Chapter 7.49
September 23, 2020
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Chapter 7.49 is the 68th chapter of Volume 7 and the 7th chapter of Book 19.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Mrsha
- Apista
- Erin Solstice
- Octavia Cotton
- Saliss Oliwing
- Wispel *
- Numbtongue
- Imani
- Ishkr
- ? - Zeres' "[Admiral of Supply]" (Mentioned - Only as a Missive)
- Tritel and Ci (Only as a Missive)
- Lyonette du Marquin
- Bird
- Palt
- Geneva Scala + Idis
- ? - Selphid [Mage]
- United Nations' Earthers
- Drassi Tewing
- Noass
- Ryoka Griffin
- Serafierre val Lischelle-Drakle / Fierre
- Fluffles the Sixth - Sheep
- Rivel val Lischelle-Drakle
- Himilt val Lischelle-Drakle
- Colfa val Lischelle-Drakle
- Menam *
- Menam's Family (10 members) *
- Wailant Strongheart
- Seborn Sailwinds
- Jelaqua Ivirith
- Ulinde
- Moore
- Umina (As Urrexa)
- Seql *
- Seql's father *
- Rederr *
- Fetohep (Narration Mentioned)
- Feor
- Viltach
- Nailihuaile
- Trey Atwood (As Troy Atlas)
- Flynn Patel
- Pointy - Needlehound
- Inky
- Lasc
- Cognita
- ? - Winged Thing *
- Oresta (First Time Mentioned - Deceased?)
- Maviola El
- Nalthaliarstrelous
- ? - Saliss' broker-Drake *
- Seve-Alrelious *
- Arveil - Nelgaunt *
- Igawiz (First Time Mentioned)
- ? - Red-haired Human Baby *
- ? - Baby's Mother
- ? / Waterbear of Cerun *
- Erek *
- Pallassian Dullahans (x100s)
- Wings of Pallass
- Flamewardens
- The Sea’s Shepherds *
- ? - Drowned Man [Sea Druid]
- Revine Zecrew
- Tyrion Veltras
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Izril
- Floodplains
- Liscor
- The Wandering Inn
- Garden of Sanctuary
- The Wandering Inn
- Liscor
- Pallass
- Broadcasting Studio
- Lischelle-Drakle farm
- Veltras Keep
- Floodplains
- Baleros
- Talenqual
- United Nations headquarters
- Geneva’s clinic
- Talenqual
- Ocean
- Wistram Academy
- Chandrar
Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Needlehound (x1)
- Nelgaunt (x1)
- Sea Serpents
- Krakens
- Armershed Dolphins (First Introduction) (x6)
- ? - Glowing Monkey (First Introduction) (x1)
- ? - Lion with Glowing Fangs (x1)
- ? - Birds with Feathers like Jewels (x3)
- Cerobster (First Introduction) (x1)
Vehicles[edit | edit source]
Ships:[edit | edit source]
- The Waverider’s Wake (Mentioned - Sunken)
- Emerald Signet
- Izril’s Splendid Stars (Mentioned - Sunken)
- World’s Pact
- [Druid]’s Bone-Ship (x2)
- Four Winds of Teral
- Shellbazaar
- Iron Vanguard’s (x?)
- Saverian Ships (x3)
- Bloodtear Pirates Ships (x4)
Items[edit | edit source]
- Faerie Flower
- Masks attached with Jar of Air
- Magical Door
- Scrying Orb/Mirrors
- Occillium
- Truth-stone
- Staff of Deliqen
- Davi's Camera
- Serkonian Lance
- ? - Liquid Sunshine Potion (Used)
- [Haste] Scroll (Used)
- [Forceshield] bound Green Gem (Broken)
- [Message] Scroll
- Healing Crystal Beds