Ryoka Griffin

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Ryoka Dawning Griffin
Ryoka Portrait by LeChatDemon.jpg
By LeChatDemon (Cut-out)
  • Batman
  • Wind Runner
  • Wind Runner of Reizmelt
  • Windfriend
  • Sunburst
  • Windy Girl
  • Windy Girl of Ailendamus











First Appearance

Interlude – 1.00 R

Ryoka (Ryō ka / 涼香)[3] Dawning Griffin, or just Ryoka Griffin, is an Earther who was teleported to Izril and became a Runner.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Ryoka has a distinctly Asian/Japanese appearance, with long raven-black hair, bright green eyes[4] and tanned skin. She is very tall with a height of 6'1[3] and has an athletic build. She isn't wearing any shoes, as she prefers to run, or walk barefoot.[5]

When her long hair doesn't cover her ears, it becomes noticeable that her left ear had been torn in the past, as the lower part of her earlobe is missing, and the remainder had healed jaggedly around the round gap.[6] That isn't the only thing she is missing; Ryoka has also lost two fingers of her right hand (pinkie and ring fingers specifically).[7]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Ryoka was like a two-headed Ogre, with one head who told you lies, and the other one told you the truth, but both heads hated each other and the Ogre kept running around screaming about her personal issues.
Rags' opinion of Ryoka[8]

Ryoka is prideful and hotheaded, and has enough insecurities and angst for ten people. She is very individualistic, preferring to be alone and avoid engaging in conversation with other people, though she later makes an effort to be more sociable.[9] Often moody, she can be short-tempered and has anger issues, which can build up and cause her to lash out. Ryoka is intelligent, having maintained a 3.89 GPA in school, and is knowledgeable on a variety of subjects that most people her age wouldn't know about. She is highly analytical with excellent deductive reasoning, being able to dissect a situation and come up with potential outcomes. However, also being reckless and impulsive, she often ends up acting in the heat of the moment thus leading to bodily harm. While she has few friends, she cares for all of them and is highly protective.

Ryoka has a tendency to think that she's the smartest person in the room and is sometimes condescending to others. While she has made strides to fix her superior attitude, she can still be self-centered, thinking that she has to make the hard decisions for everyone. Ryoka is also extremely paranoid about sharing Earth-knowledge to another world, believing it could result in devastating consequences.

After meeting several immortal beings, Ryoka has developed a fascination for them, trying to find out more about them, while also wanting them to like her. This is shown by her returning to Teriarch after remembering he was a Dragon,[10] or when she tried to get to know Belavierr, even after finding out she was an "evil witch" and a Named-rank threat.[11]

Background[edit | edit source]

Ryoka was either born in New York City[12] or in Oakland, California.[3]. Either way, she considers herself a girl from Ohio.[6][13] She's half-Japanese, born to an Caucasian-American father and a Japanese mother. Due to little interest in the Japanese language, Ryoka can speak the language only a bit.[14] She comes from a rich family and "enjoyed" a diverse and good education; but on the same time was a problem child, antisocial and regularly aggressive towards persons of authority, including her Dad. She still hates older men, as they remind her of her father[3], who is a fairly powerful figure in both politics and business at her home.[15]

She attended many schools, including boarding schools, but wouldn't fit in there: She was kicked out of two high schools. When she was abducted from Earth, she would have been a freshman in college[6][16] and in Columbia University.[17] There, she was accepted with a Track and Field scholarship, specializing in the 400-meter run. She had a 3.89 GPA average and refused Mensa membership.

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Ryoka running past the lich by LeChatDemon

Volume 1[edit | edit source]

When she was teleported to the other world in October 2016,[13][18] she appeared in the middle of a crowded street in a human city in northern Izril while she was out jogging; only having her wallet, her watch and her iPhone with her.[6] She decidedly wanted to avoid spilling her knowledge among the locals, so that she wouldn't influence the natives in any way. So she became a runner around the southernmost cities of the human part of Izril.

Her sudden appearance, her barefoot running and her becoming the fastest city runner around Remendia and Wales attracted the attention of several people, including Magnolia Reinhart, who tried to gather information from Ryoka but failed to even guess her homelands. That made Magnolia even more determined to interrogate Ryoka, who was severely injured after being bullied by 'fellow' Runner Persua.[19] Magnolia offered her to take her to a healer, knowing that fixing the broken leg would costs hundreds of gold coins.[20] However, Ryoka had recently made the acquintance of the Horns of Hammerad, who helped her out by taking her to Liscor, where she met Ceria's former friend Pisces. He healed Ryoka for forty gold coins, much less than a high-level healer would have charged for a [Restoration] spell.[17]

