Chapter 7.17 S
April 12, 2020
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Chapter 7.17 S is the 27th chapter of Volume 7 and the 15th chapter of Book 16.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Erin Solstice
- Numbtongue
- Bird
- Mrsha
- Lyonette du Marquin
- Montressa du Valeross
- Palt
- Bezale
- Zelkyr (Mentioned)
- Salindeca (First Time Mentioned)
- Apista
- Ishkr
- Rkhi *
- Relc Grasstongue (Cameo Appearance)
- Chaldion Oliwing (Surname Revealed)
- Edellein Blackwing
- Demerra *
- Errif Jealwind
- Bes *
- Saliss Oliwing / Onieva Oliwing (Alter ego) *
- Octavia Cotton
- 4th Company’s Elites *?
- ? - Drake [Major]
- Noass (Projection)
- Relz Hauscale (Surname Revealed)
- Selys Shivertail
- Drassi
- Fransk *
- Zekia (Name Revealed)
- Venim
- Werdin Blackwing *
- Melika Blackwing *
- Salkis Blackwing (Surname Revealed)
- Adalton Serristail (Mentioned + Name Revealed)
- Duskal *
- Dellibe *
- ? - Female Drake [Fashionista] *
- Calert *
- ? - High Society Gnoll *
- ? - Male Garuda apprentice [Alchemist] *
- Mirn *
- ? / Queen of Pop (Mentioned)
- Quet *
- ? - Silver-rank Female Drake (First Time Mentioned)
- ? - Male Drake [Infiltrator] *
- Xrn
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Izril
- Liscor
- The Wandering Inn
- ? - Outdoor Café
- Pallass
- Demerra's clinic
- Saliss’ Secret Laboratory
- The Noble’s Fancy
- ? - Turnscale Pub
- Liscor
Items[edit | edit source]
- Amentus' seed cores
- Waisrabbit Bone Wand
- Healing Crystals - Enchanted with healing properties.
- Ring of Health (Mentioned)
- Pork Meat Pie, with an Anti-Aging Potion in it. (Used)
- Youth Potion
- Polymorph Potions (Used)
- Magical Door
- Magical time-teller, that reflects the sky above.
- Scrying mirrors
- Magical Doors
- Music Crystal
- Firebreath Whiskey
- Straight Orgasminium
- Acid Jar