Aliases |
Species | |
Age |
4 (Around 20 Mentally)[1] |
Gender |
Female |
Status |
Affiliation |
Occupation |
Chieftain |
Residence | |
First Appearance |
Rags is a Goblin [Steelflame Strategist] and Great Chieftain of the Flooded Waters Tribe.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Rags is small and short, even by Goblin standards. Although Rags is still young, she is considered to be "undeniably attractive" by Goblins.[2] She has long, black spikey hair.[3]
Personality[edit | edit source]
Rags is an unparalleled genius of her race. She has enough curiosity to first approach and then learn how to play chess from Erin.
Rags has a lot of pride and is very stubborn. She is very tactical and through her race's 'stealing' natural ability, her tribe is boosted in intelligence enough to eventually build a trebuchet only one day after seeing one work.
She considers Erin to be her friend.
Background[edit | edit source]
Initially, her Flooded Waters Tribe resided in the Floodplains next to Liscor, hence the tribe's name. At that time her tribe was still small, however already mentally and technologically superior to the other goblin tribes. Their weaponry, a mix between a pistol and a slingshot, was originally founded from the remains of a broken crossbow.
Chronology[edit | edit source]
Rags was raised by her parents, who were murdered by Relc near the Wandering Inn. Rags was hiding behind the bushes, and because of her distance from the group and her small stature, Relc did not notice that there was one more goblin remaining. When Erin buried the goblin corpses, Rags attempted to attack her, but Erin could knock her off and she could escape.[4]
Later, she was given food for free[5] and learned how to play chess - this lead Rags to eventually view The Wandering Inn as a sort of 'heaven.' Unfortunately, Rags eventually realised that she was not safe near the inn because of people like Relc. She still returned to the inn regularly with several goblins as bodyguard.[6]
After the destruction of the old inn, Rags was intimidated by Relc and Ceria who made it clear to her that Liscor's patrols would soon get rid of her tribe. However, Rags' tribe was also boxed in between the Redfang Tribe and the Broken Spear Tribe and not capable to move. After pooling the mental skills of her entire tribe, they invented a new projectile-throwing weapon based on the remains of a broken crossbow found in Skinner's ruins.[7] To acquire more power, Rags scouted Liscor's Dungeon but determined that it was too dangerous for her tribe. Even worse, the relocated inn had Relc as a patron again, and he threatened Rags to leave yet again. This time she took him even more serious and started her campaign against other goblin tribes of the area to amass the power to break out of the Floodplains valley.[8]
Rags' tribe begun by overwhelming several smaller tribes of the Floodplains, such as the Jawbreaker, Bloody Hand, and Sword Taker tribes. This was enough to grab the attention of the Redfang tribe, who called a summit with the surrounding tribes, assumedly to deal with the upstart. On the way to the meet, the Gold Stone tribe is ambushed by Rags' Flooded Waters tribe, and with relatively few casualties, they are assimilated into her group.
However, this is revealed to be a trap by Garen Redfang, who attacks the Flooded Waters tribe with a contingent of elite Carn Wolf riders. They carve through Rags' forces before their main army arrives, and she is forced into a costly retreat back towards Liscor. Many goblins are slain or desert her tribe during the retreat, until finally Rags makes a stand in a valley. She utilises her cunning to set traps and ambushes and finally bests Garen Redfang in single combat with the aide of an acid jar, though they both acknowledge that he let her beat him. The Redfang tribe is assimilated into Rags' tribe, and Garen Redfang takes the role of Rags' mentor, despite her aversion to the idea.[9]
After being refused entry to the The Wandering Inn due to the presence of Mrsha who had just lost her entire tribe to goblins, Rags is convinced by Garen Redfang to take her tribe north. On her way north she burns Esthelm to the ground, killing all who raised a weapon or resisted, while allowing those who fled to escape without pursuit.[10]
Garen brings Rags to Tremborag's Mountain, where Tremborag proceeds to treat her as unimportant due to her lack of combat strength. Tremborag then plans a raid on a human town, where Rags seeks to prove herself by vastly improving his plan. Rags plan initially goes off well, until Gold Rank adventurers emerge to help defend the town. This takes Rags by surprise, as the area around Liscor had no Gold Ranks while Rags lived there. Tremborag emerges in his muscular form and easily crushes the Gold Ranks and continues to look down on Rags for her weakness.
