
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

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Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Eagle Eyes]
[Eagle’s Eye]
[Eagle’s Eyes]
Spell and/or Enchantment that makes things appear larger. It adapts to focus on distant images. 9.23 GGGGGGGGG
[Ear of the Bat]
[Earbreak Siren] Produces a wail of sound that is harmful to the ears, especially to those who have superior hearing. 8.34 R
[Earth Cannon] Interlude – Wistram Days (Pt.1)
[Earth to Mithril] Converts the ground to tough mithril ore. A slow wide-range ritual spell. 10.31 – Pt. 2
[Earth Wall]
[Earthen Floor]
[Earthen Shockwave] More localized version of [Tremor]. 10.29 M
[Earthen Wall]
[Earthshape] 9.48 BTIPRLJMWVRV
[Earthshift: Stone Flows Through Me] Allow the Caster to pass through the ground like they were entering water by having the earth, be it stone and soil, dislodge and moved aside around them. 8.70 E
[Echo] 8.12 T
[Elemental Suppression: Air] Renders any Spells, Skills and other Air related Abilities, ineffective. 7.58
[Elven Concentration]
[Emberash Spray] Spray hot ash. 9.37 HO
[Emergency Exit]
[Emergency Teleport]
[Empower Spell]
[Empowered Spell: (Spell)]
Vastly increases the power of a Spell. 9.15 VM
[Empowered Detect Truth]
[Enchanced Focus]
[Enchantment of Lightblade]
[Enchantment: Adamantium's Strength] Death and Stitches
[Enchantment: Deep Freeze]
[Enchantment: Flashfire] 7.36 C
[Enchantment: Leaden Weight] 7.36 C
[Enchantment: Void Resistance] Death and Stitches
[Encoded Message]
[Enhanced Casting: Tier 4]
[Enhanced Flame Spray]
[Enhance Spell: (Spell)]
[Enhanced Spell: (Spell)]
Increase the power of a Spell. 9.15 VM
[Enhanced Strength]
[Enlarge Person]
[Entangling Vines] Conjures thick, green ropes of plant matter from the ground, to engulfed the target and anchor them into the ground to rendering them immobile. 4.19
[Erase Memory]
[Everburning Blaze]
[Everburning Firestorm]
[Execution of Foes] Conjures a giant glowing sword to strike down. 9.70 (Pt. 1)
[Expedited Teleport] Instantly teleports the caster to a [Teleportation Anchor] 10.31 – Pt. 2
[Extended Spell: (Spell)]
[Extend Spell]
The Caster conjure the intended Spell further then it would normally be possible from them. 8.26 FK
[Eye of Clairvoyance]
[Eye of Mana] 9.66
[Eye of Revelations]
[Eyes of Clarity]
Untiered Spell Navigation