
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

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Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Calm Emotions] 9.38 TV (Pt. 2)
[Calm the Land] Neutralizes tremors in the area of effect. 10.29 M
[Camouflaged Magic]
[Capture Image] 9.15 VM
[Casual Communication] Variant of the [Communication] spell. 10.28 N
[Cauldron of the Salamander] 9.35 O
[Caustic Acid]
[Cenidau’s Complete Chill] 7.56
[Chains of Ivory] Conjures bone-pale ropes of magic to ensnare the Target. Paradigm Shift (Pt. 2)
[Chains of Steel] Conjures long chains of metal that shoot forward and ensnare the Target. 8.23
[Chameleon Skin] 8.00
[Charm of Thoughts] A mental spell that helps defend against [Sleep], [Confusion], or other such spells. 8.38 H
[Charming Visage]
[Chaos Flamewheel]
[Check Time] Informs the caster of the current time. 10.27 GMG
[Claw of the Deep Abyss] Conjures a swirling void from which a hand emerges to grab the target. Paradigm Shift (Pt. 2)
[Claw of Volke]

9.38 TV (Pt. 1)

[Cleansing Bubble Barrier] 9.40 GG
[Cleansing Wind]
[Clear Emotions] 9.14 VM
[Clear Weather]
[Clear Skies]
Delays bad weather by suppressing local rains and winds.
Has the side-effect of making the delayed weather worse when it does hit.
Repeated or overuse of this spell can cause a magical typhoon and sympathetic storm to occur.
[Clone of Cete] 8.70 E
[Clone Person]
[Cloud of Darkness] 7.60
[Cold Air] Conjures and blows cold air. 8.46 G
[Coldfury of the Lizard]
[Cometfall of the Harpy Queen] 8.70 E
[Command Animal]
[Command Undead] Takes control of undead. Gravesong Book One
[Complete Grief] 7.02
[Complete Hush] Advanced variant of [Hush].
[Complete Muffle] Silences the Target's speech. Interlude – Songs and Wands
[Complete Silence] Advanced variant of [Silence].
[Concealed Presence]
[Condensation] Condenses moisture in the air to form water. 8.53 FH
[Cone of Brilliance] Trade and Travel
[Cone of Silence] Creates a cone of light. Solstice (Pt. 1)
[Confounding Obliviousness]
[Confusion] 8.19 H
[Conjure Prepared Dish]
[Conjure Sticky Pebble]
[Conjure Tidal Wave] Similar to [Tidal Wave], but works even in dry environments by creating water. 10.11 H
[Conjure Whiteout Blizzard]
[Conjures Midnight Familiar]
[Conjure Pebble] Conjures a pebble. 8.61
[Contained Room]
[Contained Sound]
[Control Insects]
[Coordinate Lock] Death and Stitches
[Cornucopia] Foody Discussions
[Crackling Armor of the Lightning Emperor] A bolt of lightning shoots down to encircle the Caster and forms a helmet, armor, and a jagged lance of lightning.
The lightning-armor delivers a fatal charge to opponents on impact.
[Create Glass Bottle] Foody Discussions
[Create Lesser Sand Golem] 8.12 T
[Create Mana: Death] 9.15 VM
[Create Mana: Earth] 9.15 VM
[Create Mud Golem] 8.12 T
[Create Water]
[Create: Pebble] Death and Stitches
[Crimson Storm of the Blood Demon] Has the same effect of [Blood Demon’s Lightning] Spell, but unleashes a thousand bolts of hex-lightning, instead of one. 9.06
[Crippling Indigestion] 9.17 R
[Cross Flameblast] 8.80
[Crystalized Thoughts]
[Curse: Bad Luck] Isles of Goblin and Minos
[Curse of the Dunce]
[Curse of the Frozen Flesh] Death and Stitches
[Curving Blades, Blood Torrent]
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