Rags would later leave Tremborag due to several disagreements with him and his views, including his and his tribes practice of keeping sex slaves from the survivors of his tribes raids. Rags, remembering Erin, would find this to be the final breaking point.
Leaving with other members of Tremborag’s tribe dissatisfied with his rule or uncomfortable or flat out hostile to his views and practices like Pyrite.
Leaving the Mountain City Tribe, Rags and her tribe would journey into the lands of the Unseen Empire. Ruled by Laken Godart, also encountering Lady Walchais and her knights, The Order of the Petal.
The first battles between them would lead to several knights being astounded by the Goblins sense of honor and them following the rules of war. Adding doubt to many of their minds about their conflicts with the tribe.
Laken Godart meanwhile would sense the Goblins and confusing them with a prior tribe that had raided and slaughtered those in the lands he had sworn to protect and rule. Would order Wiskeria & Durene to launch an assault on Rags tribe.
Wiskeria the [General] of Lakens forces would use the powers of her craft and [Witch] class to brew deadly chemical poisons and weaponry, using the totems of Laken and his [Emperor] skills. She would launch a massive assault that would leave over a thousand Goblins dead and far more crippled.
Believing this to be a great victory, Wiskeria would order more attacks, not realizing that her targets were in fact Goblin children, wounded, and elderly. Provoking Pyrite and Rags along with the other leaders of the tribe into a rage.
The scenes of the massacres left by Wiskeria’s army would be discovered by Bethal Walchais and her forces. Eerily reminding her of scenes in the Second Antinium War and the Sacrifice of Roses.
Leading her to abandon her attacks on Rags' tribe and question Magnolia.
The continuous assaults would force Rags and her tribe to occupy a nearby city, startling Wiskeria who believed she had achieved victory. The subsequent siege would start quickly, as Laken’s forces would launch catapult strikes on the city. Slowly opening up the defenses, but Rags would quickly engineer a makeshift catapult using Goblin [Scouts] and [Tinkerers] leading to a surprise attack that would leave over a hundred dead on Laken’s side. Surprising Wiskeria and Durene.
One of the Petal Knights, Sir Kerrig, would stay behind with the Goblins. Hoping to see if they truly could be ‘redeemed’. Helping nurse the injured and crippled Goblins.
Kerrig would be told by Rags to help broker a cease fire, he would respond that unless he was sure that the Goblins could be trusted to their word, that peace wouldn’t be considered. Rags counters that they could use Truth Stones and [Skills] from [Lawyers] or other classes.
Kerrig would be surprised to know Rags had knowledge of this but would still question her willingness to be peaceful. Quoting her attacks.
Rags would respond that her attacks were often retaliatory or when no other option was present, referring to peace as something that Goblins desired because they were cowards and could only be maintained through both sides holding deadly weapons and the consequences of massive casualties.
Kerrig would see this as intelligent and wished to explain how peace actually worked, noting that while she was right. She was also wrong.
Growing infuriated at Kerrig’s ‘desire for peace’ but his unwillingness to actually commit to it. And the constant use of Wiskeria’s poisons which she learned wouldn’t be tolerated under conventional war doctrine.
Rags would snap, letting Kerrig go to help negotiate an end to the conflict. She would quickly lead a surprise attack force behind. Using knowledge of Laken’s ability to spy on her with his totems. Rags would lead lightning fast assaults across his empire.
Destroying hundreds of villages and population centers as revenge for the attacks on her tribes non-combatants. And using her fear gem to ward off counter assaults and shatter defenses before they could be used. Leading to tens of thousands of civilians and warriors alike being killed in these lightning fast raids.
Rags would seemingly give in to her bloodlust before remembering Erin and calming down. Her assault would be witnessed in horror by Laken, as he would see the mass slaughter with his Totems.
