
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
(Redirected from Booru:Skill display)

Skills, are a function that exists within the Grand Design that governs Innworld.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Skills are magic-like abilities that are intended to exceed one’s limits, such as allowing someone to transcend their hardest strike and turn it into something even stronger.[1] They were originally based on the Gods' ability to change reality.[2]

Skills are more basic with lower levels and gain power or scope with higher levels. When attempting to influence other beings with high levels and/or Skills, the effects may be lessened or canceled.[3]

Skills can improve one’s ability greatly and even give them the means to do things they would never be able to do normally, like fish, work metal, or even fight. But a Skill improves on what was already there. For example, if two [Warriors] with the same levels and Skills fought, the one who had trained longer and had more actual combat experience would inevitably prevail. Similarly, if someone had [Basic Cooking], but they had never made food, all their cooking would be just that: basic.[4]

There are many types of Skills that not only affects the user's body but also their possessions, companions and bounded creature, other living beings like people and plants, building structures, transports, one's territory and even battlefields.

Obtaining Skills[edit | edit source]

To obtain Skills, one needs to have at least the basic of knowledge of said skills, or by having fulfilled some type of requirements. When these condition are fulfilled, one will obtain the Skills when they either get a Class or level their Class, or by advancing their knowledge of said skills.

Just like Classes, most Skills are acquired often in line with the user’s desires.[5] One is guaranteed of recieving at least one good Skill for every 10 levels of one Class leveling,[6] and it's speculated that from Level 60 or 70 onwards, every level up grants a Skill.[7] And again just like Classes, one can cancel the obtaining of Skills.[1]

In the original inception of the levelling rules, there used to be a miniscule, 0.00001% chance of obtaining a Skill of any level. This caused problems such as children obtaining very high level Skills, so level caps were introduced by the Grand Design. Now, one can only obtain Skills up to twenty levels above their highest class.[8]

Learning Skills[edit | edit source]

Less common, perhaps even a secret to the System, is that Skills can be learned and the System tells them that the Skill is "Learned" instead of "Obtained". To learn Skills, one doesn't necessarily have to raise a level but does have to learn and perform the Skill once on their own. This is often related to the creation of new Skills. To create a Skill of great power, there is a cost, and the greater the cost, the more powerful the resulting Skill.[7]

Examples of learned Skills:

  • Erin - [Immortal Moment][9]
  • Erin - [Power Strike][10]
  • Ryoka - [Indominable Will][10] (cancelled)
  • Erin - [Wondrous Fare][11]

Losing Skills[edit | edit source]

When one loses their class due to failing their Class conditions, they will also lose all Skills that were related to the Class.[12] But should they be able to restore the Class by meeting its conditions again, then all lost Skills will be restored as well.[13] Skills may also be lost when one loses levels from Revival.

Just like classes, Skills can also be lost by obtaining and increasing Horror Ranks. While one does not lose all their Skills from the start, as the Horror Ranks keep increasing and their class(es)' levels keep degrading, they begin losing their Skills.[14] It is unknown if redeeming Horror Ranks will restore one's Skills or not.

Advancing Skills[edit | edit source]

Skills can be strengthened in a variety of ways.

One way is, as stated above, to keep improving one’s ability. When doing so one’s Skill power increases, and can even affect some of the Skill limitations like the use limit increases, or the cooldown decreases.

Another way is by leveling one's Class, as the higher the level is, the stronger the Skill becomes. For example: A Level 10 [Lady] who has [Deft Hand] can knock over something like a cup, or stop one from falling, but at higher levels, the Skill is strengthened to the point that it can divert a shower of ordinary arrows, and even change the direction of a cavalry charge.[15]

Continuing to improving one’s ability, leveling one’s Class, or fulfilling some type of requirements can also change the Skill into an advanced version of it, with greater power and lesser limitations. As an example, [Power Strike] can advance and change into [Minotaur Punch].[16]

Skills Usage[edit | edit source]

Some Skills are always active, such as [Greater Strength]. Other Skills require certain conditions to use effectively, such as the [Bard] skill [Lightning Melody], which can pull down lightning in a minute or less of playing if the air is charged with static (e.g. before or during a storm). Otherwise, they may have to play several for minutes, maybe even half an hour to call down even one measly bolt.[17] Other Skills need specific conditions to such as a [Lady's] Skills which only work if the user is sufficiently ladylike.[18] Speaking Skills is not necessary in order to use them, though most people do so anyways.

Certain outside conditions can also affect a Skill's performance and ability. For example, [Lightning Melody] uses static electricity in the air to create lightning bolts, meaning that the level of electrical charge in the area can change how long it takes the lightning bolt to be released and how powerful it will be.

Skills Limitations[edit | edit source]

While there are Skills that are always active or can be used all the time, there are others that have a cooldown period after being used a certain number of times.

Higher-level people can apply their Skills over large distances or through a scrying orb.[19]

If someone is under the effects of multiple overlapping Skills effects, they can become nauseous.[20]

Powerful users of Aura, as many high-level people are, can resist or ignore the effects of many Skills by sheer weight of ego and repudiation. Rulebreakers, or people who deliberately do not have classes or levels, are also highly resistant to Skills.

Combination Skills[edit | edit source]

Combination Skills occur when two or more people use their Skills at the same time, to combine and increase the power of their Skills. Sometimes, a Combination Skill can be re-used by any one of the people who created it, like [Meteor Guardbreaker Shot]. Sometimes, it requires all of them to work together each time, like [Bolt from the Heavens].

Combination Skills are usually learnt by accident. For instance, if four [Warriors] use [Speed Slash] in combat, they can trigger one.[21]

Temporary Skills[edit | edit source]

Some Skills can grant Temporary Skills to others. For example, the [Boon of the Princess] skill is able to grant skills like [Barkfur] and [Lesser Strength] to another person. These temporary Skills disappear once the [Boon] is rescinded.[22] Another Skill in the same area, [Army of the King], grants temporary levels and Skills as well.

Temporary Skills and classes can also be handed out in the commission of a <Quest>, when unknown conditions are met.

The notification for these Skills may say "[(Skill) assigned!]" instead of "[(Skill) obtained!].

Inheritance Skills[edit | edit source]

Skills such as the [Garden of Sanctuary], [The Courier's Last Road] and [The Labyrinth of Fithel], are once per generation Skills meaning only one person can have them at a time,[23] though the Grand Design does not count these as unique (colored). In some cases, Inheritance Skills can be stolen or recreated, seen with the Molten Stone Tribe using Level 30+ [Masons] and a blueprint to construct [The Labyrinth of Fithel] by hand.

Many, if not all Inheritance Skills are specific places or institutions created by a Skill, such as the [World's Eye Theatre] or [The Bridge of Lands, Teylas Donethil].

Inheritance Skills may also refer to Skills that pass down a parent's traits to their children, such as [Adroit Progeny], or to a special kind of Skill available to an [Heiress] or other such class, like [Inheritance - Shadow of His Name].[24]

Legacy Skills[edit | edit source]

Examples of Legacy Skills are [Legacy - Long-ranged Shot], [Legacy - Pinpoint Arrows], and [Legacy - Wings of Escieda].

Legacy Skills are similar to Inheritance Skills. Though they can be inherited much more easily and grow stronger with each user. They can apparently be lost or destroyed entirely if everybody forgets about the Legacy in question.

Another subset of Legacy Skills are [Legacy Whispers]. These provide cryptic clues about a quest someone is on or a legacy they are trying to reclaim. Examples include [Legacy Whispers: The Heartflame Set] and [Legacy: Find the Dragon's Grave].

Vows[edit | edit source]

Vows are "declared" or "sworn", and provide special Skills outside of those obtained through leveling. [Monks] as a class swear many comprehensive vows, such as [Vow of Poverty] or [Vow of Privation], and obtain Skills like [Lesser Strength], [Lesser Speed], and so on in return; these Skills will grow to greater heights over time.

More specialized Vows also exist, such as [Vow of the Bladeless Smith] or [Vow: I Will Find Her Bones, or Perish Searching].

Conditional Skills[edit | edit source]

Not much is currently known about Conditional Skills. Presumable, they have conditions for when they can be used. One example is [Conditional Skill - Lover's Lucky Charm].

Mischief Skills[edit | edit source]

Mischief Skills are available to [Prankster] classes and the like if they have a Skill such as [Mischief Bank]. By storing up the results of their antics, they can power the use of higher-level Skills like [Wings Upon Ice] or [Spell: Rampant Magic].

Shared Skills[edit | edit source]

Shared Skills arise when someone becomes able to use a Skill that does not belong to them. This may be because they are part of a [Unitasis Network] and can use [Unitasis Shared Skills] - possibly the same as the Linked Skills employed by the Antinium Queens. It may also be because of a peculiar nature of their very self, as is the case for the [Manifold Emperor of Bounded Threads], who can use the Skills of each of their constituent heads when they are being worn.

Synergy Skills[edit | edit source]

A formerly unimplemented mechanic add by the Grand Design. Synergy Skills allow one class to grant Skills related to another class.

Colored Skills[edit | edit source]

Some Skills appear in certain colors which represents specific categories.

Skill Color Description
Green Newly created Skills in the System. Also known as Original Skills. (Click Here to see Original Skills Creators)
Orange Tied to fame and reputation. Also known as Fame or Yellat Skills.
Golden Tied to royal or holy Skills. Golden Skills differ from Purple Skills as they are granted to you based on the faith people put into you, fueling their obtainment and creation.
Red Tradeoff Skills that comes with ill consequences that range from morally corrupting the User to shortening their lifespan until their death. Unlike other Skills, they cannot be refused from being obtained by the System. Also known as Blood Skills.
Blue Blue represents both restoration and resolution. This includes the removal of Blood Skills and deleterious Conditions, or the restoration of Lost Skills, as well as the declaration of a Vow, or (sometimes) the learning of a Skill like [Deep Breath]. Classes like [Templar] have been shown to reliably gain Blue Skills.
Purple Skills which are granted to an individual by virtue of their position, not their actions.[25] In other words, they are Authority Skills.[26]

List of Skills - Alphabetical Order[edit | edit source]

Note: while several of these are listed alongside a class, they are not necessarily exclusive to that class. Additionally, some Skills such as [Fake Smile] and [Eagle Eye] are often listed without brackets.

