Interlude – A Night in the Inn
May 3, 2020
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Interlude – A Night in the Inn is the 33rd chapter of Volume 7 and the 5th chapter of Book 17.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]
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Synopsis[edit | edit source]
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Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Xrn
- Grand Queen (Projection)
- Silent Queen (Projection)
- Armored Queen (Projection)
- Flying Queen (Projection)
- Twisted Queen (Projection)
- Free Queen
- Magnolia Reinhart (Mentioned)
- Klbkch
- Xeu
- Wrymvr (Mentioned)
- Othius the Fourth (Cameo Mentioned)
- Erin Solstice
- Ceria Springwalker
- Lyonette du Marquin
- Mrsha
- Yvlon Byres
- Ksmvr
- Pisces Jealnet
- Earthers (Rose & Joseph group)
- Players of Celum (Invrisil side)
- Palt
- Montressa du Valeross
- Bezale
- Numbtongue + Pyrite
- Bird
- Belgrade
- Pawn
- Players of Liscor (All members of Liscor side)
- Temile
- Over 24 Gnolls, Drakes and a Garuda [Actors]
- Halrac Everam
- Revi
- Typhenous
- Briganda
- Maviola El
- Drassi
- Ishkr
- Redit
- Veeid *
- ? - Veeid’s [Head Waiter] *
- Zevara Sunderscale
- Grimalkin
- Kel
- Wailant Strongheart
- Viceria Strongheart
- Reynold Ferusdam
- Jelaqua Ivirith
- Moore
- Seborn Sailwinds
- Ulinde
- Cade
- Reiss
- Niers Astoragon (As a Chess Opponent and Missive)
- Relc Grasstongue
- Selys Shivertail
- Hawk
- Ratici *
- Wilovan *
- Maughin
- Olesm Swifttail
- Krshia Silverfang
- Elirr Fultpar
- Alonna Swiftwing
- Lism Swifttail
- Hexel Quithail *
- Hexel's 3 Lizardfolk assistants and apprentices *
- Pelt
- Saliss Oliwing
- Venim
- Octavia Cotton
- Embria Grasstongue
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Izril
- Liscor
- Liscor's Antinium Hive
- The Wandering Inn
- Garden of Sanctuary
- Invrisil
- Pallass
- Strongheart’s farm
- Esthelm
- Liscor
Plants[edit | edit source]
Items[edit | edit source]
- Magical Door
- Gazereye Stone Wand
- Box of Simulacra
- Magical Chessboard
- Firebreath Whiskey (Alcohol)
- Ancient Coin
- Bottle of Compressed Air
- Minotaur’s Punch
- Faerie Flowers