Goblin Days (Pt. 6) – Of Dragons
August 1, 2024
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Goblin Days (Pt. 6) – Of Dragons is the 33rd chapter of Volume 10.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]
- Rags's [Risk Calculation: Attack on Goblinhome] alerts her to a 72% chance of an imminent attack.
- Goblinhome starts preparing for an attack
- Rafaema, mourning the loss of her wing, is currently living with Teriarch as the Brass Dragon helps Magnolia Reinhart and the 7th Hive clear the High Passes.
- Rags goes to meet the two Dragons to try to get Teriarch to help protect Goblinhome
- Teriarch is revealed to have made the key to the Goblin King's treasure.
- They go inside the Dragonthrone to talk. Rags tries to get Teriarch to reveal the truth of Goblins, but he reveals that simply knowing the truth can create a Goblin King
- Cirediel and a flock of Pegasus Riders arrive. He tries attacking Teriarch but the Earth Dragon is drop-kicked out of the air by the Frost Wyvern Lord
Synopsis[edit | edit source]

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Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Rags
- Erin Solstice (Mentioned)
- Poisonbite
- Prixall
- Anazurhe (Mentioned)
- Taganchiel
- Fightipilota (Mentioned)
- Redscar (Mentioned)
- Kevin Hall (Mentioned)
- Naumel (Mentioned)
- Xitegen Terland (Mentioned)
- Trueshot *
- Tremborag (Mentioned)
- Rabbiteater (Mentioned)
- Rafaema Manusara Coloseuvia
- Teriarch / Demsleth
- Cirediel Anvi’dualln Olicuemerdn
- Lulv
- Aldonss (Mentioned)
- Luciva Skybreath (Mentioned)
- Magnolia Reinhart (Mentioned)
- Eldavin (Mentioned)
- Normen Callesn
- Ama
- Taletevirion (Mentioned)
- Krsysl Wordsmith (Mentioned)
- Alber (Mentioned)
- Reynold Ferusdam (Mentioned)
- Kasigna (Mentioned)
- Hedica Skybreath (Mentioned)
- Tyrion Veltras (Mentioned)
- Greydath (Mentioned)
- Ressa (Mentioned)
- Khetieve (Mentioned)
- Mauri (First Time Mentioned)
- Ryoka Griffin (Mentioned)
- Mivifa Selifscale
Locations[edit | edit source]
Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Wyvern Lord
Items[edit | edit source]
- Healing Potions
- Stamina Potions
- Coating Vials
- Acid Jar
- Tripvine Bag
- Adamantium Boots
- Key of Velan
Statistics[edit | edit source]
Statistics Revealed[edit | edit source]
Teriarch[edit | edit source]
- Spells:
- Unknown Tier:
- [Labyrinthine Seeker]
- [Ray of Teleportation]
- Unknown Tier:
Rags[edit | edit source]
- Spells:
- Unknown Tier:
- [Featherfall]
- Unknown Tier: