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Feren du Aquinteis (Assumed Title)
Feren Jealnet







Rogue [Necromancer]



First Appearance

Feremont, also known as Feren, was a [Necromancer] and an acquaintance of Pisces.[1] He was hired by Ailendamus[2] to kill the nobility of Afiele, a province in the Kingdom of Noelictus.[3]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He styled his appearance after Az'kerash, bleaching his hair white and later using illusions to give himself black eyes with white pupils.[3]

Personality[edit | edit source]

TBA From Interlude – Pisces

Background[edit | edit source]

Feremont used to be one of the senior members of a cabal of [Necromancers] alongside Gewilena. He was responsible for a trend among the members to emulate Az'kerash's appearance. When Pisces joined the cabal, Feremont was to one to teach him [Flash Step].

The cabal was destroyed when Pisces was tailed back to them after visiting his mother. Most members were captured and executed by being burned to death, but Feremont managed to escape.[1]

For a decade afterwards, he formed new cabals that were destroyed by [Knights], and he had to rob merchants and take assassination contracts for money.[3]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Gravesong Book One[edit | edit source]

Feremont was hired by a Baron of Ailendamous to assassinate the [Lord] of Afiele and his family, in exchange for enough funds to buy spellbooks and artifacts, and travel to another continent to start planning his revenge for the destruction of his old cabal. In order to have more undead to bring to bear, he formed a new cabal with seven other [Necromancers], though he had no respect for those he recruited compared to his old cabal.

He ambushed the carriage and escort of princess Seraphel du Marquin, thinking it was the entourage of lord Lantal Afiele. The princess confronted him about his assault and clarified who he was actually attacking. However, he did not let them leave, even when she tried to bribe him for sixty thousand gold pieces, desiring the bodies of the knights for strong undead and to experiment on the princess' body. As they resumed their attack, Lantal and his men arrived, destroying the necromancers' forces and forcing Feremont to flee.

His apprentices were killed, but he managed to evade his pursuers with invisibility, and seared his wound shut. When he recovered enough, he messaged his employer about not being informed of the princess using the road he was supposed to ambush, and declared that he could still complete his task.

While on the run, Feremont came across the opened Tomb of Afiele. As he entered, he was confronted by Dalius, who refused to let him despoil the graves. But as Feremont was about to leave, Dalius asked if he had seen a young woman. Seizing on the opportunity, he suggested that the person might be in a nearby village which was attacked by an undead horde. Dalius lowered his guard as he was about to make Feremont guide him to the village, allowing him to defeat the ghost in a surprise attack. He then proceeded to raise the bodies within the crypt.

Feremont visited a tavern in Adreissel, where he saved Cara from being attacked by ser Vimel by putting the Thronebearer to sleep. The two of them then began talking, sharing their distaste for the nobility, their desire for justice and fairness. He left before the Thronebearers returned.

He had animated a portion of the tomb's corpses, saving the rest for later. He then had the villagers of Qet slaughtered to increase his army of undead, and turned its blacksmith into a Draugr. With his army, he laid siege to the town of Adreissel.

Six days into the siege, he raised a Zombie Giant to finally break the town's defences. He rode on its shoulder and mended the giant undead when Lantal and the other defenders tried to bring it down. It successfully broke through the town wall. He then sent his undead after Lantal and his Zombie Giant after the fleeing populace. However, Cara used her song harrass him, hitting him with sparks until he created a barrier. They confronted each other and she called him a monster. Feremont cast [Deathbolt] on her and she appeared to die. He decided against reanimating her and commanded the undead to leave her. He then sent Ghouls after Seraphel's carriage to prevent the rest of House Afiele from escaping. He ordered the keep surrounded and everyone killed, then watched from the wall. After Lantal and Risel's deaths, he went to the keep and his Ghouls caught Sasi. She refused to address him, and he cast a spell on her and brought her with him, not noticing Culin hiding nearby.

He and his army pursued Duchess Grishen to her castle. He laid sieged to it for five days and nights, and his armies held the roads and blocked reinforcements. A ragtag army of Afiele's people marched against him, determined to kill him whatever the cost. Grishen left her castle and he sent his gaint and a third of his army to kille her, but it was a trap to destroy them by setting the Ashwheat field on fire. The plan failed due to sudden rain.

His army was then confronted by Dalius and the remaining undead from Afiele's tomb, raised by Cara to avenge their home. They contested his control of the undead and his army began to fight itself. Feremont launched spells at Dalius during the battle. Then the ghosts from the tomb arrived to fight him as well. The ghosts easily destroyed his army. Feremont fled on and undead mount as the vengeful people chased after him. Grishen threw her mace and brought the mount down, but a Draugr prevented her from pursuing.

Feremont ran through an Ashwheat field. He found himself surrounded by the undead raised by Cara, which he couldn't control. She confronted him once more, and she lit the field on fire. Trapped, Feremont recognized that in his pursuit of vengence he did not treat the dead well, and welcomed his end. The undead tore him apart and they were then consumed by the flames.[3]

Huntsong[edit | edit source]

Long after the previous events, Sasi would search for his bones alone in the burnt field he perished in. Feremont was reanimated as a skeleton of ash and attacked her, until the arrival of Belavierr who wished to speak to Sasi as the [Lady] of the region. The witch destroyed the undead [Necromancer].

Powers and Ability[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Necromancer of Slaughter] Lv. 30[1][3]
    • Derived from [Necromancer]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Undead: Boundless Speed]

Spells:[edit | edit source]

  • Tier 3:
    • [Flash Step]
    • [Message]
  • Tier 4:
    • [Deathbolt]
  • Unknown Tier:
    • [Animate D-] (unfinished)
    • [Animate Ghouls]
    • [Command Undead]
    • [Lance of Light]
    • [Mend Flesh]
    • [Searing Flame]
    • [Sleep]

Gravesong Spells:[edit | edit source]

(The spells that are shown only in Gravesong)

  • [Animate D-] (unfinished)
  • [Animate Ghouls]
  • [Command Undead]
  • [Lance of Light]
  • [Mend Flesh]
  • [Message]
  • [Searing Flame]
  • [Sleep]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • His first appearance was in a flashback in Interlude – Pisces. He would later on be mentioned several times as the rogue [Necromancer] that was hired by Ailendamus, but would be unnamed until it was revealed to be him in Chapter 8.74 DR.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Pisces) “Come on, Pisces. Learn the damn spell!

References[edit | edit source]