Book 15 - Garden of Sanctuary/tl;dr

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Chapter tl;dr
Chapter 7.00 Teriarch scares away a weyr of Frost Wyverns. Fals makes a delivery from Celum to Liscor as The Wandering Inn opens back up without Erin.
Chapter 7.01 Erin returns from her camping vacation outside of Pallass to the Walled City. Pelt uses her newfound magical flame to forge a Grasgil bardiche.
Chapter 7.02
Mrsha Shock by Bobo Plushie.png
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Chapter 7.03
  • Pallass is under attack by Frost Wyverns, and is saved by Saliss, Grimalkin, Chaldion etc.
Chapter 7.04
Mrsha Shock by Bobo Plushie.png
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Interlude – Queens and Dragons The Free Queen meets with her fellow Queens and deals with the fall out from Bird's trip to Pallass.

Rafaema meets Ferris Thycarl and interviews him while making her own plans.

Back at the inn a party and discussion are under way. Business picks back up as usual, and Erin talks to her mystery opponent.

Chapter 7.05 P
  • Laken Godart walks through town and checks on the various projects going on in town.
  • Pebblesnatch recounts the events that brought her to The Unseen Empire.
  • Gamel offers the Goblins a trade: Charge the dead iPhone for Goblin goods.
  • Pebblesnatch finally gets to cook again, where she and Ulvama start to form a bond.
  • Riverfarm builds a wall, after catching one single goblin thief, when the Emperor still forbids any harm to them.
  • Pebblesnatch stops some village kids from throwing stones at Nanette and causes a stir between the village and the Goblins.
Chapter 7.06
Chapter 7.07
Mrsha Shock by Bobo Plushie.png
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Chapter 7.08 K
Chapter 7.09 K
Chapter 7.10 K
  • Jecaina challenges Mars to a dual. 1 minute to beat or suitably impress Mars for an audience with Flos.
  • The camp starts testing Flos's strength to find out his max strength.
  • Teres learns about Half Giants from Zamma.
  • Flos talks with Commander Ytol of them returning, the price he paid to come early, and learns when the rest of The Rustängmarder will return to fulfill their oath.
  • Flos takes stock and deems his army is a full, albeit small force, before meeting the Gnoll Chieftain.
  • Lizardfolk and Gnolls swear fealty to Floss.
  • Floss agrees to also make the Gnolls official citizens of Chandrar. Ensuring this will outlast his life, he will call upon both, the Qurass and Fetohep will see this law lasts for as long as their immortal rule.
  • Orthenon uses [Vanguard of the King, the Phantom Storm] for a parade of sorts to meet the Gnoll Chieftain's that have yet to arrive.
  • Flos begins to search more fervently and the ride seems more a crusade then parade.
  • Flos finds the site of a massacre, meets a white gnoll survivor.
  • Broadcasting the sight world wide, via scrying mirror, with Noass and Sir Relz, swears vengeance.
  • King Raelt speaks to his old friend Lyfelt, condemning him, before declaring war on Belchan to his Court.