Hag Queens of Aklat Vunn

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Hag Queen by Artsy Nada

The Hag Queens of Aklat Vunn are ancient followers of Kasigna from her original universe.

Physiology[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

They resemble large hideous frog-women, taller than the half-Giant Moore at en estimate of fourteen feet high, with squat hunched bodies with large heads and no necks. They had huge flat teeth and huge pupils. They had had mottled skin, foul and riddled with warts or gashes, and they look sickly and plagued with critters from their world. Their skin tones ranged from green, black, gray, and dark blue.[1] While appearing naked, they actually wore a layer of knitted skin.[2]

Physical Attributes[edit | edit source]

Even dead, their blood remains wet. Their eyes are filled with unknown tubules. They have huge inflatable throats that act like external lungs. They have several duplicated organs, and several small hearts, suspected to play dead or hide their heartbeat as a defense mechanism.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

They revere Kasigna, and while they are wary of failing their goddess, they are fearless of death. They have a particular hatred of beauty, and revel in rejecting it.

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

They are spellcasters armed with artifacts from their world and who wield powers similar to witchcraft. They coul cast deadly curses, grow in size, teleport, and they have control over the undead. They were capable of regeneration, are fireproof, and are strong enough to crush Draugrs.

Their spells come from the language of Aklat Vunn, which is high Deikat Vunn. Each word of power was created through mass sacrifice, and there is no mana cost to using them.[3]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

The Queens of Vunn used to be hundreds in beauty and wisdom. They would become the first worshippers of Kasigna,[4] until eight Hag Queens swore a pact to her and became her champions, to be reborn in her service. They sacrificed millions of their own people to create each word of their magic.[5]

Volume 9[edit | edit source]

They appeared on Innworld for the first time ever during the Battle of the Winter Solstice. Kasigna's Maiden aspect summoned their souls and restored them to life to kill Erin Solstice and her allies. They sent out curses and the first spell they cast en masse was teleportstion to help the undead assail the defenders. Valeterisa was the first to engage them, but they proved too difficult to destroy and she repositioned.[1]

The first Hag Queen died when Magnolia Reinhart aimed her ring and shot out a beam through one.

One Hag Queen was killing Riverfarm's forces until the eight most senior [Witches] stopped her. She and another Hag Queen battled them, and the two sides attempted to curse one another.

One Hag teleported away from the battlefield. She attacked Magnolia's mansion and the people residing there. She was then teleported away by Teriarch, who tried to burn her. But she was fireproof and grew to gigantic size. The Dragon was to tough for her to harm and he tore into her, killing her.

A Hag acted as a general for the undead, sending them to kill the humans with pure brutality. They were alted by the Combination Skill of the nobility's auras. Later a Hag was stopped by Seve-Alrelious, and she couldn't kill him due to the gift of A’ctelios Salash, spiting out his flesh when she bit his arm off. Refusing to face him, she send the undead to swarm him instead.

A Hag personaly led a charge against the Armored Antinium and Order of Solstice, and beating back Ressa and Tessa as she attacked the Wandering Inn. She was stymied by Bekia, but killing her distracted her enough to be hit by a lightningbolt, and then torn apart by Ressa and Tessa. She was then shot twice by Bird's ballista and covered in acid, which finished her off.

Pryde Ulta fought a Hag directly, who disfigured her with a hex. Another engaged the Drakes, who were then replaced by the Forgotten Wing Company's forces. As she prepared to kill them, Niers used his Skill on a sliver of the Floodplains to remove her magic. She was killed by the mercenaries.

One of the Hag Queens attacked Liscor. She breached the northern gate and entered the city, but was confronted by the Halfseekers. The Hag reanimated the bodies of the two Selphid members, making Jelaqua's body implode on her and having Ulinde's body tear her out and savage her. She plunged a knife into Moore's chest which would kill him, but he drove [Bloodseeds] into her, and they germinated and erupted from inside her, killing her.

When Nerrhavia struck a blow against the combined Draugrs, the remaining Hag Queens pulled them back to mend them.[6]

When Kasigna reappeared after summoning the [Necromancers] and Tolveilouka attempted to kill her, she sicced the last unoccupied Hag Queen on him. One of the Hags fighting the [Witches] broke off to battle Az'kerash and his Chosen. She killed Ijvani, then was crushed by a Bone Giant raised by the Necromancer. The Hag Queen fighting Tolve also lost her battle and died.

The battle between the [Witches] and the Hag had exhausted both side's magic. The Hag aimed at Laken, but Prost took the spell for his [Emperor], killing him. Oliyaya seized a curse aimed at the coven and directed it onto herself, making her head explode. Then Agratha made a boulder launched from a trebuchet curve and crush the Hag.[7]

Volume 10[edit | edit source]

After the Solstice, three of the bodies and their posessions were taken by the [Witches] of Riverfarm to study and create something from their remains, as per Oliyaya's last request. Alevica studied the spellbook of the one that killed Oliyaya, and Laken joined her in translating the text.[2]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • It's hypothesized that they lived someplace dark, and they may have been blinded by light the entire time they were fighting during the Solstice.[2]

References[edit | edit source]