Interlude – Satar

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Interlude – Satar
February 20, 2022
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Interlude – Hectval (Pt. 3)

Chapter 8.66

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Interlude – Satar is the 82nd chapter of Volume 8.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Characters[edit | edit source]

( * = First Appearance)

Groups/Organisations[edit | edit source]

Locations[edit | edit source]

Creatures[edit | edit source]

  • Beast of Albez (First Time Mentioned)
  • ? - Cow with dark brown coloration shot with small, pale yellow marks. Also, a thicker fur more like a yak, and wavy horn, like a sword design.
  • Racdelbear (First Time Mentioned)

Items[edit | edit source]

Statistics Obtained[edit | edit source]

Satar Silverfang[edit | edit source]

  • Classes/Levels = [Archival Storyteller] Lv. 25 (+2)
  • Skills = [Seal of Veracity]
  • Conditions Met: [Archival Storyteller] → [Historian of the World]
  • Class Consolidation to [Historian of the World]: [Shaman]
  • Classes/Levels = [Historian of the World] Lv. 25
  • Skills = [Tribe: F— (Full Name Unknown)
  • Combination Skills created = [The World of You and Me]