Interlude - Embria
July 2, 2019
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Interlude - Embria is the 31st chapter of Volume 6 and the 14th chapter of Book 11, The Titan of Baleros.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]

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Synopsis[edit | edit source]

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Characters[edit | edit source]
- Liscorian Army’s 4th Company (97 members)
- Embria Grasstongue
- Vell (First Official Appearance)
- Wikir (First Official Appearance)
- Kesa (First Official Appearance)
- Pielt (First Official Appearance)
- Igissi (First Official Appearance)
- Fika (First Official Appearance)
- Tlik (First Official Appearance)
- Relc Grasstongue
- Klbkch
- Players of Celum
- Erin Solstice
- Drassi
- Lism Swifttail
- Krshia Silverfang
- Yellow Splatters
- Mrsha
- Lyonette du Marquin
- Zevara Sunderscale
- Olesm Swifttail
- Pisces
- Octavia Cotton
- ? - Puzzle Gnoll [Trader] (First Appearance)
- Elirr
- Miss Twekla - Cat (First Appearance)
- Horns of Hammerad
- Wings of Pallass
- Flamewardens
- Tekshia Shivertail
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Izril
- Floodplains
- Liscor
- Barracks
- Adventurer’s Guild’s Practice Area
- ? - [Trader]’s Stalls Street
- Elirr’s Home\Pet Store
- The Wandering Inn
- Liscor
- Stitchworks
- Floodplains
Items[edit | edit source]
- ? - Coffee-like Beans
- Magical Door
- Blue Fruit Juice
- Interlocking Puzzles
- Healing Potion
- Evercut Spear
- Sword of Weight