Many being destroyed before he could send advice or use skills to aid the people there. The chaos in the empire’s communication [Skills] would lead to a false order being placed by the Circle of Thorns.
Wiskeria, hearing the orders and the subsequent assault by Durene would become panicked and attempt to withdraw but it would be too late.
Durene would lead her forces into a direct engagement with the Goblins. The battle would ultimately favor her side at the beginning, her armies superior levels and/or classes compared to the Goblins giving her an advantage.
With the cover of the catapult Durene’s [Soldiers] and [Warriors] would move closer and closer to the walls. With skills being deployed to protect like [Tactic-Shield Wall], [Tactic-Rapid Stride], and [Army-Basic Enhanced Armor] being potential skills used.
But this would prove short lived as Goblin [Archers] and [Crossbowmen] along with their catapult would break the lines. And turn the battle into a melee.
Goblin warriors would move around human soldiers with ease thanks to their smaller stature. Skills like [Quick Slash], [Furious Blow], [Savage Cut], [Power Strike], [Stone Strike], [Savaging Axe]. And many other skills both seen and unseen being used by both sides as they savaged each other. But some would stand out.
Durene’s [Paladin] skills and her monster heritage would allow her to kill any Goblin warrior in her way. Pyrite would face her in open combat, his strength not match to hers. He would still emerge with the upper hand and drive his enchanted axe straight into Durene’s chest. Cleaving through her and burning her flesh, stopping her regeneration capabilities for the most part.
With Durene’s apparent death the army would collapse, confusing orders from the sabotaged lines would lead to large portions of the army being killed. With large portions of the army scattered, killed, or wounded. Along with Durene’s apparent death.
Laken, who would be approached by Rags for peace after both sides had bloodied the other. Would order an immediate attack leaving hundreds more dead. Tyrion's armies would suddenly appear and drive off Rags tribe. Saving what forces had survived the brutal conflict.
Armed with new found hatred and vengeance, Laken would agree to help Tyrion destroy the Goblin menace. Rags would later reunite with the other Goblin Chieftans and the Goblin Lord Reiss for a short meeting. Before conflict would breakout shortly thereafter.
Leading to Tremborag’s death and the shattering of his tribe. Rags made a speech that resulted in roughly half of the Mountain City tribe joining her instead of Reiss or Garen.
Rags would make it to Liscor pursued by Laken and the human armies planning on using her and Reiss to punch through Liscor and give the humans an opening for unrestricted warfare on Drake Lands. Or at the very least create a miniature hive lands or Goblin threat in the area and provoke Antinium and Goblin raids on Drake Lands.
Rags decided they should simply move past Liscor without attacking, instead of doing what Tyrion wanted and expected. This ran counter to Reiss' plan, which was to capture Liscor and turn it into a Goblin stronghold, secretly with the aid of Az’kerash. Reiss then turned on Rags, attempting to murder her and causing a battle to erupt between their tribes. Reiss would bring most of the newly joined goblins into his army, while the core of the Flooded Waters tribe fled ahead and Rags herself escaped both Reiss and the humans with a few Goblins like Pyrite and Ulvama in the chaos.
Rags would ultimately align her forces with Erin, leading her tribe along with rebellious Redfangs and the Cave Goblins to fight Reiss.
The massive battle would ultimately conclude with the decimation of all the tribes present especially when Olesm refused to allow Goblin non-combatants into Liscor on a slightly justified fear of a miniature civil war between civilians and Goblins breaking out and his own disregard for Goblins as people.
Rags would ultimately lead the survivors on all sides to create Goblinhome, a safe refuge for Goblins in the High Passes.
Post-Liscor[edit | edit source]
Rags directed Goblinhome's defenses against the returning Wyvern Lord and his Weyr. When tribe members suggested taming the captured wyverns left behind, she said they could only keep six besides the children, but relented when the goblins protested.
