S02 - The Antinium Wars (Pt.2)
May 31, 2017
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S02 – The Antinium Wars (Pt.2) is the 46th chapter of Volume 2 and Book 2, Fae and Fare. It is the second part of the side story of the Antinium Wars.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]

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Synopsis[edit | edit source]
This chapter continues Krsysl Wordsmith's narrative of the First Antinium War. It includes the rise of Zel Shivertail, the antinium assault on Liscor, Magnolia Reinhart's entry into the war, the assault on the Antinium Hives, and the death of General Sserys.
For more information on the war see: First Antinium War
Characters[edit | edit source]
- Krsysl Wordsmith (Book Narrator)
- Ryoka Griffin (Cameo Mentioned) (Reader)
Characters Mentioned[edit | edit source]
- Antinium
- Queens
- 1 Queen (Drowned - Deceased)
- Grand Queen
- Soldiers Type
- Workers Type
- 6 Prognugators (3 Permanently Deceased?)
- Unknown Type
- Queens
- Demon King
- Sserys (Deceased)
- Mihaela Godfrey
- Zel Shivertail
- Magnolia Reinhart
- Human Female [Strategist]
- Blighted King
- Goblin King
- Az’kerash
Locations Mentioned[edit | edit source]
- Izril
- Liscor
- Geir
- Geir's Ancient Dungeon
- 4 Antinium Hives (1 Flooded)
- Antinium Hive (Flooded)
- Main Antinium Hive
- High Passes (Cameo Mentioned)
- Rhir