#[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/Numbers

  • [120% Draw]

A[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/A

  • [A Bottle A Day: Ink]
  • [A Bullet A Day: Armor Piercing Round]
  • [A Crack in Morality]
  • [A Drop A Day]
  • [A Fine Copy]
  • [A Finger's Discount]
  • [A Fraction of My Experience]
  • [A Gradual Change of Disposition]
  • [A Heavy Blow]
  • [A Kingdom’s Strength]
  • [A Knight’s Duel]
  • [A Little Bit of Courage]
  • [A Magical Gift]
  • [A Minute, Reborn]
  • [A Missing Entry, Filled]
  • [A Missing Passage, Revealed]
  • [A Necessary Discussion]
  • [A Pact of Trust]
  • [A Polite Inquiry]
  • [A Refreshing Repast]
  • [A Scroll A Day: Parchment]
  • [A Second of Time]
  • [A Sound Reasoning]
  • [A Storm at Our Backs]
  • [A Taste of Generations]
  • [Abler Bodied Animals (Ants)]
  • [Above Common Law]
  • [Accelerated Spellsling]
  • [Accelerated Sprint]
  • [Accelerated Throw]
  • [Accident Prevention]
  • [Accident Protection: Monsters]
  • [Accident: Flameproof]
  • [Acrobat's Form]
  • [Activate Artifact: Incredible Effect]
  • [Adamantium’s Guard]
  • [Adept Haggler]
    • (Alchemy)
  • [Adept Iceform]
  • [Adrenaline Rush]
  • [Adroit Progeny]
  • [Advanced Alchemy]
  • [Advanced Butchery]
  • [Advanced Cleaning]
  • [Advanced Cooking]
  • [Advanced Crafting]
  • [Advanced Dangersense]
  • [Advanced Golem Shaping]
  • [Advanced Organ Transplant]
  • [Advanced Stitching]
  • [Advanced Trapsense]
  • [Advantage: The Unchained]
  • [Aegis of Grace]
  • [Aegis of My Contempt]
  • [Aerial Boost]
  • [Aerial Craft: Override Controls]
  • [Aerial Dance: Waterfall Strikes]
  • [Aerial Dodge]
  • [Aerial Foothold]
  • [Aerial Viewpoint]
  • [Aeriform Palm]
  • [Aeriform Punch]
  • [Aeriform Shockwave]
  • [Affair of Honor]
  • [Again, and Again, and Ever Again]
  • [Agile Flier]
  • [Agreement of Stories]
  • [Aileron Roll]
  • [Alchemy: Shortened Span]
  • [Alcohol Brewer]
  • [Alcohol Immunity]
  • [All Plans Fall to Dust And Ruin]
    • (Chess)
  • [All Terrain Step]
  • [All-or-Nothing Charge] / [All or Nothing Charge]
  • [All-Terrain Riders]
  • [Allied Distress Call]
  • [Alter Ego] / [Alter Ego: (Person)]
  • [Alter Mechanism]
  • [Ambient Mana Gatherer]
  • [Ambition Visualized]
  • [Amateur Linguist]
  • [Ambient Focus: Grass]
  • [Ammunition: Doubled Velocity]
  • [An Apple A Day]
  • [An Opening Slash]
  • [An Uncourteous Act, Rebuked]
  • [Analysis: Origin of Injury]
  • [Analysis: Vision of Greatest Battle]
  • [Analyze Object]
  • [Anchor Balance]
  • [Anchor Lash]
  • [Anchor Line]
  • [Anchoring Shot]
  • [Anchoring Stab]
  • [Animal Respect: Friend by Deed]
  • [Animals: Basic Command]
  • [Animate Corpse]
  • [Animate Undead]
    • (Objects)
  • [Antinium-Expertise Command]
  • [Anti-Cramping Muscles]
  • [Anti-Invisibility Sight]
  • [Antimagic Blade]
  • [Antimagic Bolt]
  • [Antimagic Iai]
  • [Antimagic Slash]
  • [Antinium Telepathy]
    • (Weak)
  • [Antiseptic Jab]
  • [Anvil Kick]
  • [Apply Healing Gel]
  • [Appraisal]
  • [Appraise Foe]
  • [Appraise Wealth]
  • [Appreciating in Value]
  • [Aquatic Invisibility]
  • [Arbiter's Judgment: Every Nation’s Judge]
  • [Arc Arrows]
  • [Arc Slash]
  • [Arcane Discovery]
    • (Weekly)
  • [Arcane Toughness]
  • [Arch Leap]
  • [Archers: Triplicate Volley]
  • [Arcsinger's Downfall: Wallbreaker Hammer]
  • [Area of Diffusion]
  • [Area of Sproutlings]
  • [Area: Fleet of Foot]
  • [Armaments of the Lightning Dragon]
  • [Armed At All Times]
  • [Armform]
    • (Duelist, Liquid, Razorkind, Telescoping Flesh)
  • [Armor of Faith]
  • [Armor-piercing Low Blow]
  • [Armored Advance]
  • [Armored Blow]
  • [Armored Fur]
  • [Armored Leap]
  • [Armorpiercing Blows]
  • [Arms: Impact Shield]
  • [Army: Charred Spellcasting]
  • [Army: Duplicate Projectiles]
  • [Army: Evasive Dodge]
  • [Army: Extended Range]
  • [Army: Longstriders]
  • [Army: No Foe Caught Us]
  • [Army: Springwood Supplies]
  • [Army of the King]
  • [Aroma of Spring]
  • [Arrogant Charge]
  • [Arrow Grab] / [Arrow Catch]
  • [Arrow Formation]
  • [Arrow of Greater Dispel]
  • [Arrow of Regret]
  • [Arrow of the Traveller]
  • [Arrow of Will]
  • [Arrow Ward (#)]
  • [Arrows of Steel]
  • [Arrows: Combined Weight of Our Wrath]
  • [Arrows: Doubled Magnitude]
  • [Arrowform: Bird]
  • [Arrowguard]
  • [Arrowguard Formation]
  • [Arrowguard Shield]
  • [Art Becomes Reality]
  • [Art Comes to Life]
  • [Art of the Builder]
  • [Artbook: Saved Sketch]
  • [Artifacts: Uncover Potential]
  • [Artisan Bone Construct]
  • [Artisan’s Dissolution]
  • [Ascertain Value]
  • [Ashen Mana Well]
  • [Aspect of Lords]
  • [Aspect of the Champion]
  • [Assassin’s Presence]
  • [Assault Formation]
  • [Assert Authority]
  • [Assess Public Opinions]
  • [Assign Title]
    • (Reinhart Family)
  • [At His Majesty’s Side]
  • [Attack Formation]
  • [Attraction Shield]
  • [Audience Charge]
  • [Aura Blade]
  • [Aura of Battle]
  • [Aura of Command]
  • [Aura of Disarming]
  • [Aura of Flame]
  • [Aura of Giants]
    • (Chess)
  • [Aura of Haste]
  • [Aura of Midnight]
  • [Aura of Paralysis]
  • [Aura of Protection]
  • [Aura of Righteous Fire]
  • [Aura of Rime]
  • [Aura of Spring]
  • [Aura of the Brave]
  • [Aura of the Emissary]
  • [Aura of the Emperor]
  • [Aura of the Hearth]
  • [Aura of the King]
  • [Aura of the Lion]
  • [Aura of Thorns]
  • [Aura: Battering Ram]
  • [Aura: Distant Manipulation]
  • [Authority of Death]
    • (Lesser)
  • [Auto Spell]
  • [Autocasting]
  • [Automated Hauler Lift]
  • [Automatic Aiming]
  • [Automatic Deflection]
  • [Automatic Dodge]
  • [Automatic Parry]
  • [Automatic Recitation: Literature]
  • [Automatic Reload]
  • [Avalanche Kick]
  • [Avert Disaster (Verbal)]
  • [Avert Mortal Blow]
  • [Avoid Danger: Inn]
  • [Axe of Gigant] / [Axe of the Gigant]
  • [Axe Kick]
  • [Axebreaker Formation]

