Goblin Days (Pt. 1) - The Wedding
July 27, 2024
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Goblin Days (Pt. 1) - The Wedding is the 28th chapter of Volume 10.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]
- Rags tries to negotiate an alliance with the Kraken Eater Tribe, which is cut short by an oncoming attack force of Terlands.
- She is revealed to have obtained the Skill [Tribe: Guise of Neutrality], which disguises her tribe members as other species.
- Rags officiates a wedding between Dyeda and Rianchi
Synopsis[edit | edit source]

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Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Rags
- Redscar
- Grimalkin Duveig (Mentioned)
- Naumel
- Mrsha du Marquin (Mentioned)
- Tremborag (Mentioned)
- Anazurhe (Mentioned)
- Velan (Mentioned)
- Nolocks (Mentioned)
- Erin Solstice (Mentioned)
- Relc Grasstongue (Mentioned)
- Pyrite (Mentioned)
- Cazmaw *
- Snapjaw
- Reiss (Mentioned)
- Cliffdiver *
- Taganchiel
- Prixall
- Ulvama (Mentioned)
- Zelkyr Amerwing (Mentioned)
- Kevin Hall (Mentioned)
- Badarrow (Mentioned)
- Rianchi *
- Festerwound *
- Garen Redfang (Mentioned)
- Dyeda *
- Fightipilota (Mentioned)
- Magnolia Reinhart (Mentioned)
- Homeswey *
- Gothica
- Leapwolf
- Lyonette du Marquin (Mentioned)
- Calescent (Mentioned)
- Headscratcher (Mentioned)
- Shorthilt (Mentioned)
- Numbtongue (Mentioned)
- Rabbiteater (Mentioned)
- Tyrion Veltras (Mentioned)
- Ivywhip (First Time Mentioned)
- Longsword (First Time Mentioned)
- Orangepoo (Mentioned)
- Kasigna (Mentioned)
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Izril
- Taurrel Coast
- High Passes
Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Icecube
Golems[edit | edit source]
- Golem Bird
Items[edit | edit source]
- Wyvernhide Armor
- Dwarfen Crossbow (Broken)
Statistics[edit | edit source]
Statistics Revealed[edit | edit source]
Rags[edit | edit source]
- Class:
- [Great Chieftain] Lv. 39 (+4)
- Skills:
- [Silent Order]
- [Advanced Dangersense]
- [Tribe: Guise of Neutrality]
- [Memo]
- [Tribe: Fast Travellers]
Rianchi[edit | edit source]
- Class:
- [Gearhead Cyclist]
Dyeda[edit | edit source]
- Class:
- [Tattooist]