as her biology or any customs related to Gnoll culture.
Ellir[edit | edit source]
Visma[edit | edit source]
A good female friend Mrsha's age from Liscor who is a drake. She would play dramatic house with Mrsha using all their dolls. She and Ekirra would often go to the Wandering Inn to have play dates with Mrsha in the [Garden of Sanctuary].
Ekirra[edit | edit source]
A good male friend Mrsha's age from Liscor who is a Gnoll. He is skilled with soccer and joins Joseph's team. He and Visma would often go to the Wandering Inn to have play dates with Mrsha in the [Garden of Sanctuary].