B[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/B

  • [Back on Your Feet]
  • [Balanced Posture]
  • [Ballad of Bravery]
  • [Ballista: Covering Fire]
  • [Bane]
  • [Bane Arrows]
  • [Bane Blades]
  • [Bane Weapons: (target)]
  • [Banked Counterpunch]
  • [Banked Fury]
  • [Banshee’s Voice]
  • [Bar Fighting]
  • [Bar: Selective Admission]
  • [Barbarian Constitution]
  • [Barbed Charge]
  • [Barkfur]
  • [Barkguard]
  • [Barrier of Pride]
  • [Barrier: Arcane Spellguard]
  • [Barrier: Crystalline Defense]
  • [Bartender’s Gift]
  • [Basic Alchemy]
  • [Basic Brewing]
  • [Basic Cleaning]
  • [Basic Cooking]
  • [Basic Concentration]
  • [Basic Crafting]
  • [Basic Drawing]
  • [Basic Efficient Action]
  • [Basic Enchantment]
  • [Basic Footwork]
  • [Basic Fortification Construction]
  • [Basic Golem Shaping]
  • [Basic Identification]
    • (Alchemy)
  • [Basic Leadership]
  • [Basic Negotiator]
  • [Basic Painting]
  • [Basic Perfect Action]
  • [Basic Perfect Action: Quick Slash]
  • [Basic Perfect Action: Stealth Run]
  • [Basic Proficiency: Crafting]
  • [Basic Proficiency: Speech]
  • [Basic Repair]
  • [Basic Riding]
  • [Basic Synthesis]
  • [Basic Telekinesis]
  • [Basic Weapon Proficiency: Swords]
  • [(Name): Basic Training]
  • [Battalion: Arcs of the Swallow]
  • [Battalion of Glory]
  • [Battering Charge]
  • [Battle Roar]
  • [Battle Simulations]
  • [Battle Stance: Vow of the Knight]
  • [Battle Warcry]
  • [Battlefield – The Cold Iron Mists]
  • [Battlefield: Cascade Shields of Fissival]
  • [Battlefield: Deploy Traps]
  • [Battlefield: Dust Storm]
  • [Battlefield: Even Ground – No Magic, No Luck, No Skills, Only Strategy] / [No Magic, No Luck, No Skills, Only Strategy]
  • [Battlefield: Footholds of Stei-Stone]
  • [Battlefield: Galuc’s Tunnel]
  • [Battlefield: Hawk’s Surveillance]
  • [Battlefield: Power of Fire]
  • [Battlefield: Skies of Chaos, Winds of War]
  • [Battlefield Awareness]
  • [Battlefield Eye]
  • [Battlefield Lure]
  • [Battlefield Sense]
  • [Beacon Arrow]
  • [Beastform]
  • [Begone, Ailments]
  • [Beheading Slice]
  • [Belay That]
  • [Bellhammer’s Impact]
  • [Benediction of Hope]
  • [Beneficial Tonic]
  • [Bet: Luck]
  • [Big Spell]
  • [Bike Hop]
  • [Bike: Smooth Roll] (Rough Terrain)
  • [Binding: Quickivory Bones]
  • [Bird's Eye View] / [Bird’s-Eye View]
  • [Blacksky Riders]
  • [Blade Art: Eighteen Silverfish]
  • [Blade Art: Execution of D-Minor]
  • [Blade Art: Fraerling Song]
  • [Blade Art: The Heron Descends Upon the Waters]
  • [Blade Art: Twin Curves of the Moon]
  • [Blade Dance]
  • [Blade Draw: Steeldawn Flash]
  • [Blade Flare]
  • [Blade of Clay]
  • [Blade of Glory]
  • [Blade of the Divine]
  • [Blades of Glory]
  • [Blazing Forge]
  • [Bleed Cuts]
  • [Blessing of Armor]
  • [Blessing of Rains]
  • [Blessing of the Hearth]
  • [Blessing: The Bow of Wings]
  • [Blind Foe]
  • [Blinding Arrow]
  • [Blinding Flash]
    • (Sword)
  • [Blink Shaft]
  • [Block Charge]
  • [Blood in the Waters, Blood in the Sky]
  • [Blood is Growth]
  • [Bloodform Blades]
  • [Bloodless Incision]
  • [Bloodless Wounds]
  • [Bloodline Pact: Thaiyr Okost]
  • [Bloodthirsty Engagement]
  • [Blow Flame]
  • [Blur Dodge]
  • [Blur Leap]
  • [Board: Tough as Steel]
  • [Bodies of Iron]
  • [Body: Aspect of Iron]
  • [Body: Aspect of Silver]
  • [Body: Aspect of the Jinn]
  • [Body: Firebreath]
  • [Body: Iron Fists]
  • [Body: Magicbreaker’s Fist]
  • [Body: Metabolism 1000%]
  • [Body: Ocean of Mana]
    • (Nature)
  • [Body: Redirection]
  • [Body: Reject Toxins]
  • [Body: Restore Stamina]
  • [Body: Skillbreaker’s Fist]
  • [Body: Staunched Bleeding]
  • [Body: Stored Energy]
  • [Body: Water Retention]
  • [Body of Change: Alter Resistances]
  • [Body of Stone]
  • [Bodyguard’s Shield]
  • [Bolt from Clear Skies]
  • [Bolt of Radiance: Explosive Charge]
  • [Bone-rattling Headbutt]
  • [Bone-rattling Swing]
  • [Bonebreaker Headbutt]
  • [Boon of the Guest]
  • [Boon of the Princess]
  • [Boon of the Throne]
  • [Boost Kick]
  • [Boost Spell]
  • [Boosted Morale (Unit)]
  • [Boss Around Wildlife]
  • [Bound Ship: The Wandering Ship]
  • [Bound Skill: (Skill)]
  • [Bound Spell: (Spell)]
  • [Bound Wind]
  • [Boundless Leap]
  • [Brace the Deck]
  • [Braced Shield]
  • [Brand of the Blasphemous Sinner]
  • [Bravehearts]
  • [Braveheart’s Charge]
  • [Break a (Fake) Leg]
  • [Break Their Morale]
  • [Briar Patch]
  • [Bridal Price Estimates]
  • [Brigade: Castling the Pieces] / [Castling the Pieces]
  • [Brilliant Insight]
    • (Weekly)
  • [Broader Shoulders]
  • [Brutal Headbutt]
  • [Brute’s Swing]
  • [Buffed Up Muscles]
  • [Bug Attracting Lantern]
  • [Bugfriend]
  • [Bull’s Ram]
  • [Bull’s Rush]
  • [Bulwark Shield]
  • [Burn Protection]
  • [Burning Spells]
  • [Burst of Speed]
  • [Burst of Strength]
  • [By Appointment Only]
  • [By My Unquestioned Authority, Fire Support: (Walled City)] / [Fire Support: (Walled City)]
    • The City of Magic, Fissival
    • The City of War, Manus
  • [By the Book: Hanging Cat Overwatch]
  • [By the Throne]

C[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/C

  • [Calculable Insight: Copy Skill (Intellect)]
  • [Call of the Champion]
  • [Call to Single Combat]
  • [Calm Mind]
  • [Calming Touch]
  • [Camouflage Armor]
  • [Campfire Chef]
  • [Cancel That]
  • [Capture Flame]
  • [Caravan Unslowed] (Mild Terrain)
  • [Cargo: Softer Landing]
  • [Carrying Voice]
  • [Cascade Shield]
  • [Cast of the Fisherman]
  • [Casualty Report]
  • [Cat’s Evasion]
  • [Cat’s Eye Vision]
  • [Cat’s Grace]
  • [Catch Yourself]
  • [Cease Fire]
  • [Challenge!]
  • [Challenge of the Knight]
  • [Challenge of the Wilds]
  • [Champion’s Gear]
  • [Champion’s Throw]
  • [Change the Flow]
  • [Change Viscosity]
    • (Oil)
  • [Channel Strike]
  • [Chaos Theory]
    • (Low-Risk)
  • [Charge of the Lion]
  • [Charge of the Strategist]
  • [Chargebreaker Guard]
  • [Charisma: Conviction of the Hunter]
  • [Charisma of the Madman]
  • [Charm Beast]
  • [Charm Smile]
  • [Charming Demeanor]
  • [Charming Smile]
  • [Cheat Death]
  • [Check Sum]
  • [Chessboard: Subsumed Reality, Our Board is the World]
  • [Chill Paws]
  • [Chosen Blow]
  • [Circle of Protection]
  • [Clash of Wills]
  • [Clean Apparel]
  • [Clean Glassware]
    • (Daily)
  • [Cleansed Materials]
  • [Cleansing Heat]
  • [Clear Minds]
  • [Clear Position]
  • [Clear Voice]
  • [Cleave the Earth]
  • [Cleave the Hills]
  • [Cleaving Arc]
  • [Cleaving Blow]
  • [Cleaving Scythe]
  • [Cleaving Slash]
  • [Climber’s Hold]
  • [Climbing Expertise]
  • [Close Counter]
  • [Close the Contract: Unreasonable Demands]
  • [Coating of Acid]
  • [Codebreaker’s Insight]
  • [Codebreaker’s Tongue]
  • [Collect Fee]
  • [Collector’s Bargain]
  • [Combat Vanish]
  • [Combination Attack: A Thousand Fireflies]
  • [Combination Attack: Lightning Tempest]
  • [Combination Attack: Winter’s Freeze]
  • [Combination Skill: Meteor Guardbreaker Shot]
  • [Combination Skill: The Web Closes]
  • [Combined Arms]
  • [Combined Skill — Onslaught Performance: Louder Than the Sea's Roar]
  • [Combined Skill: Barrier of Ego]
  • [Combined Skill: Bolt from the Heavens]
  • [Combined Skill: Merciless Beatdown]
  • [Combined Skill: Wrath of the Righteous]
  • [Company: Zigzag Maneuvering]
  • [Come to the Table]
  • [Comfort Food]
  • [Comforting Petting]
  • [Command Lesser Undead] / [Command Undead: Lesser]
  • [Commanding Presence]
  • [Commanding Voice]
  • [Company, In Attendance]
  • [Company, On Me]
  • [Company: Armorbane Weapons]
  • [Company: Free Dodge]
  • [Company: Lightning Hooves]
  • [Company: Rallying Teleport]
  • [Compartmentalized Knowledge]
  • [Compartments of Holding]
  • [Complete Onslaught]
  • [Compressed Muscle]
  • [Conceal Reputation]
  • [Concealing Presence]
  • [Concentrate Mana]
  • [Cone of Sound: Brown Note]
  • [Confidential Sources]
  • [Confirm Document]
  • [Conjure Fast Fireball]
  • [Conjure Stool]
  • [Consecutive Spear Flurry]
  • [Constant Foe (Undead)]
  • [Constitution of Half-Giants]
  • [Construct Vessel: Human]
  • [Consumption: Increase Nutrition]
  • [Contact Memory]
  • [Contest of Champions]
    • (Vigor)
  • [Continuous Cut]
  • [Continuous Rolling]
  • [Continuous Spear Thrusts]
  • [Control Mana]
  • [Control Pitch]
  • [Controlled Breaths]
  • [Controlled Release: Horizontal Spray]
  • [Convincing Lie] / [Convincing Lies]
  • [Cooking: No Bad Poos]
  • [Copy File]
  • [Copy Magical Seal]
  • [Copy Message]
  • [Copy Recipe]
  • [Copy Shape]
  • [Copy Skill: (Skill)]
  • [Copy Skill: Ten Levels]
  • [Copy Spell]
    • (Temporary)
  • [Copy Weapon Art]
  • [Corkscrew Stab]
  • [Corpse: Remembered Activity]
  • [Corrected Spelling]
  • [Counter Backstep]
  • [Counter Blow]
  • [Counter Fire] / [Counterfire]
  • [Counter Melody]
  • [Countercharge]
  • [Counterspears]
  • [Courageous Speech]
  • [Cover to Cover, Revision Reader]
  • [Covering Fire]
  • [Covering Fire: Archers]
  • [Covering Fire: Longshot Gamble]
  • [Covert Target Mark]
  • [Craft: Arrows of Will]
  • [Craft: Supple Clothing]
  • [Create Bread]
  • [Create Cloud: Paralysis Dust]
  • [Create Field: The Steelthread Web]
  • [Create Lifeglass]
  • [Create Lifesand Golem]
  • [Create Spectral Undead]
  • [Crescent Arc]
  • [Crescent Cut]
  • [Crew (Aspect): Devils of Slaughter]
  • [Crew: Bloodthristy Frenzy]
  • [Crew: My Ship is Crewed by Ghosts]
  • [Crew: Second Wind]
  • [Crew: They Knew No Fear]
  • [Crimson Earth Mana]
  • [Crimson Stinger]
  • [Crimson Whirls My Blade]
  • [Cross Cut]
  • [Cross Slash]
  • [Crossbow: Irregular Ammunitions]
    • (Stones)
  • [Crossbows: Overwatch]
  • [Crossroads of Izril]
  • [Crosswind’s Blow]
  • [Crossworlds Utility]
    • (Medical Equipment)
  • [Crowd Control]
  • [Curved Arc]
  • [Curving Shot] / [Curve Shot]
  • [Cute Smile]
  • [Cutting Remark]

