
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

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Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Labyrinthine Seeker]
[Lance of Light] Gravesong Book One
[Lance of the Bone Giant] 8.74 DR
[Lancearrow of Light]
[Lances of Perdition] Trade and Travel
[Land of Paradise] 9.66
[Lava Orb] Conjures and shoot a burning orb of molten rock. 8.52 MN
[Lava Wave] Opens a small hole in the air to cascade magma at the Target. 8.28
[Law of the Lucifen: Cease Breathing] Creates a vast bubble of dark command like an aura. Targets within begin to choke to death. 8.82 (Pt.2)
[Law of the Lucifen: Halt] 9.68
[Law of the Lucifen: Hellbound] 9.68
[Law of the Lucifen: Punish Arrows] Set aflame, in dark flames, the bows of the enemy archers that have attacked the Caster. 8.74 DR
[Leaden Weight]
Enchanting Spell that Adds Weight to objects. 7.10 K
[Legions of Radiance, the Sundrenched of Caonis] A Summoning Spell that summon a thousand warriors made of sunlight, bearing the regalia of the kingdom of Caonis. Each one is so perfectly done in detail that only the gentle golden light making them up marked them as not real people. 8.61
[Lesser Illusion] Gravesong Book One
[Lesser Paralysis Ray]

9.55 (Pt.1)

[Lesser Resistance to Ice]
[Lesser Teleport]
[Lesser Teleportation]
[Lesser Twister]
Saliss the Adventurer
9.15 VM
[Life Leech]
[Light Arrow Cascade]
[Light Beam]
[Light Bridge] Conjures a bridge of golden solidified light. 5.13
8.04 T
[Light Cane: Extended Materialization] Conjures from a far further distance than normal, a simple cane of light, like a shepherd might use, to hook and yank the Target. 8.64 K
[Light Flare] 9.29
[Light Nets]
[Light Orb]
[Light Spear]
[Light Stair] The Spitoon
[Light Wall]
A Wall-Defensive Spell thatConjures a wall of solid light. 8.04 T
9.69 H (Pt. 1)
[Lighted Arrow]
[Lightfold Armor]
[Lightfold Barrier] An Upgrade on the Defensive Spells [Light Barrier] and [Lightfold Armor]. 8.12 T
[Lightform Platform, Dais] Makes a dais of solid light. 9.14 VM
[Lightning Shroud] Conjures an aura of lightning around the caster. 5.08
[Lightning Storm]
[Lightning Tempest] Conjures countless bolts of lightning. 8.04 T
[Lightrope Net]
[Lightsand Arrow] Conjures and projects a bright arrow that bust into a shower of sand to blind an opponent. 6.13 K
[Limited Recreation]
[Localize Spell]
[Localized Earthquake] Conversations
[Locking Ward] Satar
[Locust Storm]
[Long Range Fireballs]
[Long-Range Repair]
[Long-Range Scrying] Scrying spell with greater range. 10.16 N
[Long Range Teleport]
[Long-Range Teleport]
[Long-range Teleportation]
Saliss the Adventurer
8.78 F
[Loud] 8.12 T
[Loud Voice] Allows the Cater to speak in a loud voice. 8.70 E
[Loudness] Amplify noise.
Untiered Spell Navigation