Rags would meet Teriarch, who mistakenly believed that she came to see him. He explained more about Velan's treasure to her, and told her that Goblins are the only species that remember things that all others but ancient Dragons like him have forgotten. He challenged her to claim the treasure for goblinkind.[11]
She would also meet with the Ogre clan of Tormek Al and forge an alliance. She used goblin memories to gain knowledge on how to negotiate with them.[12]
Rags launches raids on Hectval's caravans after their attack resulted in Erin being mortally wounded. She showed this to the Wings of Pallass before releasing them.[13]
She would return to the inn with Calescent after Erin was frozen. She tried to copy and steal some of Kevin's blueprints, but was stopped by an angry Mrsha. While they struggled, they entered the [Garden of Sanctuary]. She left a frying pan at her bier and promised to return when Erin awoke.[14]
While she was at the inn, Niers observed her and learned about the key to Velan's treasure, while evading her at the same time.
Rags would be largely powerless before Belavierr when the witch attacked the Floodplains. She would remember a Goblin Lord ancestor making a deal with her. She directed Antinium against the Plain's Eye Doomslayers, Hectval's soldiers, and the monsters from the dungeon. In the aftermath, Rags allows Snapjaw, her Frost Wyvern, and twelve Goblin volunteers to go with Badarrow to rescue Mrsha. She invited Ulvama back to Goblinhome, but the [Shaman] refused to go until Mrsha was safe.[15]
Rags orchestrated a successful assault on the city of Tenbault in order to abduct its famous Healer and force her to heal Erin, or at least help in the revival process.
In the process of escaping pursuers, she would make contact with another Great Tribe in the north, the Molten Stone Tribe, and meet their Chieftain Anazurhe and the Archmage Valeterisa who happened to be visiting. She was given a tour of the tribe, and gave them Hekusha's spellbook as a gift. Rags was allowed to try to convince Molten Stone goblins to leave for Goblinhome, though had no success until Rabbiteater appeared on the scrying orb, who inspired the goblins.
Rags regrouped with her tribe after Erin’s revival goes wrong, and was present when she was truly revived.
They could not talk much because of Erin's recovery and all of the other people demanding her attention. A few days later, she returned to Goblinhome due to other groups watching her and the Humans still being angry about Hekusha's abduction.
Rags and her tribe came to the aid of the adventurers and the Antinium Crusade against the Void Goat. Thanks to their knowledge of the monster, they were able to drive it away.[16] She then announced herself as a mercenary on the scrying orb, and implied that someone paid her to abduct the Healer to reduce pressure on her tribe.[17]
She and Erin properly reunited after Erin returned from Riverfarm, bringing with her Goblins that would work at the inn. They talked and explored the Gardens of Sanctuary, solidifying their friendship. Rags was gifted an electric sword, and a statue of the two appeared in the Inn's common room.[18] She visited Fierre's office to hire her as a broker between her tribe and the criminal underworld, then participated in the Chess Quest, but lost the Liscor tournament to Belgrade.[19]
Rags later returned to Goblinhome, but would frequently visit the inn from that point on.
When Tyrion barged into the Wandering Inn from the Adventurer's Haven to get his sons, he tried to leave to get away from the hostile patrons. As he left the inn, Rags was returning, and Tyrion instinctively swung his sword towards her, stopping short. This caused the Goblins to rally to their [Chieftain], which escalated the situation further.[20]
The next day, she and her warriors entered the Trial of Blades. The Goblins were largely left alone by the various other groups who pursued or had to fend off grudges, though she allowed Redscar to go fight on his own. Eventually, they were scattered by Eldavin and dropped out.[21]
During Erin's interview with the Wistram News Network, Reynold spiked Rags' drink to make her go to the bathroom, and Magnolia Reinhart used this to invite her to her mansion. They watched Erin's interview about her support of Goblins on the way. Once there, Magnolia revealed that she was the one who possessed the second key to Velan's treasure. She offered it as future payment if Rags' tribe helped safeguard Izril from certain groups that would be drawn to the New Lands. Rags accepted and asked for information to look over.[22]
She would meet Bethal again at the inn's beach garden. Rags didn't desire a fight, but didn't forgive her for the dead Goblins of her tribe, and warned her to recognize Goblins of her tribe and not attribute every actions done by Goblins to them.[23]
When Bird's Ballista arrived, Rags and her tribe took notes about it.[24]
The Flooded Waters tribe was one of the forces present to defend the inn from Kasigna during the Winter Solstice. They partnered with the 7th Hive and the Forgotten Wing Company under Perorn Sadiluc's command, as fellow mercenaries.[25] When the Goblins saw Kasigna, they began to shake, and Rags had to pull Redscar back. After the first wave of Draugr, when the Hag Queens were summoned, Rags directed her forces to destroy some of the higher undead and defend Bird's ballista.[26] Later, she took up the Order of Solstice's position around the inn.
