< Spells
A[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[A Hundred Thousand Seeking Arrows of Deathlight] | Interlude - Death and Stitches | |
[A Thousand Shooting Stars] | Conjures miniature comets to strike the opponent. | 8.28 |
[Absorb Life] | 8.85 | |
[Absorb Mana] | The Caster takes in mana. | 9.15 VM |
[Absorb Recollections] | ||
[Accelerate Spell] | ||
[Accelerated Movement] | ||
[Acid Orb Volley] | ||
[Acid Rain] | Conjures a rain of acid to fall on the Targets. | 8.19 H |
[Acid Spray] | ||
[Acid Storm] | ||
[Acid Wave] | ||
[Acidic Blightwater] | Death and Stitches | |
[Activate Greater Teleportation Rune] | Death and Stitches | |
[Advanced Telekinesis] | ||
[Aegis of Debilitation] | Encircles the Targets with rings of red light that drain their vitality. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Aegis of Saimune] | 8.28 | |
[Aegis of True Invincibility] | ||
[Aerial Burst] | Conjures a shockwave that blasts the target off their feet and into the air. | 6.22 D |
[Aerial Shield] | A [Barrier] Spell that hovers in the air. | 9.15 VM |
[Age of Frost] | Snap-freezes an entire area in a moment. Coats anyone and anything in its radius with frost. | Paradigm Shift (Pt. 2) |
[Ailendamus’ Lancearrows] | ||
[Air Jet] | ||
[Air Volt] | ||
[Airless Box] | Sucks the air out of the targeted area. | Chapter 8.45 O |
[Alarm] | ||
[Almighty Regeneration] | More powerful [Regeneration] spell. Able to regrow the limbs of Dragons. | Of Dragons |
[Alter Spell] | 9.15 VM | |
[Alter Velocity] | 8.28 | |
[Amplify Hearing] | ||
[Amplify Sound] | Amplifies sounds. | |
[Analysis] | ||
[Analysis: Mana Trace] | ||
[Anchor Spell: Self] | ||
[Ancient Form] | ||
[Anti-Flame] | ||
[Anti-Magic Ward] | ||
[Animate Dead] | Reanimates a dead body into a basic Undead. | |
[Animate Frostmarrow Behemoth] | 8.78 F | |
[Animate Ghouls] | Reanimates a dead body into a Ghoul. | Gravesong Book One |
[Animate Vermin] | ||
[Annie’s Contemplation of the Mind] | Delves into the caster's mind to contemplate specific knowledge. The Spell is named after the [Mage] Annie, a mental magic specialist. |
8.70 E |
[Antigravity] | Orients an object’s weight in the opposite direction. | Innovation and Invention |
[Apista’s Jetflame] | Conjures a jet of flame to propel the caster. | |
[Appraisal] | Allows the Caster to see someone's Classes, Levels and Skills. | 7.07 |
[Appraisal of the World’s Eye] | ||
[Aqua Lung] | Allows the caster to breathe underwater. | 9.34 |
[Aquatic Sinkhole] | 8.70 E | |
[Arc of Midnight] | Enchantment that turns a plain blade into a massive, pitch-black magical blade that can cut a person in half. | 4.46 9.69 H (Pt. 1) |
[Arced Grand Lightning] | ||
[Arcane Barrier] | ||
[Arcane Familiars] | 9.25 | |
[Arise, Forests of Estiphole] | Sprouts giant trees from the earth. | 9.06 |
[Arlell’s Articulation] | ||
[Arm of the Stone Giant] | Conjures a stone pillar. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Armor of Thorns] | Conjures thorny vines that twist into armor around the caster or target. | 5.08 |
[Army: [Firebolt]] | ||
[Arrows of Filled Glass] | ||
[Arrow of Fire] | ||
[Arrow of Stone] | ||
[Arrowform: Bird] | 9.57 B | |
[Arrows of Flame] | 8.85 | |
[Arrows of Lightning] | ||
[Arrows of the Lightning Queen] | Fires 300 arrows as fast as electricity can move. | 8.70 E |
[Astral Binding] | ||
[Astral Clock] | Allows the Caster to check the time. | 8.61 |
[Aura Binding: (Spell)] | ||
[Aura Detection] | An Aura-based detection spell that senses the presence of auras in the Caster's vicinity. | 8.04 T |
[Aura Mute] | Hides the Caster's aura from Aura-based detection spells / Skills. | 8.04 T |
[Aura Reader] | See the Target's Classes/Levels from their Aura. | 8.04 T |
[Aura Shield] | Blocks the effects of Auras. | 7.13 K |
[Aura Tracers] | ||
[Avalanche of the Stone Giant] | Blasts out hundreds of boulders at the Target. | Interlude – The Grove |