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Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Damage Shield of Flames]
[Darkness] Dims light to make the effected area more dark. Can also literally dim the sun shining down from above. 7.21 KQ
[Darkness Arrow]
[Darkness Pool]
[Deafen Ears]
[Death King’s Mirage of the Living]
[Death Wail] Sound-based spell infused with death magic to kill anyone it's used on.
[Deathblast] Conjures and projects a black wave of death magic.
A stronger version of the [Deathbolt] spell.
[Deathlance] Higher Tier version of the [Deathbolt] and [Deathblast] Spell. 8.28
[Deathward] Protects against death spells. 10.25 MG
[Deepwood Barkskin] A superior version of the [Barkskin] Spell.
[Defy Gravity] Makes the Target not be affected by gravity. 9.13
[Delain’s Fist] 7.31
[Delayed Fireball]
[Delayed Spell:(Spell)] 9.15 VM
[Delirious Happiness] Makes the Target feel like everything is inconsequential and giggle uncontrollably. 9.06
[Detect Aura]
[Detect Guilt]
[Detect Heat] 7.52
[Detect Intention]
[Detect Lies] Detect when someone lies.
[Detect Life] Detect the presence of life.
[Detect Minute Life] The Great Race
[Detect Parasites] 8.12 T
[Detect Poison] Detect if there is poison in something/someone, by having a black coloring appear were the poison is. Conversations
[Detect Rot] Detect the presence of rot.
[Detoxin] Removes poison from someone or something.
Deferent poisons may require to alter the casting of the Spell.
[Diamondshard Spray] Conjures and projects glittering shards of diamonds, with some as long as daggers. 4.49
[Dimensional Lock]
[Directed Compressed Burst of Air]
[Directed Fireball]
[Directed Spell: (Spell)] Binds another spell, such as an area of effect spell, and aims it in one direction. 9.15 VM
[Dirt Spray]
[Disintegration Orb, Beam Dispersal] Interlude - Death and Stitches
[Dismiss Specter] Forcibly send away ghosts. 8.75
[Dispels] Negates weak Spells and Enchantments. 8.05 I
[Dispel Magic] 7.52
[Dispel Magic: Mana Clash] 8.33 R
[Dispel Phantasmal Warriors] 7.36 C
[Display Memories: Factoid] 9.38 TV (Pt. 1)
[Distant Mirror] A scrying spell 10.08 (Pt. 1)
[Distant Vision]
[Dome of Air] 9.38 TV (Pt. 1)
[Dome of Water] 9.35 O
[Double Cast: (Spell)]
[Doubled Echo]
[Doubled Spell]
[Downpour] Call/Summon a heavy, drenching rain.
[Drain Life]
[Drain Momentum] Death and Stitches
[Draug Strength]
[Dry Clothing]
[Dual Binding: (Spell)]
[Dual Cast: (Spell)]
[Dust Arrow]
[Dust Cloud]
[Dust Storm]
Untiered Spell Navigation