After the battle, she was one of the people attacked by Roshal's forces, but seemed to have gotten through the ambush without notable injury.[27]
Rags and her tribe inspected the crossbow Calescent recieved from Kirana's Skill.[28]
Rags and her tribemembers travelled north to meet the Kraken Eater Tribe in the hopes of forming an alliance. When she appraoched them after they raided a carravan, chieftain Naumel immediatly attacked her, making her submit for control of her tribe. Rags surrendered, but refused to hand over her tribe. The two then started talking, making little progress in establishing an alliance until Rags sensed an atttack coming. As they left, Rags saw that it was House Terland's forces, but she and her tribe left without issue thanks to her new tribe Skill, [Guise of Neutrality].
She returned to Goblinhome to attend Rianchi and Dyeda's wedding. She gave a speech celebrating the newlywed couple, and as a gift she took them with her while travelling north as a honeymoon. That night, she encountered the couple and they thanked her for creating a tribe where they could dream of a better future.[29]
A few days later, the Frost Wyvern Lord was bothering Goblinhome. Rags told him off, insulting him until he left. Later she departed for the Molten Stone tribe, decilning to attend Lyonette's poker game. Once more, Anazurhe declined forming an alliance, but bringing Dyeda and Rianchi along heloed recruit more Goblins to their tribe.
Next she payed another visit to the Kraken Eater tribe, arriving just as they finished destroying the Terland force. This time her gifts where more to the Kraken Eater's liking. However, they then went to raid a village. Rags and her group decided to step in, stalling the Kraken Eaters so the inhabitants could evacuate. Rags made sure Rianchi and Dyeda were okay, then challenged Naumel after he beat Snapjaw. Rags fought tactically and in an evassive manner, seriously wounding Naumel without getting hit herself, though at the cost of sacrificing her Dwarfteel Crossbow.
She escaped by Wyvern and returned to Goblinhome. The Wyvern Lord showed up again, sulking with signs of having been spurned by Rafaema. Rags had a vat of Firebreath Whiskey brough out for him and they comiserated.[30]
She agreed to send Redscar to the New Lands to help a suicidal Terandrian Lord at Fighipilota's request. She was introduced as "Lilbrassi" of the "City of Flooded Waters".[31]
Rags sensed that an attack on Goblinhome was coming, but didn't know the source of the threat. She hesitated forming an alliance with the Wyvern Lord as he had his Weyr to take care of, and she couldn't ask him to risk death for her in good conscience. Seeking answers and a solution to her problem, she went to ask Teriarch. The Dragon didn't remember their first meeting due to his amnesia, but her possession of Velan's key convinced him that they had met,[32] and she was invited into his cave with Rafaema and Cire. He once again refused to divulge the secrets of Goblin Kings due to the risks involved, but he did give some factoids about early Goblins. He promissed that he would fight if the threat to Goblinhome was monsters from the High Passes, or parlay if it was an army, which was cold comfort for her.[33]
Rags went to the Wandering Inn until she was called back due to a delegation of Trolls arriving at Goblinhome. They were asking for an alliance in exchange for aid against a threat. Rags made no promises but asked to be shown what they were facing.[34]
Rags goes to to the Kingdom of Deep and Song, where she's introduced to their leader the Dulat and gets a vision of Velan searching for information of the Goblin Kings' madness. She sees that the Trolls are fighting the dismembered body parts of a Mortemdefieir Titan, which escaped when a slash from Zeladona broke through its prison during the Winter Solstice. Rags and her tribe attempt to fight it but prove ineffective. Worried that she needs to get stronger to protect her tribe and unable to accept defeat as a result, she nearly dies fighting the Old One head, but is saved by Rianchi, who rushed from Goblinhome to deliver a message from Mrsha, who saw the danger she was in with the [Palace of Fates]. Rags accepts that she cannot kill the Old One and leaves to meet Mrsha.[35]
Thanks to Mrsha, she learns also of the planned attack by Pallass' 2nd Army and the arrival of the angry Kraken Eater Tribe. Mrsha brings her to the [Palace of Fates], and they begin learning how the Skill works and look into possible futures to avert the tribe's destruction. However, they cannot find a way to guarantee a victory, with many futures showing events going horribly wrong no matter what they try.
