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Chapter 10.35 (Pt. 1) is the 68th chapter of Volume 10.
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Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Mrsha witnesses the lightshow that the air combatants are ushering to the battlefield, the imagery it brings is one of a festival but seeing the horrors it shifts into one of hell. Nearly getting killed by a stray shot that hit close to the infirmary Mrsha is blinded by the blaring lights, loud gunshots and overpowering smell of blood and fire. She sees that the nature of war and battle has changed with all of these technological advancements to one of which everyone just dies quicker. Viewing Kevin of this reality within his personal armored vehicle, The Tortoise, trying to intercept the enemy Mrsha becomes tired of the whole situation and just wants to find Rags and leave. Using her upgraded skill to locate her friends Mrsha learns that Rags is in a bunker at the center of the battlefield and that somehow Fightipilota is here up above as well.
Unbeknownst to Mrsha the Goblin King is able to sense the curling of fate coming from the gnoll girl. Rabbiteater knows what his captor is about to do and attempts to stop but the Goblin King overpowers him and sets off, the Goblin King jumps over a line of soldiers and tanks obliterating all in front of him. Getting hit by a barrage of ammunition the Goblin King uses multiple skills and magic at once to counter the tactic of complete firepower, he then outmaneuvers the surround line of tanks to run onwards to his quarry.
Xitegen commands his forces to continue their assault on the Goblin King before any more support come to him but Xitegen notice that the Goblin King is heading for somewhere else, not at himself or Kevin. Ragathsi appears out into the frontline commanding her troops and directs them with much finesse. Evaluating where the Goblin King is aiming for Xitegen realizes that they are heading for Mrsha and calls for an immediate evacuation for the girl.
As Mrsha starts to get tired of these continuously rising stakes those around her devise a way to evacuate the little girl with the looming catastrophe approaching, riding on a Jeep with an unnamed Earther Mrsha hops on to escape the Goblin King that just arrived at the camp. Seeing the little girl the Goblin King points at her which stopped her heart from beating but his hand jerks away as the jeep runs off into the active warzone. As the Jeep swerves around dodging bullets the Earther gets shot in the head leaving Mrsha to push his body out of the car to take control over it. All alone Mrsha continues to ride the Jeep forwards zigzagging her way dodging the Goblin King's attacks and the projectiles of both sides, the Jeep gets hit by an explosion causing the vehicle to start rolling.
Ragathsi and Rags are both fighting by the bunker when a group of Drake soldiers appear in front of them yet they get taken out by Musicsword, the same could be said for the tanks that appear right after. Ragathsi starts to use an advance magical submachine gun that utilizes scrolls of [Fireball] as its ammo clearing out the wave of tanks and soldiers. Seeing the devastation that one weapon caused, Rags is in shock but is dispirited with its immense cost yet only use it has is for killing. Understanding what she means Ragathsi orders everyone to enter back into the bunker and to search for Mrsha, the Goblin Lord sees Rags remaining behind watching the burning bodies unnerved by the look in Rags's eyes. Finding the trajectory Mrsha went Ragathsi calls in to question the Firescorch Company for any signs of a white gnoll girl in a vehicle, they respond that they've seen a red furred gnoll but grasps that it is actually blood soaked onto the fur. Ragathsi calls for flying transport of a team of medics to go where the wreckage of the vehicle lays.
Mrsha awakens to someone removing burning steel off her while remembering what Erin on the raft floating on the sea told her, that one can do the impossible just that someone is going to have to pay the cost. As the medic team was trying to put Mrsha on a stretcher a line of Human soldiers come out of the smoke and starts to kill the goblins, but then they all feel the presence of the Goblin King on them.
With a sword buried in his chest the Goblin King inspects the eyes of the dying figure in front of him only seeing pure defiance and distain. Even when killing Xitegen the Goblin King can still see the contempt in those eyes.
Everybody in the battlefield felt the absence of Xitegen yet his famous skill activates one last time. As Ragathsi and Rags arrive to where Mrsha is at while the medics are trying to arrange a blood transfusion for the little girl it gets interrupted by the Goblin King. The Goblin King reaches for Mrsha commenting how everything feels fake except for the three of them, Rags takes out her Revolver and shoots at him. Blocking the shots and removing any other nuisance in the way the Goblin King senses a fourth person that feels real above him.
Fighti greets Rabbiteater as she opens fire on the Goblin King, he gets hit but retaliates with his own projectiles hitting the Skyshadow. As the plane hits the ground with the Goblin King right on top of it as Fighti tries to lift off, the Goblin King then gets hit from a shell coming from the biggest tank on the field, with that distracting the Goblin King Fighti leaves the plane to go where Mrsha is located to find Rags already there. Returning to the plane the three lift off heading to New Celum so that Mrsha can get the medical attention she requires but Rags notices that the Goblin King is chasing after them. Ragathsi bringing to play her skill to teleport troops around at supersonic speed uses it to transpose the plane instantly to New Celum and tells them that the Goblin King is gaining speed.
