Chapter 7.07
February 16, 2020
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Chapter 7.07 is the 9th chapter of Volume 7 and Book 15.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Chaldion
- Grimalkin
- Saliss Oliwing
- Krshia Silverfang
- Elirr Fultpar
- Palt
- Drassi
- Jelaqua Ivirith
- Seborn Sailwinds
- Moore
- Ulinde
- Erin Solstice
- Lyonette du Marquin
- Montressa du Valeross
- Bezale
- Mrsha
- Relc Grasstongue
- Selys Shivertail
- Olesm Swifttail
- Klbkch
- Zevara Sunderscale
- Apista
- Bird
- Ishkr
- Wailant Strongheart
- Geala *
- Geala's 8 [Caravan Guards] *
- ? - [Head Caravan Guard]
- ? - Celumite [Trader] *
- Numbtongue
- ? - Celum's Watch [Lieutenant] (First Official Appearance)
- ? - Celum's Watch Captain
- Cetris Duiland (Identity Revealed)
- Trent *
- ? - Celum's Baker’s Guild Representative *
- Eirnhen (Name Revealed)
- Agnes
- Ulia Ovena
- Timbor Parithad
- Octavia Cotton
- Temile
- Garia Strongheart
- Fals
- Soot
- Bearclaw
- ? - 2 Liscorian Senior Guard
- ? - Hooded Masked figure *
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Liscor
- The Wandering Inn
- Garden of Sanctuary
- One of Mister Soot's building
- The Wandering Inn
- Celum
- Plaza
- ? - Inn
- Stitchworks
Items[edit | edit source]
- Eir Kelp (Dried & Powdered)
- Montressa's Staff
- Anti-Magic Spear
- Anti-[Appraisal] Ring (x2)
- Bag of Holding
- Sage’s Grass
- Enchanted Cutlass
- Magical Door