Rags eventually came up with a plan to ambush an arm and the leg as they met to reform, destroying their cores and killing them to weaken the Titan enough against Teriarch. However, the Moon Halfling's fall caused tremors that caved in some of the tunnels and made the Titan rush to reassemble. The group managed to destroy the leg's core, but they were now in a deathtrap being chased by the head and two limbs with no escape. As she thought she was going to die, she taunted the Titan that Teriarch would kill it, informing it of the Dragonlord's presence. That's when the Student Rags from the simulation where Tyrion didn't charge arrived, and used her Skill to request fire support from the Forgotten Wing Company, driving the Titan off and killing the leg.[36]
Seeing that this other rags was higher levelled while being happier, Rags felt doubts about whether she was doing things right. Then she saw Student Rags' tv interview. When she joined her, the two understood each other better, and they defended themselves against the remote magical attacks sent to kill them.[37]
She, Redscar, Rianchi, Dyade and her doppelganger went to the simulation ten years in a future without Erin being revived to get information. They entered Liscor under disguise, but the advancement of magic means that boths Rags and Redscar where discovered when they neared the portal network operated by Wistram. Rianchi and Dyeda managed to avoid detection by buying rings with privacy features earlier. The exposed Goblins had to flee, and where nearly captured by Lord Moore before he let them go, while a [Hero] of Rhir chased them down. Rags defeated a squad of Rhirian soldiers, taking one of their crossbows. They were then saved from the [Hero] by future Rags and her tribe, and then by Bishop Pawn's Painted Antinium.
Rags learned her counterpart was a Goblin Lord and had become a rare Goblin evolution called a Duxcepin. Goblins were in a much more dire situation, with all of the old Goblin Lords killed by the Empire of Rhir who enforced the hunt of Goblins. The future Rags had adopted the Molten Stone's practice using otehr tribes as meat shields for her own, and had taken to a faith-based class. She also warned about Pawn's zeoletry and what he might do if he learned of the existance of the Palace of Fates. The knowledge that Dyeda was bringing back help, not knowing that they weren't in danger anymore and might expose the door to the Palace, made the group rush back to the inn.[38]
When they returned, the future Pawn had already entered the palace, and his crusaders where crossing through. During a truce, Rags and Mrsha tried to force him into another door to trap him. They sent him into the Better Days simulation, and during the fighting to keep him there, Pawn shattered the sword Erin had given Rags while she nearly killed him with the Rhirian crossbow, though he healed himself. While they were distracted, that world's Teriarch entered the Palace, using up the Root. Then he absentmindly shut the door on Rags and Mrsha, making them disappear to someplace unknown when the simulation briefly ceased existing. They were thought ot still be alive due to the condition on Lyonette's quest not failing.[39]
Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]
Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]
- [Great Chieftain] Lv. 39[40]
- Derived from [Leader] → [Chieftain]
- [Steelflame Strategist] Lv. ? (Over 27)
- Derived from [Tactician] → [Steelflame Tactician]
- [Mage] Lv. 13
- [Warrior] Lv. 11
Former Classes:[edit | edit source]
- [Backstabber] Lv. 2 (probably changed to [Warrior]?)
