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Interlude – The First and Last of Us is the 40th chapter of Volume 9.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]

Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Taletevirion the last unicorn visits Teriarch and they catch up on great world events and personal experiences. Teriarch asks him to help fight the coming evil, but the unicorn refuses to help until he encounters "something new even to Dragons".
Octavia and Numbtongue get into a fight when she changes her cloth to turn green. Before they can resolve it, her shop is thrashed by a stray cat that Numbtongue wants to keep. He secretly trains it with Elirr and other patrons of the inn and names it Reagen. Eventually Erin finds out and says he can keep it.
A number of Antinium are living in apartments in Liscor, keeping cats and dogs.
Erin is making plans to turn christmas into a Goblin/Antinium centered holiday this year.
Mihaela investigates Celum's runners guild and Ryoka's feud with Persua and shows the runners what to strive for by running long distance with them. Mihaela Confronts Numbtongue and Pawn in the Wandering Inn and reminds them that forces will move against them if they ever become successful enough.
Hexel designs a place of faith for the Antinium with Pawn. Pawn also shows the holy book The Wondrous Sky that he has been writing. Third, Pawn asks Pelt to create a token that is infused with faith. Nerry steals and reads Pawn's holy book and cries in recognition as a fellow being that is trapped and misunderstood like the Antinium were.
Apista gets prosthetics delivered by Niers that help her move and fly again.
Many pets including the forest beavers, Rhata and Haldagaz, Apista, Ellir's cats and Reagen play together in the garden.
Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Taletevirion *
- Teriarch
- Eloise du Havin (Mentioned)
- Numbtongue + Pyrite + Shorthilt + Reiss
- Badarrow (Mentioned)
- Octavia Cotton
- Apista
- Nerry
- Erin Solstice
- Yellow Splatters
- Silveran / Silverstache
- The Spotted One - Dog *
- Super Cleaner *
- Longboy - Dog *
- Pawn
- Furfur
- Excessive Combs *
- Ryoka Griffin (Mentioned)
- Reagen - Cat (Named) *
- Lyonette du Marquin
- Mrsha
- Gireulashia Ekhtouch / Gire
- Mihaela Godfrey
- Elirr Fultpar (Mentioned)
- Sest
- Hawk (Mentioned)
- Persua Mavva (Mentioned)
- Toriska (Mentioned)
- Claudeil (Mentioned)
- Hexel Quithail
- Fals Lenestre
- Krsysl Wordsmith (Mentioned)
- Garia Strongheart
- Joseph Ortega
- Cetris Duiland (Mentioned)
- Lormel
- Ushar
- Tessa
- Valceif Godfrey (Mentioned)
- Resber (?) - Valceif's father (Mentioned)
- Liska Silverfang
- Izeka *
- Stenei
- ? - 14-year-old Street Runner *
- Nanette Weishart
- Niers Astoragon (Missive)
- Selys Shivertail
- Fortress Beavers
- Oakly (Name Revealed)
- Chesta (Name Revealed)
- Rum Redwood (Name Revealed)
- Haldagaz
- Rhata
- Palt Fenrisol
- Pelt
- ? - Male Liscorian [Blacksmith’s Apprentice] (Mentioned)
- Emessa
- Taxus (Mentioned)
- Klbkch
- Relc Grasstongue
- Elihas
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Izril
- High Passes
- Teriarch’s cave
- The Wandering Inn
- Stitchworks
- Garden of Sanctuary
- Prayer room (Mentioned)
- Earther rooms
- Liscor
- Antinium dorms
- Celum
- Runner’s Guild
- Esthelm
- High Passes
Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Unidentified shapeshifter monster
- Void Eater Goat (Mentioned)
- Gargoyles
- Eater Goats
- Scalelings / Children (Mentioned)
- Fortress Beavers
Items[edit | edit source]
- Copy of Kevin's Laptop
- Sage’s Water
- Acid Jar
- The Wondrous Sky - Book
- Wooden Club