< Spells
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Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Rain] | Call/Summon rain. | |
[Rain of Frozen Tears] | Rains a deadly rain of countless sharpened tip of ice shards, like needles, as fast and as hard as rain. | 8.58 PFH |
[Raise Dead] | ||
[Raise Earthen Wall] | ||
[Raise Skeleton] | Reanimates Skeletons. | |
[Rampant Magic] | 9.69 H (Pt. 1) | |
[Randimen’s Tracer] | ||
[Rapid Teleportation] | ||
[Rapier: Boneclad Enchantment] | ||
[Raven Eyes] | Enchant ones eyesight so that they can se nearly a 100 miles away. | 7.49 |
[Ray of Dawn] | ||
[Ray of Disintegration] [Disintegration Ray] |
The Caster shoots an orange-red light laser that disintegrate anything it pass through. It can go through magical barrier and reinforced enchanted walls with ease. |
8.28 |
[Ray of Entropy] | ||
[Ray of Force] | ||
[Ray of Frost] | Shoots a ray of shimmering light that forms intense cold ice to whatever it touches. | 2.22 |
[Ray of Shattering] | Shoots a pale ray that can shatter whatever it strike to pieces. | 8.04 T |
[Ray of Strength Drain] | ||
[Razorfangs] | ||
[Razorgrass Patch] | ||
[Razorwind Disc] | 8.79 | |
[Reality: Rewind Time] | Spell of the Grand Design. It rewinds time to a past event. | The Pilot and the Knight |
[Reality: Stop Time] | Spell of the Grand Design. Halts everything. | The Pilot and the Knight |
[Recall Memories] | Recall specific memories that are stored in one own's head. | |
[Recall Memory] | Recall a specific memory that is stored in one own's head. | |
[Recast: (Spell)] | Quickly re-casts the Caster's previous spell. | 8.82 pt.2 |
[Reconstruct]/[Reconstruction] | Reconstruct any non-magical creation. | |
[Reduce Size] | ||
[Reduce Spell: (Spell)] | Reduces the intensity of a spell, removing some of the danger. | 10.04 V |
[Reduce Weight] | ||
[Reduced Fireball] | ||
[Refraction Barrier: Flame] | ||
[Regeneration] | 8.00 | |
[Regrow Flesh] | Mends minor injuries. Possible to make a mistake while healing the Target. | 10.29 M |
[Regrow Wood] | 8.12 T | |
[Regrowth] | ||
[Remove Blindness] | Restores the eyesight of someone who was temporally blinded by an intense flash of light. Unknown if it can restores other types of blindness. |
8.04 T |
[Remove Deafness] | Restores the hearing of someone who was temporally deafened by an loud noise. Unknown if it can restores other types of deafness. |
9.06 |
[Remove Fear] | ||
[Remove Hangover] | ||
[Remove Intoxication] | Removes toxins, like alcohol intoxication, from someone's body. | 7.26 |
[Remove Minor Stains] | ||
[Remove Paralysis] | ||
[Remove Stain] | 7.51 | |
[Renew Plants] | Renew dead plants. Require huge amount of mana to renew some of the most magical plants. |
8.09 |
[Repair] | Repair any non-magical creation. It can also recharge any electronic objects. The Spell fails to work if the damage is too great or the material too advanced. The Spell can also recharge any electronic objects, like phones. |
1.07 R 7.45 2.05 |
[Replay Memory] | 8.70 E | |
[Replenish Mana] | ||
[Repulsion Barrier] | Conjures a barrier that push away anything that comes in contact with it. | |
[Repulsion Wave] | Conjures and projects a wave that push away anything that comes in contact with it. | |
[Resist Element: Acid] | ||
[Resistance to Lightning] | ||
[Resistance: Cold] | ||
[Resonance: Chitrx Metal] | 9.50 | |
[Restore] | 9.51 Z | |
[Resurrection] | 8.75 8.82 (Pt. 3) | |
[Reverse Gravity] | Reverses the gravity of the Target so that they fall to the opposite direction of were gravity is pulling them. | 9.13 |
[Rewind Memory] | 9.14 VM | |
[Ritual of Land's Cataclysm] | A [Grand Ritual] spell that creates a deep chasm in the earth and unleashes a volcanic eruption upon the Target(s). | 8.83 |
[Ritual of the Cataclysm: The Storm of the Lightning Emperor] | ||
[Ritual of the Lord of Bones] | The Caster performs a ritual by using many bones to Summon a powerful Skeleton Lord. The Caster can also use fully intact corpses for the ritual, as only the bones are used which fuse together for the summoning, leaving a sigil in the ground, while the rest is consumed by the Spell. The Skeleton Lord fights like the things it was made of, so if the bones of a skilled warriors are used he fight like them, and if the bones of unskilled warriors are used then he perform fights poorly. The full power of the Ritual is to designed to attenuate and customize a powerful lord of bones. First in construction, then customization by attune a varied weapon to the very heart of the Skeleton Lord, designing its entire battle strategy and combat prowess around a weapon so that the Skeleton Lord would fight with it, as an eternal weapon. |
Pisces 8.38 H |
[Ritual of the Verdant Bloom] | ||
[Ritual of True Creation] | Creates a soul for the construct. Only works if the spot for the soul formula is left blank and lets magic fill the void. | Chapter 7.14 T 10.32 – Pt. 1 |
[Room of Force] | ||
[Room of Stasis] | ||
[Room of Weightlessness] | A Gravity Spell that null the gravity in a room-sized area. | Luan the Giant |
[Room: Vaccum of Air] | Creates an area without air. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Roving Silent Sickle] | ||
[Rune of Paralysis] | The Caster write a paralysis rune on something to activate later, to lock down the body and magic of those in its area of effect, but not their Skills. Even when the body is paralysed the victims can still talk and even move their head slightly. |
8.63 K 8.64 K |
[Rune of Warmth] |