Classes Consolidated to [Chieftain]:[edit | edit source]
- [Leader] Lv. 15 (changed to [Chieftain] Lv. 15)[41]
- [Scavenger] Lv. 9
- [Tinkerer] Lv. 1
Skills:[edit | edit source]
- [Advanced Dangersense]
- [Aura of the Emissary]
- Advanced from [Aura of Command]
- [Basic Repair]
- [Battlefield: Power of Fire]
- [Dangersense]
- [Dual Shot]
- [Flashfire Spellcraft]
- [Graceful Engagement]
- [Group: Erratic Maneuvering]
- [Instantaneous Reload]
- [Lesser Strength]
- [Lesser Tinkering]
- [Mark Target]
- [Memo]
- [Natural Allies: Ogres]
- [Ogre’s Charge]
- [Rapid Retreat]
- [Risk Calculation]
- [Sense Heat]
- [Silent Order]
- [The Innkeeper’s Daily Bounty (The Wandering Inn)]
Tribal Skills:[edit | edit source]
Skills that affect Rags' entire tribe.
- [Fast Travellers]
- [Fleet Foot]
- [Guise of Neutrality]
- [Rapid Reload]
- [Scavenger Armor]
Alternate Skills:[edit | edit source]
Skills she possesses in alternate timelines.
- [Burst of Ideas]
- [Call for Aid: Send Me the Stuff of Stories]
- [Fast Thinking] / [Quick Thinking]
- [Jetfire Jump]
- [Rocket Kick]
- [Tribe: Run For Your Lives]
- [Unit: Champions of the Brass Dragon]
Spells:[edit | edit source]
- [Burning Blades]
- [Check Time]
- [Darkvision]
- [Detect Magic][42]
- [Fast Fireball]
- [Featherfall]
- [Fire Arrow]
- [Fireball]
- [Firefly][42]
- [Flashbang]
- [Light][43]
- [Ogre’s Strength]
- [Sleep]
- [Speed]
Original Spells:[edit | edit source]
- [Apista’s Jetflame]
(For Leveling History see Here)
Equipment[edit | edit source]
- Electric Mithril Shortsword (Broken)
- Empire of Rhir Crossbow
- Steel Shortsword
- Dwarven Crossbow (Broken)
- Metal Shield
- [Terror] Gemstone
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- She was named in Chapter 1.24 (Archived).
- Relc killed her parents.[44]
- One of her ancestors was a Goblin Lord.[45]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Chapter 5.19 G
- ↑ Chapter 3.17 T
- ↑ Interlude – Relationships
- ↑ Chapter 1.15 (Archived)
- ↑ Chapter 1.18 (Archived)
- ↑ Chapter 2.01
- ↑ Chapter 2.14 G
- ↑ Chapter 2.19
- ↑ Chapter 2.02 G
- ↑ Chapter 2.41
- ↑ Chapter 7.12 G
- ↑ Chapter 7.43 G
- ↑ Chapter 8.16
- ↑ Chapter 8.17 H
- ↑ Chapter 8.29
- ↑ Chapter 9.12
- ↑ Chapter 9.13
- ↑ Chapter 9.19
- ↑ Chapter 9.20
- ↑ Chapter 9.29
- ↑ Chapter 9.30
- ↑ Chapter 9.31
- ↑ Chapter 9.48 BTIPRLJMWVRV
- ↑ Chapter 9.57 B
- ↑ Chapter 9.60
- ↑ Chapter 9.66
- ↑ Chapter 9.68
- ↑ Interlude – Saliss the Architect
- ↑ Goblin Days (Pt. 1) – The Wedding
- ↑ Goblin Days (Pt. 3) – Vengeance and Talking
- ↑ Goblin Days (Pt. 5) – Redblade and Lilbrasi
- ↑ Goblin Days (Pt. 6) – Of Dragons
- ↑ Goblin Days (Pt. 7) – No Answers and Answers
- ↑ Goblin Days (Pt. 8) – Downwards
- ↑ The Roots (Pt. 4)
- ↑ 10.27 GMG
- ↑ 10.28 N
- ↑ 10.30 GGMG
- ↑ 10.32 – Pt. 2
- ↑ Goblin Days (Pt. 1) – The Wedding
- ↑ Chapter 3.31 G
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 Chapter 2.19 G
- ↑ Chapter 2.03
- ↑ Chapter 2.00 G
- ↑ Chapter 8.28