Ryoka was then blocked by the Runner's Guild until she would agree to meeting Magnolia again, which Ryoka staunchly refused. Instead, she took a request to run into the highly dangerous High Passes, where she met Teriarch who gave her the quest to find Az'kerash for a delivery.[21] Ryoka accepted, but first asked the adventurer Ceria about how to do magic, and it turned out that she is able to perform a little.[22] Ryoka, in a bad mood, then dueled both the adventurers Yvlon Byres and Calruz, which didn't go too well for her.[23]

Desperate again and disgusted with herself, Ryoka set out past Liscor for the Bloodfields, but couldn't find anything there except the willpower to run back to Liscor and search for her (hopefully) friends, if they would even have her after the bad impression she left with them. Ryoka was crushed to learn that the Horns of Hammerad had utterly perished in their expedition into the Ruins of Liscor just days earlier.[24]

Volume 2[edit | edit source]

Just in that situation, Ryoka got an invitation to a magical Group Chat and learned that she is by far not the only person from Earth stuck in this foreign world, and that there are other groups, either meaning ill or well, who are after them, probably for their secret knowledge. This group chat changed Ryoka's entire outlook, since she now knew she needs to cooperate with others and prevent the worst. After Ryoka recovered from that discovery in an inn on the wayside, the [Innkeeper] Erin Solstice revealed that she is from Earth as well.[25]

Ryoka impressed on Erin to keep their secret about their common origins. After being told by Pisces that Ceria might still be alive, they mounted a rescue expedition into the ruins to get her out.[26] Then, the Named Adventurer Gazi appeared and tried to kidnap both girls, and they only narrowly escaped that fate.[27]

That same day, winter started, and Ryoka, trying to earn them more money, eventually left Liscor to make more serious preparations for her run into the south. She first turned north, pestered by Frost Faeries, and found the [Alchemist] Octavia in Celum,[28] from whom she ordered some potions, including a stink potion which she used to get to Teriarch again. Facing that strange 'elven mage' again, she renegotiated the deal with him.[29]

On her return to Liscor, she met two Couriers, Val and Hawk, the first of whom helped Ryoka to fight against the memory block with which Teriarch hid from Ryoka that he is in fact a mighty dragon. As she stayed at Erin's inn again, Ryoka also helped Erin holding an impromptu iPhone concert.[30]

Ryoka made a second attempt to complete her delivery to Az'kerash soon after, but was harassed for over a week by Frost Faeries until she was rescued from an avalanche by Mrsha, a young Gnoll from the Stone Spears Tribe. Ryoka became friends with their leader Urksh and also reconciliated with the Faeries.[31] On her way to Az’kerash she also met Ilvriss and Zel Shivertail battling each other, then she escaped the Necromancer[32] and also rescued Mrsha from the Goblin Lord. Two of her fingers were bitten off by a goblin, which is a lasting scar.[33] She got little rest afterwards, as she had to track down Erin just three days later, when Erin was abducted by Toren to Celum.[34]

Volume 3[edit | edit source]

Ryoka running with Ivolethe, by Nordink

In Celum, Ryoka and Erin had to stay for some days, during which time Ryoka got to befriend Ivolethe. Then, she got the chance to meet the reformed Horns of Hammerad in Ocre, but was pulled from their inn immediately by Ressa.[35]

She was brought to Invrisil where Lady Magnolia talked with her. Afterwards, Ryoka was allowed to study in her library before she got to know Laken Godart who was searching for help for Riverfarm. Ryoka agreed to help out and made a supply run right before Winter Solstice.

Volume 4[edit | edit source]

to be written Az'kerash's ultimatum. Death of Brunkr. Ivolethe "dies", but Ryoka is saved by Teriarch.

Volume 6[edit | edit source]

Ryoka stayed in Reizmelt where she met, among others, Farmer Lupp, Innkeeper Madain, Fistfighter Alber and enterprising Vampire Fierre, the latter of whom becomes a new friend.

On request of Lady Bethal Walchaís, Ryoka made a run to Walta, where she met Charlay; together with the Centaur she followed a request by Laken Godart who requested Ryoka to oversee his Unseen Empire. Ryoka persevered through the crisis there that involved Witch Hunters and a Drake [Arsonist] laying a major conflagration, then returned towards Reizmelt where she rescued Magnolia's Earthers during an [Assassin] attack and told them to go to Liscor.

Volume 7[edit | edit source]

Weeks after sending Magnolia's Earthworlders to the south without guidance nor their electronics, Ryoka was ambushed by the Bloodfeast Raiders near Celum on her way to Teriarch from whom she hoped assistance. The Dragon gave her tips on how to see Ivolethe again.

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Ryoka has intentionally prevented herself from leveling or gaining skills. She did however take a lesson in magic from Ceria[36] and learn a basic [Light] spell, without being constrained by the need of a [Mage] class. Ryoka has since spent time trying to learn/improve magic outside of the leveling system. She has had some success with a book on magic to teach apprentices that she acquired from Teriarch,[37] but encountered a mental block,[38] as her scientific background clashed with the mentality required to learn the magic in the book.