D[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/D

  • [Dagger Art]
  • [Dagger Art: Grin of the Vortex]
  • [Daggerhail]
  • [Daily Resource: Blackpowder]
  • [Damage Shield]
  • [Damned Weights]
  • [Dance of Blessings]
  • [Dance of the Mantis]
  • [Dance of Wisps]
  • [Danger Zone: Multiplied Velocity]
  • [Danger-Spotter]
  • [Dangersense]
  • [Dangersense (Ward)]
  • [Daring Charge]
  • [Dark Aura]
  • [Data Discrepancy]
  • [Death’s Conduit]
  • [Death Defier]
  • [Death Gamble]
  • [Death Grip]
  • [Death Magic Proficiency]
  • [Decapitation Slice]
  • [Decisive Blows]
  • [Deckbreaker’s Hammer]
  • [Declare Foe: Bane]
    • (Furniture)
  • [Decoy: My Ward]
  • [Deep Breath]
  • [Deepened Magic Crystals] / [Deepened Magical Crystals]
  • [Deeper Container]
  • [Deeper Cut]
  • [Defenders: Resistance to Arrows]
  • [Defense Formation]
  • [Defensive Fighting]
  • [Defer Damage: Skateboard]
  • [Defiance To The Last]
  • [Deflect Arrows]
  • [Deflect Attention]
  • [Deflecting Parry]
  • [Deflecting Slashes]
  • [Deft Hand]
  • [Defy Solecism] (Daily)
  • [Delay Hunger]
  • [Delay the Deal]
  • [Delayed Blow]
  • [Delayed Cut]
  • [Delayed Reaction]
  • [Delayed Reload]
  • [Delayed Throw]
  • [Delegate Skill]
  • [Deny Parry]
  • [Deploy Pit Trap] / [Pitfall Trap]
  • [Deploy Trap: Bear Trap]
  • [Depth Explosion]
  • [Desperate Rallying]
  • [Destination: Fast Travel]
  • [Detect Acid]
  • [Detect Disloyalty]
  • [Detect Fault]
  • [Detect Flaw]
  • [Detect Flaw: Extended Range]
  • [Detect Guilt]
  • [Detect Improper Learning]
  • [Detect Impurities]
  • [Detect Injury]
  • [Detect Poison]
  • [Detect Void]
  • [Devastating Knee]
  • [Devastating Slash]
  • [Devastating Uppercut]
  • [Devil’s Luck]
  • [Dexterity of Thought]
  • [Did You Understand That?]
  • [Die For Me]
  • [Diotrichne’s Blessing]
  • [Diplomatic Immunity: Spycraft]
  • [Directional Sound]
  • [Directionsense]
  • [Dirty Feint]
  • [Dirty Trip]
  • [Disable Friendly Fire]
  • [Disadvantaged Renegotiation]
  • [Disarm the Foe]
  • [Disarming Parry]
  • [Disarming Shot]
  • [Disarming Strike]
  • [Discerning Clientele]
  • [Discreet Murmur] / [Discrete Murmur]
  • [Disease Detector]
  • [Dishes of Steel]
  • [Dispel Enchantments]
  • [Dispelling Fumes]
  • [Distill Advanced Concepts]
  • [Distill Basic Concepts] / [Distill Simple Concepts]
  • [Distracting Cough]
  • [Distracting Shot]
  • [Divert Rage]
  • [Divine Guidance]
  • [Division of Fire]
  • [Dizzying Shieldbash]
  • [Djinni’s Body]
  • [Dog’s Ears]
  • [Don’t Burn It]
  • [Don’t Shoot the Messenger]
  • [Doomshaker Blow]
  • [Door: Remote Locking]
  • [Door of Portals] / [Portal Door]
    • (# Miles/Distance)
  • [Double Arrow]
  • [Double Cut]
  • [Double or Nothing]
  • [Double Pedaling]
  • [Double Potency]
  • [Double Shot]
  • [Double Slash]
  • [Double Step]
  • [Double Strike]
  • [Double Tap]
  • [Doublechant Incantation]
  • [Doubled Acceleration]
  • [Doubled Collection (Ants)]
  • [Doubled Efficacy]
  • [Doubled Healing: Potions]
  • [Doubled Impact]
  • [Doubled Mental Presence]
  • [Doubled Range]
  • [Doubled Velocity]
  • [Doubled Volley]
  • [Dragonscale Patch]
  • [Drain Color]
  • [Drain Death Mana]
  • [Drain Fury]
  • [Drawn to Life]
  • [Dream Walk]
  • [Drunken Strength]
  • [Dual Blow]
  • [Dual Shot]
  • [Duelist’s Leechblade]
  • [Dulav-ra: Tetrad of the Solar Aura]
  • [Durable Picks]
  • [Dust Bomb]
  • [Dust Kick]
  • [Duststorm Kick]

