
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

I am the consequences!

Warning! This page contains spoilers from recently released chapters. Proceed with caution and acid jars.

By Pkay
  • Timewalker
  • Devourer of Gods
  • Devourer of Time
  • Great Devourer





First Appearance

Chapter 8.79

The Timewalker is the most powerful of all the Seamwalkers, capable of devouring a god.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

The Timewalker is the largest of all the other Seamwalkers, dwarfing even Giants. It has a misshapen head that has an approximation of a face with malformed feature and a squiggling line for a mouth, while its "skin" is chalk-white on melted rotted flesh. It has a hundred million eyes, with each eye being a "well into which time was sucked and distorted".[1]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Despite how ancient it should be, the Timewalker is still mentally young. It is curious and still experimenting with its nature. However, clashing with the ghosts and the dead gods taught it how to use its powers and its applications at an accelerated rate. It started understanding the concept of a name.

Chronology[edit | edit source]

In ancient times, the Timewalker ate the corpse of Iyedoth, the God of Time, giving its ability to manipulate time and making it the most powerful of the Seamwalkers.

The Timewalker was summoned to Kasignel by Sprigaena in an effort to kill the dead gods. It began devouring ghosts and learned how to use its time-warping powers. It was able to reach the world of the living and accelerate time in certain parts of Baleros, thus destroying the town of Yoirthe, and causing the Dyed Lands to expand from six hundred years of growth.

The Timewalker represented such a threat that the Oath of Time was invoked, summoning dead [Time Mages] from throughout history to fight it. It continued devouring everything around it. Kasigna eventually dealt it a deathblow and its body began to crumble.[2]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

The Timewalker passively consumes time. It is a corruption on reality itself, destroying the world by existing. It can devour other Seamwalkers as well, making them crumble to dust.[3]

It can move through time, finishing its climb out of the Last Tide in an instant[4], and letting agile targets like Dragons fall into its hands by moving through the order of events instead of moving spatially.[1] It can compress its slow movements into microseconds. It can freeze time on a target, immobilizing them.

It is capable of affecting the world of the living from Kasignel. With time distortion, it trapped Yoirthe and a part of the Dyed Lands in a time bubble for centuries which only lasted a moment for the rest of the world. It can clash against gods in a battle of perspective, asserting its domain of time against that of another's. It can simply deny damage to its body, and only bled because it was imagining how it died.[5]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]