The doctors are in the middle of doing the procedure, but Rags informs them that they have at most only 15 minutes because the Goblin King is coming here to finish the job. 16 minutes later Rags forces the doctors to comply and bring Mrsha on a stretcher to where the door is positioned. As the group travels through the streets, they see the Goblin King within the city and tried to plead with him to leave them alone, then Hotwing in the Skyshadow appears firing at the Goblin King but gets taken out by a thrown axe. Ragathsi and a company of goblins arrive trying to delay the Goblin King as much as they can, in the barrage the Goblin King manages to grasp Rags by the neck and stalks towards Fighti. Seeing tendrils of what's beyond the Goblin King can behold that all is falling apart. Mrsha tells him to go with them to fight with them, to destroy everything that needs to be destroyed to protect their family. Hearing this Rabbiteater surfaces to impede the Goblin King so that Rags, Mrsha and Fighti can leave through the door. As they pass the barrier between worlds Musicsword cuts the root off so that the Goblin King can't leave.
Not see the Goblin King appear before them and Musicsword victoriously dance they presume to have won as the Goblin King stands there, feeling a looming sense of dread Fighti slams the door, but it fails to shut as the Goblin King contains the ability to unmake anything of Isthekenous's design. Running away the see the Goblin King tearing a rift into [Palace of Fates] as the two Grand Design of Isthekenous try to mend the gap in reality. Using the morphic nature of the palace Mrsha is able to escape from the Goblin King, knowing that it is all coming to an end they go find out what it looks like.
Kevin of the Goblin King reality arrives at the newly opened rift and makes his way into the palace as he tells those left behind to hold the position if possible. Feeling the magic once again Kevin runs towards all the shouting he is hearing.
A general idea of how military ranks are structured in Innworld is discussed. Outside of Goblinhome, Rathiss Ivscele thinks about the bad orders coming from higher up and Shirka disobeying orders, he then gets a mage call from Edellein to discuss the current situation of their planned offensive against the goblins in their fortress. Obtaining additional air support and a lesser punishment for Shirka, Rathiss requests for any intelligence about the goblins to know about any complications that might arise as he commands those under him to start moving the ballistaes in place to break the walls.
Relc recognizing a Solstice event is currently happening he asks for where Lyonette is at. The many spies and patrons are also wondering what is happening inside the [Garden of Sanctuary] as other folks come in to partake of what The Wandering Inn has to offer. A [Major] from Pallass on orders to gather information tries multiple times pulling rank to get his way into the Garden to get answers but is unsuccessful in gaining access, until his sights land on Calescent and is about order the capture of the goblin. Ishkr and Yelroan arrive from the Garden to inform the those of the staff what is happening, telling all those in the inn to evacuate and to tell Liska to bar people from travel into the inn. The Pallassian [Major] force the issue by attempting to capture those of the inn staff and holding onto Ishkr so he stays in place, knowing his options Ishkr hits the [Major] multiply times in the face with a mug and teleports the guy outside. A brawl ensues between those of the inn and the Pallassian soldiers struggling to wrest control over the portal door, trying to maintain a level of non-lethality the soldiers warn the others that haven't evacuated to not interfere. Many folks of Riverfarm whom stayed join the brawl, the soldiers wait for their [Major] to appear to turn the tide but what comes through the door are the necromancers of Rheirgest and their undead. The soldiers surrender knowing that they have been outnumbered, Laken offers his assistance to Ishkr but the gnoll [Head Server] laughs at the notion.
In the "Ten Years Later" reality, those that were gathering for Mrsha's birthday hover outside the inn as they see the Painted Antinium barricade the inn from all as they devise ways of getting inside. Those that were friends of the inn are refused entry with the threat of death if they try to force their way in, Rags decides to go to her Tribe of Dreams to bring an army back.
Three immortal beings are making their way to the entrance into reality, Teriarch and Az’kerash from "Better Days" and Belavierr from "Ten Years Later" taking all the possessions they can bring with them in the short amount of time they have. Teriarch takes much his hoard, Az'kerash tries taking most of his relics and Chosen but Venitra and Toren are too slow and get left behind. Those of the "Better Days" inn are hammering about what to do when Headscratcher pops up from the invisible door to fill them in on what's happening on the other side. Az'kerash shows up at the inn trying to make his way to the door, Niers spots the necromancer and tries to amass a force to deal with him when Erin intervenes due to there being a bigger problem at hand. As the system is breaking a crowd enters the inn creating a ruckus, a human walks towards Erin requesting for a drink, he then grabs Erin's arm consuming her. Revealing himself to being Emerrhain having escaped the Last Box of the Gnomes and starts to consume all that he can touch. A few in the inn gets themselves ready to fight the God of Magic and Secrets.
Kasigna and the Deaths watch what has occurred as they knew it would, Emerrhain used the Winter Solstice of another reality where he wasn't imprisoned by the box to break free. The Crone gets ready to take her chance to eat but the Maiden refuses saying that she is tired of the repetition of it all. The Crone opens a door into the "Ten Years Later" reality in order to survive and gather strength whilst the Maiden watches on.