E[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/E

  • [Each Death, Another Breath]
  • [Each Door a Destiny]
  • [Eagle Eyes]
  • [Earmarked Funds – Recompensation]
  • [Earpiercing Whistle (Hostiles)]
  • [Ears: The Words Unspoken]
  • [Earthshaker's Blow]
  • [Ease Your Burdens]
  • [Easy Mark]
  • [Echo Voice]
  • [Echoing Strings]
  • [Edict of Bloom]
  • [Edict of Silversky]
  • [Edict of the Blooded]
  • [Efficacious Medicine]
  • [Efficient Metabolism]
  • [Efficient Run]
  • [Effortless Parry]
  • [Ego is Weight]
  • [Eidetic Memory]
  • [Eidetic Spell Memory]
  • [Eighteen Minutes of the Secretary]
  • [Eighty-pound Draw]
  • [Electric Chords]
  • [Elegant Save]
  • [Elephant’s Strength]
  • [Elephantslayer’s Thrust]
  • [Elevated Authority]
  • [Eleventh Hour Wheels]
  • [Elk’s Run]
  • [Elusive Footwork]
  • [Emergency Block]
  • [Emergency Dodge]
  • [Emergency Evacuation]
  • [Emergency Regeneration]
  • [Emergency Smokescreen]
  • [Employees: Species Perks]
  • [Empower Officer: (Person)]
  • [Empowered Casting]
  • [Empowered Puppets]
  • [Enchantment: Acid Coating]
  • [Encore Skill]
  • [Endowment of the Thief]
  • [Energizing Special Meal]
  • [Energizing Touch]
  • [Enforce Contract]
  • [Enforce Pact: The Chessmaster’s Wrath]
  • [Engaging Discourse]
  • [Enhanced Agility]
  • [Enhanced Concoctions]
  • [Enhanced Durability – Oars]
  • [Enhanced Edge]
  • [Enhanced Hide]
  • [Enhanced Impact]
  • [Enhanced Intelligence]
  • [Enhanced Movement]
  • [Enhanced Natural Healing]
  • [Enhanced Potions]
  • [Enhanced Reactions: Stolen Seconds of Theft]
  • [Enhanced Seasoning]
  • [Enhanced Shields]
  • [Enhanced Speed]
  • [Enhanced Spell: (Spell)]
  • [Enhanced Strength]
  • [Enhanced Strength: Doors]
  • [Enhanced Strength: Throwing]
  • [Enhanced Telekinesis]
  • [Enhanced Telepathy]
  • [Enhanced Thread]
  • [Enhanced Toughness]
  • [Enigmatic Clue: Spellcraft]
  • [Enraging Taunt]
  • [Enriched Recipes]
  • [Enthralling Glance]
  • [Epochal Earthworks Rise]
  • [Erratic Maneuvering]
  • [Group: Erratic Maneuvering]
  • [Establish Bond]
  • [Estate: Collect Taxes]
    • (Crops)
  • [Estate: Forager’s Bounty]
  • [Evaluation of Wealth]
  • [Evasive Dodge]
  • [Evasive Flip]
  • [Evasive Leap]
  • [Evasive Maneuver]
  • [Evasive Roll] / [Evasive Rolls]
  • [Evasive Scamper]
  • [Evasive Tactics]
  • [Evasive Turn]
  • [Even Footing]
  • [Ever-Prepared, Ever-Vigilant. Ever Armed]
  • [Everyday Prop]
  • [Everything Has a Price]
  • [Evil Cackle]
  • [Evil Eye]
  • [Exceed Yourself, Suffer Later]
  • [Excellent Diction]
  • [Excuse My Failings]
  • [Executive Authority: Contracts]
  • [Exhaustive Memory]
  • [Exit Negotiations]
  • [Expanded Boundaries]
  • [Expanded Cargo Hold]
  • [Expanded Lungs]
  • [Expanded Range]
  • [Expedited Errand]
  • [Expeditious Retreat]
  • [Expeditious Traveller]
  • [Expel Poisons]
  • [Expert Alchemy]
  • [Expert Bartering]
  • [Expert Cooking]
  • [Expert Dueling]
  • [Expert’s Shot]
  • [Explosive Arrow]
  • [Explosive Flesh]
  • [Exquisite Flavoring]
  • [Exquisite Insight]
  • [Extended Aura: Gravity Well]
  • [Extended Reach]
  • [Extended Reach: Three Feet]
  • [Extended Blade]
  • [Extended Strike]
  • [Extended Sweep]
  • [Extra Spice]
  • [Extreme Reaction: Dodge]
  • [Extremespeed Reaction]
  • [Eye of Need]
  • [Eye of the Client]
  • [Eyes In The Back]
  • [Eyes of Appraisal]
  • [Eyes of Many]
  • [Eyes of Personality]
  • [Eyes of Talent]
  • [Eyes of the Bandit Lord]
  • [Eyes of the Wyrm]
  • [Eyes of True Self]
  • [Eyes: Guiding Light]

F[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/F

  • [Fact Check]
  • [Faint Presence]
  • [Fair Share]
  • [Faith is My Strength]
  • [Fake Dismemberment]
  • [Fake Smile]
  • [Fall Back]
  • [False Orders]
  • [Fame Is My Magic]
  • [Famous Name]
  • [Far Cast]
  • [Far Riders]
  • [Farseeker Arrows]
  • [Farshot Mastery]
  • [Farsight]
  • [Fast Backstep]
  • [Fast Boiling]
  • [Fast Drying]
  • [Fast Feet]
  • [Fast Growth]
  • [Fast Hands]
  • [Fast Leg Sweep]
  • [Fast Roll]
  • [Fast Scrawl]
  • [Fast Sprint]
  • [Fast Stitching]
  • [Fast Travel]
  • [Fast Travel Locations (#)]
  • [Fast Travellers]
  • [Faster Mixing]
  • [Faster Rolling]
  • [Faster to Untamed Lands]
  • [Fate, I Take the Other Path]
  • [Favor of the King]
  • [Fear Me, Your Mortality]
  • [Fearless Charge]
  • [Fearless Lance Charge]
  • [Feather Hop]
  • [Feather Jump]
  • [Feathercatch Roll]
  • [Feel the Rhythm]
  • [Feet of Stone]
  • [Feint Dodge]
  • [Feint Slash]
  • [Fencer’s Lunge]
  • [Fencer’s Riposte]
  • [Ferocious Command]
  • [Field of Harvests]
  • [Field of Preservation]
  • [Fields of Bounty]
  • [Fiery Arc]
  • [Fight Like You Mean It]
  • [Fight or Die]
  • [Fill Missing Data]
  • [Fill the Sails]
  • [Filtered Entry]
  • [Finer Thread]
  • [Find Roads Less Travelled]
  • [Fire From the Walls]
  • [Fire Magnet]
  • [Fire’s Fuel (Mundane)]
  • [First Forwards, First Out]
  • [First Reasonable Offer]
  • [First Strikes]
  • [First to Battle]
  • [Fists of Iron]
  • [Fit to Form]
  • [Fixed Spell]
  • [Flag: Inspiring Sight]
  • [Flame Slash]
  • [Flameguard]
  • [Flaming Armaments]
  • [Flammable Target]
  • [Flash Baking]
  • [Flash Blade]
  • [Flash Blow]
  • [Flash Cut]
  • [Flash Hands]
  • [Flash Kick]
  • [Flash Lunge]
  • [Flash Memorization: Literature]
  • [Flash Parry]
  • [Flash Punch]
  • [Flash Sparks]
  • [Flash Strike]
  • [Flash Unsheathe]
  • [Flash Wings]
  • [Flashfire Spellcraft]
  • [Flask: Directional Force]
  • [Flawless Attempt]
  • [Flawless Cut]
  • [Flawless Defence]
  • [Flawless Dodge]
  • [Flawless Magical Analysis]
  • [Flawless Parry]
  • [Flawless Stride]
  • [Flawless Strike]
  • [Flawless Vocalization]
  • [Fleet Foot]
  • [Fleet: Ram’s Charge]
  • [Fleetwind Feet]
  • [Fleetwind Run]
  • [Flesh is Steel]
  • [Flicker Charge]
  • [Flicker Dodge]
  • [Flicker Onslaught]
  • [Flicker Step]
  • [Flicker Theft]
  • [Floor of Impalement]
  • [Flowing Footwork]
  • [Fluffball Shield]
  • [Flutter Step]
  • [Flurry Blades] / [Flurry of Blades]
  • [Flurry of Blows]
  • [Flurry of Cuts]
  • [Flurry of Motion]
  • [Flurry Scrub]
  • [Flurry Stab]
  • [Flurry Strikes]
  • [Flying Hooves]
  • [Flying Jump Kick]
  • [Flying Kick]
  • [Focus Fire] / [Focused Fire]
  • [Focus of Ire]
  • [Focus, Class]
  • [Foe Sensor] / [Battlefield – Foe Sensor]
  • [Foefinder’s Scan]
  • [Folk’s Vitales Gift]
  • [Follow My Back]
  • [Follow my Command, Worm]
  • [Follow the Story]
  • [Foolhardy Taunt]
  • [Footwork: Half-circle Reposition]
  • [For Every One That Falls, Our Scales Grow Stronger]
  • [For Every Soul I Entertain, Goodwill Remains]
  • [For Your Ears Only]
  • [Force Palm]
  • [Forced Removal]
  • [Foreign Lands Training (Landscape)]
  • [Foresight]
    • (Injury, Mortal Wound, Commodities)
  • [Forged By Deed]
  • [Form a Line]
  • [(Name): Form Change]
    • (Ashbringer Scourgebee)
  • [Form Ranks]
  • [Formation: Accelerate]
  • [Formation: Anchors of Lead]
  • [Formation: Dodge]
  • [Formation: Reinforced Armor]
  • [Fortified Block]
  • [Fortified Shields]
  • [Fortune Bleeds]
  • [Forwards, Slaves]
  • [Four Good Lies]
  • [Fourfold Petting]
  • [Fourfold Strike]
  • [Fourfold Volley]
  • [Free Ascent]
    • [Free Ascent: 50 Feet]
  • [Free Baker’s Dozen]
  • [Free Cut]
  • [Free Elbow]
  • [Free Refill: Scented Soap of Taima]
  • [Freeze, Criminal]
  • [Frenzy Cuts]
  • [Friend of Fur]
  • [Friend-And-Foe Vision]
  • [Friends: Primal Awakening]
  • [From Mind, Accurate Sketch]
  • [From Witchcraft, Sorcery Ariseth]
  • [Frozen Grip]
  • [Frozen Quickshape]
  • [Full Armor Onslaught]
  • [Full Body Throw] / [Full-Body Throw]
  • [Full House Throw]
  • [Full of Ink]
    • [Tribe: Full of Ink]
  • [Full Power Blow]
  • [Full Power Throw]
  • [Full-Weight Counter]
  • [Fungoid Harvester]
  • [Furious Charge]
  • [Furious Hunt: Hyenas]
  • [Furious Rage]
  • [Fury Strength]
  • [Future Negotiation]

