
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
(Redirected from Booru:Harpy)

Harpies are one of the Races that used to inhabit Izril, and are now allied with the Demon Kingdom. Unlike the usual Earth depiction of them in fantasy books, they are cultural, intelligent people and not monsters.[1]

Physiology[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

They look like Bagrhavens, but are smaller and less foul then them.[2] They have a humanoid torso, a bird’s massive wings for arms, and talons for legs.[3] Unlike Garuda, their winged arms don’t have talon hands,[2] but they are flexible.[4]

Their body size grows as they age, from the young ones being half the size of the average Human when crouched, while the older ones can grow twice the size of a Human.[4][3] An ancient Harpy can grow to be as large as a house.[4]

Like Minotaurs, who may have five-toed feet or hooves,[5] some Harpies may have Human features entirely while others take after more to their bird side.[6]

Physical Qualities[edit | edit source]

Diet[edit | edit source]

Harpies can eat seeds,[7] suggesting they weren't (entirely) carnivores.

Magical Qualities[edit | edit source]

Special Abilities[edit | edit source]

Some can turn their heads 180° like owls.[8]

Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

They are mostly only good in the air.[2]

Behavior and Culture[edit | edit source]

Harpies love to pose.[8]

History[edit | edit source]

Millennia ago, the Harpies and Gnolls were the two main species in Izril. They ruled over much of Izril and Terandria as the Empire of Iltanus.[7] At one point, the Harpies were forced from both Izril and Terandria, but still existed as the exiled Empire of Wings. While they aided the Blighted Kingdom against the Soiretham, they later joined the Demon Kingdom before Silvenia and the Giants did so.[9]

They suffer the most from Rhir's corruption, as they have to fly through miasma clouds, far above the stationary cleansing zones.

The current [Empress] of Harpies, Serinpotva, is the Death of Wings of the Deathless. She seeks to have her people return to Izril.

Relations[edit | edit source]

Drakes[edit | edit source]

Gnolls[edit | edit source]

Demons[edit | edit source]

Harpies are fully allied with the Demons, and both live side by side in the Demon Kingdom.

Soiretham[edit | edit source]

The Harpies initially made war to wipe out the Soiretham at the behest of the Blighted Kingdom. When the Harpies later joined the Demon Kingdom, they became allies with the remnants of the species until their extinction.[9]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Until Volume 7 Harpies were considered an extinct race like Jinn[10], Elves, Gnomes, and Halflings.
  • Due to lack of hands, Harpies place their food at head-height to eat.[6]

References[edit | edit source]