As The One Saved holds onto the root in place in the "Ten Years Later" reality, they and the other Antinium notices the rift slowly gaining in size while feeling something is wrong. Strong in his faith they continue to hold even as the inn gets damaged and the friends of their Goddess are shoved away. Pisces and the others try to find a way to get inside without it resorting to a bloodshed, Selys threatens with the loss of all allies making the Painted Antinium acquiesce to ask Pawn (Bishop) for permission for entry. Archmage Montressa and Archmage Ceria are able to sense that the Antinium are hiding something that is extra dimensional, feeling that they are running out of time they get ready for a conflict until Lord Moore receives a notification that something is attacking the City of Charms. The group then sees the arrival of Belavierr and her daughter Nanette, to rid herself of the sworn oath she made with the Gnoll girl Belavierr cuts her craft away. She then summons a tier 7 monster to start assailing the Painted Antinium, Pisces tries to stop the Witch of Webs, but she grabs the shriveled head of Cara to shriek at them which hinders them as she saunters into the inn. Using the power of faith the Antinium face off against the Carrion Hawk but a naked Half-Elf manages to cut off the head of the monster. As things start to get even more hectic the group have to force their way through, but Pisces sees something in the rubble of the inn, something hanging in the air, the door to the [Palace of Fates] growing ever wider. The One Saved still holds on to the root, everyone sees what's beyond the door before the [Heroes] of Rhir launch their assault on the hill.
Teriarch in an injured state walks in Sheta's garden reaching the statue of her, Teriarch searches throughout the many gardens trying to find out what Rhisveri was trying to hide but decides to rest. Hearing the sounds of buzzing Teriarch wakes to see Apista flying about telling him where the entrance to the palace is. Knowing the score Teriarch makes his way to the door and with Apista's help enters the palace.
Pawn stands there seeing the greatest moment of his life starting to crack as one event after another shows him the falsehoods in his belief. Trying to maintain his faith he commands the Painted Antinium to prepare to march to defeat the Mortemdefieir Titan, defend the goblins at Goblinhome, and to reach Erin. As he waits for those praying to finish, he hears a commotion down the hall to hear the news of a brass dragon going through a door, thinking of the cost it would take to slay the dragon Pawn decides to negotiate with it but then hears another cry from someone else. Selys from "Better Days" tells all who can hear that someone calling themselves Emerrhain has killed Erin and Noass. Hearing this Pawn moves his way through and encounters Az'kerash and his chosen, seeing through their illusion he calls forth his Antinium to deal with them killing Bea. While facing off against the Necromancer Pawn hears the cackling of Belavierr and receives news that [Heroes] of Rhir are assaulting the Painted Antinium. Seeing the palace itself starting to break Pawn resurges with faith as it becomes clear to him that this is the final battle he's been waiting for.
Teriarch doing the same as his unicorn friend goes through many doors to see the fate they behold questioning why Sheta would make such a skill. Knowing the answer, he thinks on what Mrsha has been doing trying to take a facsimile of those who've died seeing the flaw in that notion immediately. But even then, he would have done the same as the little Gnoll, he then meets the Teriarch from "Better Days" as he chatters about escaping the simulation while also asking question about Teriarch's injuries. Teriarch briefs him on what conspired and in a moment of distraction bites at the neck of the fake brass dragon aiming to rip the head off. Blowing off his scales the fake Teriarch is able to push Teriarch away as the fight turns into a scramble destroying the hallways of the palace with both dragons in a weakened state, one injured and the other fat and out of practice.
Tolveilouka sees the tear in space that leads into reality, spectating the many Rhirian [Heroes] that arrived The Putrid One commands him to bring all of the undead from the Village of the Dead to the inn. Erin in Kasignel witnesses the fight between the [Heroes] and Antinium wishing they would just go away, she waves her hand which kills many of the [Heroes]. In shock of what she's just done The Crone appears and eats Ksmvr forcing a choice on Erin to either help those below or to fight the divine the way they combat one another as a newly divine person herself. In the divine fight of aspects and concepts, unknowing of how to partake in it all Erin does are a few haymakers to the face as she slowly loses the battle. The faithful feel something pressing against their souls feeling something flickering out.
The [Hero of Turns] Jospiere gets sent to the Floodplains after 21 [Heroes] gets killed, arriving there Jospiere starts his turn. Everybody within the radius of his skill freezes while he identifies status conditions, he orders the remaining heroes on what to do as Jospiere using his powers of turn based combat killing many of the Painted Antinium with him being teleported to the backline after his turn has ended. Pisces shocked by what he just seen is informed by Montressa of who that is as they try to make their way inside with the Tribe of Dreams, Liscor's Watch and the civilians of Liscor right behind them. That's when Jospiere appears stopping all in place as he starts killing the goblins before a System message arrives and every door cracks.
Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)