G[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/G

  • [Gale Wings]
  • [Gallows Swing]
  • [Gaping Bite]
  • [Garden of Sanctuary]
  • [Gas-Sight]
  • [Gazelle’s Leap]
  • [Get in Formation]
  • [Get Off My Ship]
  • [Get Up and Run]
  • [Ghost’s Hand]
  • [Ghostrider]
  • [Giant’s Arrow]
  • [Giant’s Hammer]
  • [Giant’s Kick]
  • [Giant’s Parry]
  • [Giant’s Stab]
  • [Giant’s Sword]
  • [Giants on the March]
  • [Gift of Friendship: Keener Hearing]
  • [Gift of Friendship: Sharper Scents]
  • [Gift of the Progenitor]
  • [Give It To Me]
  • [Glacial Wall of Ice]
  • [Glaciersheet Ice]
  • [Gliding Steps]
  • [Glittering Cut]
  • [Glorious Charge]
  • [Glossary of Salii]
  • [Glove Grip]
  • [Goblin Cookbook]
  • [God’s Fist]
  • [Golden Investment]
  • [Golden Rays of Rhir]
  • [Golden Remuneration]
  • [Golden Yield]
  • [Good as Today]
  • [Good Luck Charm]
  • [Gore Splash]
  • [Gorecut Step]
  • [Grace of the Bastille]
  • [Graceful Engagement]
  • [Graceful Step]
  • [Gracious Invitation]
  • [Grand Punch]
  • [Grand Slash]
  • [Grand Theatre]
  • [Granite Formation]
  • [Granite's Armor]
  • [Grasshopper’s Run]
  • [Gratitude of the Championed]
  • [Gravesummon Skeleton Retainer]
  • [Gravitas of the Monuments]
  • [Gravity Paw]
  • [Great Enemy: Goblin]
  • [Great Shield]
  • [Great Slash]
  • [Great Swing]
  • [Greater Agility]
  • [Greater Blessing of Armor]
  • [Greater Dodge]
  • [Greater Endurance]
  • [Greater Endurance: Mount]
  • [Greater Far Cast]
  • [Greater Illusion]
    • (Door)
  • [Greater Inebriated Strength]
  • [Greater Pain Tolerance]
  • [Greater Resistance: Acid]
  • [Greater Resistance: Chronos]
  • [Greater Resistance: Electricity] / [Greater Lightning Resistance]
  • [Greater Resistance: Fire] / [Greater Fire Resistance]
  • [Greater Resistance: Mental]
  • [Greater Resistance: Poison]
  • [Greater Speed]
  • [Greater Strength]
  • [Greater Toughness]
  • [Greenbane Arrow]
  • [Grinder Teeth]
  • [Grip of Paralysis]
  • [Ground Dance: Taurus of the Desert]
  • [Ground Electricity]
  • [Grounded Advance]
  • [Group Action]
  • [Group: Speed Raiders]
  • [Grudgescent Terrier]
  • [Guaranteed Shot]
  • [Guise of Neutrality]

H[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/H

  • [Hacking Chop]
  • [Hail of Bolts]
  • [Hail of Projectiles]
  • [Half-Circle Reposition]
  • [Half-Giant’s Launch Kick]
  • [Half-Giant’s Stride]
  • [Hammer Blow]
  • [Hammer Kick]
  • [Hammer of the Ogre]
  • [Hammer Strike]
  • [Hammering Blows]
  • [Harassing Fire: Arrows of Slow]
  • [Harmony of Restfulness]
  • [Harpoon Bolt]
  • [Harried Gallop]
  • [Harvest Witchcraft (Local)]
  • [Haste Formation]
  • [Hat Trick: (Spell)]
    • (Minor Arcana)
  • [Hawk Eyes] / [Hawk’s Eyes]
  • [He Felt No Shame]
  • [He Fought With All His Pride]
  • [He Left Pride in His Wake]
  • [He Scratched Only Thread]
  • [He Walked and Shadows Split]
  • [Headhunter]
  • [Headman’s Last Cut]
  • [Healer’s Intuition]
    • (Basic)
  • [Healthy Growth]
  • [Healthy Rearing]
  • [Hear Me]
  • [Heartbreaker Kiss]
  • [Hearts of Courage]
  • [Heat Resistance]
  • [Heavy Push]
  • [Heavyweight Punch]
  • [Hefty Push]
  • [Heightened Reflexes]
  • [Helmet Head]
  • [Hemostatic Pause]
  • [Here, And Everywhere I Rule]
  • [Heroic Tolerance: Alcohol]
  • [Heron's Wing Slash]
  • [Hidden Door]
  • [High Jump]
  • [Highlight Forageables]
  • [Highlight Target]
  • [Hill Cleaver]
  • [Hill Ogre’s Smash]
  • [Hints of Affection]
  • [His Hat Held Wrath]
  • [Hob’s Strength]
  • [Hold Door]
  • [Hold Ember]
  • [Hold the Line]
  • [Hold Until The Last]
  • [Holdless Throw]
  • [Holy Radiance]
  • [Homing Arc]
  • [Homing Arrow] / [Homing Arrows]
  • [Homing Kick]
  • [Homing Quick Stab]
  • [Homing Shot] / [Homing Shots]
  • [Homing Spell]
  • [Homing Throw]
  • [Honest Gift Exchange]
  • [Honor’s Shield] / [Honor’s Shield – Single Use]
  • [Honorguard]
  • [Hook Punch]
  • [Horrendous Weather]
  • [Hot Enough For You]
  • [Hound's Nose]
  • [Hound’s Scent]
    • (Edibles)
  • [Hour of the Secretary]
  • [Howl of the Plains]
  • [Huge Chomp]
  • [Humble Presence]
  • [Hundred-Foot Lunge]
  • [Hundredfold Arms Repair]
  • [Hundredfold Stab]
  • [Hunter’s Quarry]
  • [Hunter’s Resolve: No Hesitation, Nor Remorse]
  • [Hunting Hook]
  • [Hurricane Arrows]
  • [Hurricane Stabs]
  • [Hurricane Throw]
  • [Hydra’s Strikes]
  • [Hygienic Hands]

I[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/I

  • [I Am the Origin of Contracts: By Right of Mendacity, I Annul Any Oath, I Shatter Every Pact]
  • [I Am Unmovable]
  • [I Bear My Mistress’ Stains]
  • [I Burned Brighter Ere I Fell]
  • [I Called A Storm In the Name of the Harpy Queen]
  • [I Can Do Anything I Claim]
  • [I Can Shoot That]
  • [I Carry My Mistress' Burdens]
  • [I Challenge You]
  • [I Claim Your Fate]
  • [I Command Your Humanity: (Order)]
  • [I Dipped My Blade in Destiny]
  • [I Double Dare You]
  • [I Fear No Flame]
  • [I Forged in the Greatest Fire I Have Known]
  • [I Fought Against Five Alone]
  • [I Go First]
  • [I Grew Luck Itself]
  • [I Grew With Every Bite]
  • [I Have Seen It Die]
  • [I Left My Name Behind]
  • [I Left the Carrion None of Their Due]
  • [I Made a Copy]
  • [I Match Your Strength for Strength]
  • [I Moved Like Thunder]
  • [I Sense Treachery]
  • [I Stabbed Everything I Saw]
  • [I Stepped Through the Mundane World]
  • [I Stirred That]
  • [I Stole a Better Tomorrow]
  • [I Stole Fate]
  • [I Stole Lightning]
  • [I Struck Him Deaf]
  • [I Took Eight Steps Like Thunder]
  • [I Walked the Crossroads of Izril]
  • [I Will Never Let You Go]
  • [I Worked Like Three Men]
  • [I’m As Good As You Are]
  • [Ice Magic Affinity]
  • [Icon of Faith]
  • [Identify Perpetrator]
  • [Ignite Creation]
  • [Ignore Bump]
  • [Ignore Pain]
  • [Illustrated Point]
  • [Illustrator’s Vision]
  • [Imbue Skill]
  • [Imitation of Might]
  • [Immobile Ranks]
  • [Immobilizing Touch]
  • [Immovable Stance: Manticore]
  • [Immunity: Alcohol]
  • [Immunity: Crossbow Bolts]
  • [Immunity: Fear]
  • [Immunity: Vampirism]
  • [Impact Arrow]
  • [Impact Charge]
  • [Impact Headbutt]
  • [Impact Punch]
  • [Impact Reflection]
  • [Impact Rush]
  • [Impact Spear]
  • [Impactful Blows]
  • [Impaler’s Formation]
  • [Impaling Lunge]
  • [Impartial Observer]
  • [Imperial Appraiser]
  • [Imperial Aura]
  • [Imperial Levy]
  • [Implacable Demeanor]
  • [Implacable Order]
  • [Impossible Dodge]
  • [Improved Balance]
  • [Improved Block]
  • [Improved Bracing]
  • [Improved Evasion: Projectiles]
  • [Improved Mana Circulation]
  • [Improved Parry]
  • [Incendiary Fist]
  • [Incisive Comment]
  • [Increased Income]
    • (Job)
  • [Increased Warmth: Ember]
  • [Incredible Adhesive]
  • [Incredible Leap]
  • [Incredible Solvent]
  • [Indefinite Flotation]
  • [Indefinite Lift]
    • (Mental)
  • [Indefinite Marching]
  • [Indestructible Clipboard]
  • [Indirect Bombardment]
  • [Indirect Hex]
  • [Indomitable Will]
  • [Inebriated Toughness]
  • [Inert Stirring Rod]
  • [Information Dump: (''Target'')]
  • [Infuse Color]
  • [Infuse Witchcraft: Objects]
  • [Infused Dough]
    • (Scaethen Dough)
  • [Ingredients Sense (Minor)]
  • [Ingredients Stabilization]
  • [Ingredients: Cultural Shift!]
  • [Inheritance of the Bandit Lord]
  • [Injury Sense]
  • [Inkless Fur]
  • [Inn’s Aura]
  • [Innate Spell: Detect Magic]
  • [Innovation Never Ceases]
  • [Inopportune Trip]
  • [Insider Information]
  • [Inspect Ward’s Condition]
  • [Inspection: Gold Collected]
  • [Inspiring Words]
  • [Instant Arrow]
  • [Instant Drying]
  • [Instant Nap]
  • [Instant Retribution: Threat]
  • [Instant Clothing Change]
  • [Instantaneous Barrage (Phantom Arrows)]
  • [Instantaneous Redirection]
  • [Instantaneous Reload]
  • [Insult to Injury]
  • [Intensify Spell]
  • [Intercept Communications]
  • [Intercept Missive]
  • [Interception Fire]
  • [Intimidating Bellow]
  • [Intimidating Glare]
  • [Intimidating Shout]
  • [Intimidating Stare]
  • [Introspective Moment]
  • [Intuition]
  • [Inventory: Trickle of Replenishment]
  • [Invisible Bolt]
  • [Invisible Cast]
  • [Invisible Guard]
  • [Invisible to Decency]
  • [Iron Scales] / [Ironscales]
  • [Ironmarrow Bones]
  • [Ironshell]
  • [Iron Skin] / [Ironhide]
  • [Iron Will]
  • [Is It A Deal]
  • [It Hurts Less]
  • [It’s a Joke, Not a Crime]
  • [Item: Replenish Charges]
  • [Item: Skillblocking Flash]
    • (Spectacles)