Spells:[edit | edit source]

  • [Flare]
  • [Flashbang]
  • [Flashlight]
  • [Light]
  • [Noise]
  • A telekinesis spell - unknown name
  • A spell that blows air - unknown name

Natural Talents:[edit | edit source]

  • High natural capacity for magic
  • Willpower equivalent to [Indomitable Will] skill

Abilities:[edit | edit source]

  • Mixed Martial Arts
  • Endurance running
  • Parkour skills

Wind Control[edit | edit source]

She learned the basis of faerie magic and to 'See the wind' under the guidance of the Frost Fairy Ivolethe.[39] With practice she is able to control wind with finesse and strength, able to pick up and carry small objects such as caltrops, cause dust clouds, and blow at her back to increase her running speed. She deepened her affinity with the wind enough to be able to fly with a glider or wingsuit.

Perspective Shift[edit | edit source]

In the realm of the Fae, she learned to shift her perspective to see the world differently. This allows her to see things she shouldn't normally be able to, bypassing illusions, invisibility, and other forms of obfuscation. She can see things hidden by Skills or magic,[40] being one of the very few people to be able to see Foliana while she's invisible

Rulebreaker[edit | edit source]

Lacking classes or levels, Ryoka can naturally resist auras and certain Skills. Furthermore, with her entry removed from the Grand Design of Isthekenous, she cannot be summoned by the [Pavilion of Secrets] nor have her image recreated in a stimulation of a memory.[41]

Possessions[edit | edit source]

Hetshal-knive or Faeblade by Enuryn
(commissioned by Pirateaba)
  • iPhone (Stolen)
  • Bag of Holding - Artifact Class Item: Blocks wealth finding skills, can fit multiple chairs, a barrel of caltrops, contain more than 20 pounds of weight.[42]
  • Caltrops[43]
  • Small Everfrozen Ice Statue of Ivolethe[43]
  • Magical Linen / Footwraps :[44] (TBA From Chapter 8.33 R)
  • Arthur Pendragon's (Boy, Adult and Old) Signatures, Rhisveri registered them as the signatures of a Dragonslayer and worth a priceless relic each:
  • Hetshal-knive:[45][46] A spacefaring alien blade that is also known as Faeblade and Windsword that can slice any non-magical thing however breaks on contact with even simple enchantments (such as hardening).
  • Alien's Dark Thin Paper, with Alien Blade instructions[47] (TBA From Chapter 8.03)
  • Enchanted Boots: Taken from the Valeterisa’s mansion. Can run over stone and rock, and Hedault has claimed they would be proof against the thickest of thorns.[44]
  • Hang Glider[47]
  • Wingsuit[47]
  • Fae Currency / Fae Coinage / Fae Magical Obol.[48] (At first she had at least 26, 16 now[49] after paying ten to Rhisveri.[50])
    • Obol of Fire
    • Obol of Life
    • Obol of Earth
    • Obol of Air
    • Obol of Water
    • Obol of Nature
  • Alchemical Items
    • Stamina Potions
    • Healing Potions
    • Stink Potion
    • Pepper Potion
    • Blaze Potion
    • Smoke Bomb Bag
    • Compressed Flour Bag
  • Amulet of Resistance: An all-encompassing, anti-hex amulet that is like a constant aura that messes with anything trying to interfere with ones natural magical field. No hexes, scrying spells can latch on.[51] (Destroyed)[52]
  • Signet of Glass and Glory[53]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Pirateaba revealed in a Reddit AMA that Ryoka was the first character they had envisioned while coming up with the story for The Wandering Inn.
  • Her hobbies include running, hunting and sports shooting. She also attended martial arts classes since she was eight[16], achieved 4th Dan in Muay Thai but she liked Parkour even more
  • She loves songs she can run to, a huge fan of rock and an enemy of pop, techno, and opera. Her favorite artists include Meatloaf, Imagine Dragons, Fun, Lady Gaga, and Five for Fighting.[17]
  • She hates the Hobbit films, calling them "shitty."[54]
  • Her middle name was revealed in Chapter 2.35.
  • She is used to people mispronouncing her name as "Ryoko".
    • Coincidentally, all her data in Grand Design is logged under "Ryoko Griffin."[55]
  • Ryoka has had sex three times since coming to Innworld, most recently with Relc Grasstongue.[56]
  • After traveling to the land of the fae, Ryoka developed a habit of using Oberon's name as an epiphet,[57] though she noticeably stopped using it after believing she accidentally summoned him and became fearful of his wrath.[58]
  • She was once banned from church.[59]
  • Her favorite food is a jumbo hamburger with extra pickles, and Reese's Pieces.[60]

References[edit | edit source]