Goblin Days (Pt. 3) - Vengeance and Talking
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Goblin Days (Pt. 3) - Vengeance and Talking is the 30th chapter of Volume 10.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]
- The Frost Wyvern Lord tries to pick a fight with Goblinhome, but Rags stops him from attacking by inflicting emotional damage.
- Rags takes Snapjaw, Taganchiel, Rianchi, and Dyeda along with her to the Molten Stone Tribe, then to the Kraken Eater Tribe to try to negotiate an alliance.
- They intervene when the Kraken Eaters sack a village, helping the villagers escape.
- Rags and Chieftain Naumel have a duel, which Rags technically wins by escaping with the other Flooded Waters members.
- Naumel decides to take his tribe to the High Passes
- The Frost Wyvern Lord and Rags share a drink and spaghetti.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]

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Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Rags
- Gothica
- Bird (Mentioned)
- Taganchiel
- Prixall
- Snapjaw
- Rafaema Manusara Coloseuvia (Mentioned)
- Teriarch (Mentioned)
- Rabbiteater (Mentioned)
- Somo
- Calescent (Mentioned)
- Erin Solstice (Mentioned)
- Pyrite (Mentioned)
- Badarrow (Mentioned)
- Ulvama (Mentioned)
- Moore of Raithland (Mentioned)
- Kevin Hall (Mentioned)
- Naumel
- Rianchi
- Dyeda
- Reiss (Mentioned)
- Colthei Lacment (Mentioned)
- Magnolia Reinhart (Mentioned)
- Poisonbite (Mentioned)
- Redscar (Mentioned)
- Fightipilota (Mentioned)
- Lyonette du Marquin (Mentioned)
- Laken Godart (Mentioned)
- Anazurhe
- Tyrion Veltras (Mentioned)
- Mrsha du Marquin (Mentioned)
- Taulus Terland * (Deceased)
- Cazmaw
- Velan (Mentioned)
- Fituna *
- Wyverndancer *
- Skinner (Mentioned)
- Fetohep (Mentioned)
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Izril
- High Passes
- Volcanic Activity Region
- Molten Stone Tribe's base
- Taurrel Coast
Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Wyvern Lord
- Icecube
Golems[edit | edit source]
- Servant Golems
Items[edit | edit source]
- Bag of Holding
- [Terror] Gemstone
- Dwarfen Crossbow (Destroyed)
Statistics[edit | edit source]
Statistics Revealed[edit | edit source]
Rianchi[edit | edit source]
- Class:
- [Gearhead Biker]
- Skills:
- [Phantom Gears (+10)]
- [Double Pedaling]
Snapjaw[edit | edit source]
- Class:
- [Chieftain of the Maw] Lv. 37 (+6)
- Skills:
- [Body: Stored Energy]
- [Body: Metabolism 1000%]
Dyeda[edit | edit source]
- Skills:
- [Antiseptic Jab]
Taganchiel[edit | edit source]
- Spells:
- Unknown Tier:
- [Shield Spider's Nesting Ground]
- Unknown Tier:
Rags[edit | edit source]
- Skills:
- [Sense Heat]
- Spells:
- Unknown Tier:
- [Flashbang]
- Unknown Tier:
Naumel[edit | edit source]
- Skills:
- [Emergency Regeneration]
- [The Kraken Dives]
- [Racdelbear's Claws]