S02 - The Antinium Wars (Pt.1)
May 28, 2017
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S02 – The Antinium Wars (Pt.1) is the 45th chapter of Volume 2 and Book 2, Fae and Fare. It is the first part of the side story of the Antinium Wars.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]

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Synopsis[edit | edit source]
The first half of the events of the First Antinium War are detailed by Krsysl Wordsmith. Here we learn about the start of the war up through Sserys' first major victory and his formation of the First Coalition Army of Liscor.
For more information on the war see: First Antinium War
Characters[edit | edit source]
- Ryoka Griffin (Cameo Mentioned) (Reader)
- Krsysl Wordsmith (Book Narrator)
Characters Mentioned[edit | edit source]
- Antinium
- Queens
- Workers Type
- Soldiers Type
- Great Queen
- The Blighted King
- Demon King
- I’sl
- Jekra
- Pessia
- Magnolia Reinhart
- Tyrion Veltras
- Sserys
- [Tactician] Drake
- One of the Lords of Zeres
Locations Mentioned[edit | edit source]
- Rhir
- Wistram
- Izril
- Nasserous
- Talvasor
- Walled Cities
- Zeres
- Liscor
- Ussls
- Ys
- Beresslars
- Washaven
- Swamplands
- Grassy Plains
- Shivering Falls Pass