J[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/J

  • [Jab Barrage]
  • [Journalistic Shield]
  • [Judge of Nobility]

K[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/K

  • [Keen Blades]
  • [Keen Eyes]
  • [Keen Shot]
  • [Keener Edge]
  • [Keep Up With Me]
  • [Kill Confirmed]
  • [King’s Bounty]
  • [Kingdom: Witness their Demise]
  • [Kiss of the Viper]
  • [Kitchen Delivery]
  • [Kith and Kin of Goblins]
  • [Kneader’s Grip]
  • [Knight’s Challenge]
  • [Knight’s Riposte]
  • [Knightly Vow]
  • [Know Thy Audience]
  • [Knuckles of Iron]

L[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/L

  • [Lance Formation]
  • [Lance Thrust]
  • [Lance: Touch of Age]
  • [Lancing Hydrastrike]
  • [Lancing Thrust]
  • [Lantern: Bright Illumination]
  • [Larger Livestock]
  • [Lasting Ember]
  • [Launch Kick]
  • [Launch Palm]
  • [Launch Step]
  • [Launching Strike]
  • [Law of the Inn]
  • [Lawbreaker’s Enemy]
  • [Layered Ward]
  • [Leap of Death]
  • [Leap of Twin Swallows]
  • [Leaping Fish Combo]
  • [Leaping Strike]
  • [Learn by Example]
  • [Learn Song] / [Learn Song: Home]
  • [Leash the Slave]
  • [Leg Sweep]
  • [Legendary Reputation]
  • [Legions of Steel]
  • [Lesser Authority: Buildings]
  • [Lesser Bludgeoning Resistance]
  • [Lesser Bond: (Name)]
  • [Lesser Charisma]
  • [Lesser Dexterity]
  • [Lesser Dragonbreath Arrow]
    • (Lightning)
  • [Lesser Endurance]
  • [Lesser Explosive Resistance]
  • [Lesser Forcewall] / [Lesser Wall of Force]
  • [Lesser Frost Resistance]
  • [Lesser Intuition]
  • [Lesser Magic Resistance]
  • [Lesser Mindward]
  • [Lesser Missile Defense]
  • [Lesser Pain Tolerance]
  • [Lesser Resistance: Blades]
  • [Lesser Resistance: Death]
  • [Lesser Resistance: Disease]
  • [Lesser Resistance: Elements]
  • [Lesser Resistance: Infection]
  • [Lesser Speed]
  • [Lesser Stamina]
  • [Lesser Strength]
  • [Lesser Toughness]
  • [Lesser Wisdom]
  • [Let’s Make a Deal]
  • [Lifeburning Flames]
  • [Light Arc]
  • [Lighter Armor]
  • [Lightning Gallop]
  • [Lightning Hooves]
  • [Lightning Iai]
  • [Lightning Jab]
  • [Lightning Melody]
  • [Lightning Run]
  • [Lightning Slash]
  • [Lightning Sprint]
  • [Lightning’s Hammer]
  • [Lightsoaked Armaments]
  • [Lightweight Craft]
  • [Lightweight Wheels]
  • [Like a Lion, He Leapt]
  • [Like Fire, Memory]
  • [Limb: Imbue Skill]
  • [Limited Regeneration]
  • [Limited Telepathy]
  • [Line-Ender Shot]
  • [Line-Ending Inferno]
  • [Lineholder Formation]
  • [Lingering Presence]
  • [Link Documents]
  • [Linked Skill: (Skill)]
  • [Linked Skill: [Combat Vanish]
  • [Linked Skill: [Massed Strikes]
  • [Lionform Transformation]
  • [Locate Item]
    • [Locate Item: Scroll of Featherfall]
  • [Locate Number] / [Locate Number: (Number)]
  • [Locate Patient]
  • [Locate Ward (Person)]
  • [Lock Document]
  • [Lock Door]
  • [Lock Helm]
  • [Long Backstep]
  • [Long Ear]
  • [Long Hallways]
  • [Long Step]
  • [Long Uppercut]
  • [Long-Range Command]
  • [Long-ranged Fire]
  • [Long-Range Shot] / [Long Range Shot]
  • [Long-Range Volley]
  • [Longclaw Grip]
  • [Longrange Shot]
  • [Longstep]
  • [Longstrider’s Gallop]
  • [Loop Shot]
  • [Loot Weighs Nothing]
  • [Lots of Effort]
  • [Loud Voice]
  • [Lover’s Embrace: Armaments]
  • [Lover’s Lucky Charm]
  • [Low-born Militias]
  • [Low-Grade Synthesis]
  • [Low-Light Vision]
  • [Lucid Dreaming]
  • [Luck of the Foolhardy]
  • [Lucky Dodge]
  • [Lucky Harvester]
  • [Lucky Rains, Fall]
  • [Lunging Strike]
  • [Lure Song]

M[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/M

  • [Mace Art: Big Hammer]
  • [Mach Punch]
  • [Mach Wings]
  • [Madman’s Sprint]
  • [Mageward Shield]
  • [Magic Guard]
  • [Magic of Will]
  • [Magic Piercing Throw]
  • [Magic Thought]
  • [Magic: (Spell)]
  • [Magic-Piercing Round]
  • [Magic-Water Solvent]
  • [Magical Bookmark]
  • [Magical Cooking]
  • [Magical Grounds]
  • [Magical Specialization: Sand]
  • [Magical Tutelage]
    • (Grand Magus)
  • [Magicguard Block]
  • [Magicslayer’s Shot]
  • [Magnetic Pull]
  • [Magnificent Dealings]
  • [Magnified Training]
  • [Maintain the Pace]
  • [Malady’s Cessation]
  • [Malleable Metal]
  • [Mana Conversion – Sustenance]
  • [Mana Pool]
  • [Mana Reserve]
  • [Mana Siphon]
    • (Object)
  • [Mana Well]
  • [Mana Well (Earthen)]
  • [Manacharged Reflexes]
  • [Manor Eimland of Veltras]
  • [Manufacture Stellar Ivory]
  • [Map Profit Motive]
  • [Marathon Run]
  • [March of the Invincible]
  • [Marionette’s Imitation]
  • [Mark of Danger] / [Danger Mark]
  • [Mark of Worth]
  • [Mark Target] / [Marked Target]
  • [Mark Target: Reduced Mobility]
  • [Mark’s Eye]
  • [Martial Art: Sandflea Run]
  • [Martial Arts Proficiency: Style of the Roving Wall]
  • [Mass Disjunction]
  • [Mass Execution: You All Look the Same to Me]
  • [Mass Prayer]
  • [Mass Revision]
  • [Massed Strikes]
  • [Master of Faces]
  • [Master, Allow Me]
  • [Master-Apprentice Spell]
    • [Master Spell: (Spell)]
  • [Master’s Sympathy]
  • [Masterful Holder Rune (#)]
  • [Measure of Valor]
  • [Medicine: Remove Flaw] (Single)
  • [Meet the Deadline: Rush Work]
  • [Melody of Droplets]
  • [Melody of Sparks]
  • [Melody of Speed]
  • [Memo]
  • [Memorize Elementary Homework]
  • [Memorize Routine (Number)]
  • [Memorize Speech]
  • [Memorize That]
  • [Memory of a Hundred Lifetimes]
  • [Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes]
  • [Memory of the Earth]
  • [Memory of the Quarass]
  • [Memory-Fixed Words]
  • [Mend Creation]
  • [Mend Documentation]
  • [Mending Recovery]
  • [Menu: Instantaneous Order]
  • [Mental Canvas]
  • [Method Acting]
  • [Might of Four]
  • [Might of the Homeland]
  • [Mighty Swing]
  • [Mind Guard: The Fortress of Equations]
  • [Mind of the Strategist]
  • [Mind Shield: Eldritch Inscriptions]
  • [Miner’s Claws]
  • [Mineral Distillation]
  • [Minor Accident Prevention]
  • [Minor Blessing of Luck]
  • [Minor Telepathy (Ants)]
  • [Minotaur Punch]
  • [Minute of Iron]
  • [Mirage Cut]
  • [Mischief Bank]
  • [Misdirect Thoughts]
  • [Mistreach Cut]
  • [Mithril Axe Kick]
  • [Mithril Caltrops]
  • [Moment of Strength]
  • [Momentary Eloquence]
  • [Momentous Journey: Show Me the Sight of a Lifetime]
  • [Monitor Attribute]
    • (Health)
  • [Monitor Vitals]
  • [Monumental Animation]
  • [Moodreader]
  • [Mortal Enemy: Slavers]
  • [Morticious Insult]
  • [Motivational Speech]
  • [Mother’s Flight]
  • [Mount and Rider: Shared Skills]
  • [Mount: In Time, Your Truest Potential]
  • [Move Reality Like Chess]
  • [Mud Throw]
  • [Mudgrip Boots]
  • [Muffled Armor]
  • [Munizor’s Magnificent Mansion]
  • [Mutual Bet]
  • [My Arrow Shall Not Stop]
  • [My Blade Pierced All But Dragonhide]
  • [My Cause is Just]
  • [My Creation Never Dies — Full Recreation]
  • [My Dream Never Ran Out of Fuel]
  • [My Dream of Flight: 30% Discount]
  • [My Eyes Described the World I Beheld]
  • [My Hands Were a Second Blade]
  • [My Knife Cuts All]
  • [My Life, My King]
  • [My Lord, Ever Armed]
  • [My Mana Runs Thick as Blood]
  • [My Oath Binds You Like My Conviction]
  • [My Other Self]
  • [My Pain Is My Strength]
  • [My Pantry Overflowed With My Deeds]
  • [My People, Take Wing]
  • [My Quarry Bleeds Out]
  • [My Strength, Regained]
    • (Ten Minutes)
  • [My Stunning Performance]
  • [My Sword Sings Twice]
  • [My Thoughts Run Like Lightning]
  • [My Tools Were Unbroken]
  • [My Will is Yours]
  • [My Wings Fly In Sky, and Under Sea]

