Chapter 8.49 M
Troublemakers by butts
October 27, 2021
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Chapter 8.49 M is the 61st chapter of Volume 8. The M stands for Mrsha.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]
- In the Meeting of the Tribes, Feshi starts a worldwide arbitration council on the scrying orb with Fetohep's help, where Chaldion defends the drakes.
- Mrell finds Mrsha and reveals that he and Prha are her parents, after which Mrsha runs away to Torishi and finally meets Krshia.
- Other events happen in the Gnollmoot such as Gire completing a trial against a Manticore, Mrell bartering Demas Metal goods with Iraz Steelfur, and Lehra fighting against Feshi's summoned Kheltian warrior.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Feshi Weatherfur
- Yerranola / Yerra
- Drassi Tewing (Projection)
- Elirr Fultpar (Projection)
- Treisha? (Projection)
- ? - Daemonbane’s Chieftain *
- Ekhtouch Tribe
- Gireulashia Ekhtouch / Gire
- Firrelle Ekhtouch
- ? - Gireulashia's Father *
- ? - Gireulashia's Mother *
- Gorekh Ekhtouch *
- Inkar
- Tkrn
- Flura - Horse
- ? - Weatherfur Gnoll [Performer] *
- Garsine Wallbreaker
- Eska
- Mrell
- Iraz Steelfur
- Demastel (First Time Mentioned)
- ? - Sofang' female Gnoll *
- Prha (Name Revealed)
- ? - Demas Metal’s Gnoll [Smith] *
- Equed - [Merchant Armsdealer] *
- Ysara Byres
- Qwera
- Mrsha (also as Mri)
- Vetn / Thief of Clouds
- Tesy / Sellme
- ? - Male Gnoll [Merchant] *
- Dragial (Projection)
- Lehra Ruinstrider / Stargnoll
- Suxhel
- ? - Khelt’s Minotaur Skeletal Champion *
- Fetohep (Sand Simulacrum + Projection)
- Ulcreziek / Ulcre
- Xherw
- Ghost Dynasty of Khelt (All 18 Deceased Rulers)
- Eldavin (Teriarch) (Projection)
- Torishi Weatherfur
- Akrisa Silverfang (Projection)
- Cetrule (Projection)
- Kishkeria (Mentioned)
- Dreosh (First Time Mentioned)
- Jecaina Leysars (Projection)
- Teresa Atwood (Cameo Appearance)
- Flos Reimarch (Cameo Appearance)
- Yisame (Projection)
- Foliana (Projection)
- Perorn Sadiluc (Projection)
- Tulm / Tulm the Mithril (Projection)
- ? / Seer of Steel (Projection)
- Evein - [King] of Pheislant (First Official Appearance + Projection)
- Geilouna Desoyvel (Projection)
- Altestiel (Projection)
- Inreza (Projection)
- Chaldion Oliwing / Cyclops of Pallass (Projection)
- Rufelt Owelt (Projection)
- Niers Astoragon (Cameo Mentioned)
- Relz Hauscale / Sir Relz (Missive)
- Luciva Skybreath
- Ieneessa / Serpentine Matriarch
- Shaerrha Brasswing / First Gardener
- Visophecin (Cameo Appearance)
- Othius the Fourth (Cameo Appearance)
- Belavierr (Cameo Mentioned)
- Emper
- Elgrinna Geostrand
- Ferkr
- Krshia Silverfang
Groups/Organisations[edit | edit source]
- Gnoll Tribes (Appeared and/or Mentioned):
- Weatherfur Tribe
- Gaarh Marsh Tribe
- Silverfang Tribe
- Daemonbane Tribe
- Ekhtouch Tribe
- Wallbreaker Tribe
- Longstalker’s Fang Tribe
- Demas Metal Tribe
- Steelfur Tribe
- Sofang Tribe
- Plain’s Eye Tribe
- Az’muzarre Tribe
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Izril
- Great Plains / Gnoll Plains
- Tails and Scales (Projection)
- Manus
Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Manticore (Conjured Summon - Killed)
Undead[edit | edit source]
- Khelt’s Minotaur Skeletal Champion
Items[edit | edit source]
- Sarcophagus Dagger of Devi
- Drath's summoning talisman: Manticore (Used)
- Demas Metal
- Speaking-crystal necklace
- Blade of Mershi
- Clock of Eyes (Mentioned)
- Plain’s Eye
- Raiment of the Plains
- Speaking Stones
- Gelath’s Depths (Alcohol)
- Axehorns of Minos
- Chaldion’s Eye (Alcohol)
- Waisrabbit Bone Wand
- Inkar’s iPhone