N[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/N

  • [Name of Dragons: (Name)]
  • [Name Your Price]
  • [Narrative: Spot Inconsistencies]
  • [Natural Allies: Fortress Beavers]
  • [Natural Allies: Goblins]
  • [Natural Allies: Ogres]
  • [Natural Allies: Sariant Lamb] / [Natural Ally: Sariant Lambs]
  • [Natural Concealment]
  • [Natural Enemy: Vampires]
  • [Natural Gift: Fur of the Fortress]
  • [Natural Oils]
  • [Natural Seasonings]
  • [Natural Yeast]
  • [Needle Rush]
  • [Negate Spell]
  • [Nerve Strike: Paralysis]
  • [Nerves of Steel]
  • [Neutralize Element]
  • [Never again, Nevermore]
  • [Never Known, Never Remembered: A Crew of Masks]
  • [Never Late To Work]
  • [Ninety Degree Instep]
  • [No One Leaves My Presence]
  • [No Overlaps]
  • [No Pulling Out]
  • [No Retreat, No Quarter]
  • [No Retreat! No Surrender! Hold Your Ground!]
  • [No Sanctuary, No Respite. From Dawn Till Dusk, You Were Hunted]
  • [No Wind Escapes My Sails]
  • [Noble Diction]
  • [Noble Strength]
  • [Non-Allergen Cooking]
  • [Nose for Something Interesting]
  • [Notes of Deflection]
  • [Notice Attraction]
  • [Nourishing Meal]
  • [Numbing Touch]

O[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/O

  • [Oath of Flames]
  • [Oathbreaker’s Repudiation: “For survival, I object”]
  • [Obey Me: Forward March]
  • [Offense Mode]
  • [Offensive Roll]
  • [Officer Headhunter Mode]
  • [Officer Under Arms]
  • [Officer’s Second Chance]
  • [Ogre’s Charge]
  • [Ogre’s Punch]
  • [Oil Spray]
  • [Omnidirectional Blow]
  • [Omnidirectional Slash]
  • [On The Job Training For Services Rendered]
  • [On the March: Vigilance and Speed]
  • [One Day Bloom]
  • [One Dies Before The Other]
  • [One Good Lie]
  • [One Lucky Save]
  • [One of the Lads]
  • [One Stands Before All]
  • [One True Detail]
  • [One True Falsehood]
  • [Only my Challengers Shall Advance]
  • [Only Truth Between Us]
  • [Onslaught Defense]
  • [Open Hellste’s Gate]
    • (Single)
  • [Open Says Me]
  • [Order in the Ranks]
  • [Order of the Samaritan]
  • [Order: Throw Them Back]
  • [Orders from Above]
  • [Ore Detection]
  • [Origin Racdelbear Fur]
  • [Our Blades Sang Through All Things]
  • [Our Suffering We Returned Twofold]
  • [Out of My Way, Peasant]
  • [Out of Time, Kept]
  • [Overcut Arc]
  • [Overpowering Blow]
  • [Overpowering Chop]
  • [Overpowering Shot]
  • [Ox’s Charge]
  • [Owl’s Vision]

P[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/P

  • [Pact: The Hard-Working Lamb]
  • [Palace of Fates] / [The Palace of Fates]
  • [Panic Dodge]
  • [Parallel Thoughts]
  • [Paralysis Cut]
  • [Paralysis Stab]
  • [Paralytic Blade]
  • [Paralyzing Cuts]
  • [Pardon the Joke]
  • [Parry Blade]
  • [Parry Blade — Sevenfold Reserve]
  • [Parry the Foe]
  • [Partial Reconstruction]
  • [Path of Flames]
  • [Path to Victory]
  • [Pathfinder]
  • [Pavilion of Secrets]
  • [Pay No Attention to That]
  • [Peace of the Wild]
  • [Peaceful Rest]
  • [Peacekeeper’s Pass]
  • [Peilspear Formation]
  • [Pepper Corn]
  • [Pepper Touch]
  • [Perfect Action: Stealth Roll]
  • [Perfect Arrowstorm Guard]
  • [Perfect Attempt: Remove Trap]
  • [Perfect Block]
  • [Perfect Counterattack]
  • [Perfect Dodge]
  • [Perfect Guard]
  • [Perfect Imitation]
  • [Perfect Measurement] / [Perfect Measurement: Length]
  • [Perfect Memory: Imagination]
  • [Perfect Parry]
  • [Perfect Posture]
  • [Perfect Recall]
    • (Dreams)
    • (Medicine)
    • Signatories of the Crown
  • [Perfect Reduction]
  • [Perfect Riposte]
  • [Perfect Shot]
  • [Perfect Stab]
  • [Perfect Strike]
  • [Perfect Temperature Control]
  • [Perfect Throw]
  • [Perfection is Overrated]
  • [Performance Supplies: 5 Gold]
  • [Performer’s Grace]
  • [Permafrost Resistance]
    • [Fields: Permafrost Resistance]
  • [Perpendicular Shot]
  • [Personal Undead]
  • [Pestless Crops]
  • [Pet: Best Quality, Refined]
  • [Phantom Assault]
  • [Phantom Blade: Ritardando Combo]
  • [Phantom Bracer]
  • [Phantom Cut]
  • [Phantom Spearwall]
  • [Phantom Sword Slash]
  • [Phantom Tool]
  • [Phantom Volley]
  • [Phoenixflame Draw]
  • [Physical Enhancement: Flexibility]
  • [Physical Overdrive]
  • [Pierce Thrust]
  • [Piercing Arms]
  • [Piercing Arrow] / [Piercing Arrows]
    • [Volley: Piercing Arrows]
  • [Piercing Blow]
  • [Piercing Combo]
  • [Piercing Leap]
  • [Piercing Shot]
  • [Piercing Stab]
  • [Piercing Strikes]
  • [Piercing Swing]
  • [Piercing Thrust]
  • [Pinpoint Discord]
  • [Pinpoint Distance Shot]
  • [Pinpoint Shot]
  • [Pinpoint Spell]
  • [Pinpoint Strike]
  • [Pinpoint Volley]
  • [Pikewall Formation]
  • [Pit of Many Deaths]
  • [Plan: Emergency Dodge]
  • [Point-Blank Shot]
  • [Poison Immunity]
  • [Polite Deflection]
  • [Polite Demeanor]
  • [Porcupine’s Onslaught]
  • [Postern Door]
  • [Potions: #% Efficiency]
  • [Power Kick]
  • [Power Shot]
  • [Power Strike]
  • [Power Strokes]
  • [Power Throw]
  • [Powerful Persuasion: Enchanters]
  • [Powerful Recital]
    • (Stories)
  • [Pragmatist’s Extrapolation]
  • [Prayer]
  • [Prayer: A Leaf in the Storm]
  • [Precise Orders]
  • [Precision Overwatch]
  • [Predetermined Destination]
  • [Prediction of Success]
  • [Predictive Analysis]
  • [Preferred Enemy: Rogues]
  • [Preferred Foe: Criminal]
  • [Prepared Battleground: One Hour]
  • [Prepared Signal]
  • [Preserve Morale]
    • (Casualties)
  • [Prey Sense]
  • [Pride of the Waves]
  • [Pride is Unbreakable]
  • [Pride is Weight]
  • [Private Conversation]
  • [Produce of the Land]
  • [Productivity Spike]
  • [Proficiency: Martial Arts]
  • [Projectile Shield]
  • [Projection of Honesty]
  • [Projection: Shield Ram]
  • [Prolonged Negotiations]
  • [Promote the Pawn: Class Ascension]
  • [Proof of Crime]
  • [Protect the Innocent]
  • [Protector’s Order]
  • [Provoke Scandalous Admission]
  • [Provoke Target]
  • [Provoked Opponent]
  • [Pub of Best Moments]
  • [Public Decoy]
  • [Pure Acceleration]
  • [Pursue the Quarry: Vampires]
  • [Push the Ranks]
  • [Purified Flesh]
  • [Purity Check]

Q[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/Q

  • [Quake Blow]
  • [Quake Palm]
  • [Quality Scent]
  • [Quest: Impossible Deed, Impossible Reward]
  • [Quick Appraisal]
  • [Quick Arrows]
  • [Quick Assembly]
  • [Quick Boiling] / [Quick Boil]
  • [Quick Doorslam]
  • [Quick Draw]
  • [Quick Draw: Borer Acid Vial]
  • [Quick Evaluation]
  • [Quick Gallop]
  • [Quick Growth]
  • [Quick Heel Turn]
  • [Quick Hooves]
  • [Quick Kick]
  • [Quick Movement]
  • [Quick Recollection]
  • [Quick Recovery]
  • [Quick Reset]
  • [Quick Sketch]
  • [Quick Slash] / [Quickslash]
  • [Quick Slumber]
  • [Quick Sprint]
  • [Quick Stab]
  • [Quick Step]
  • [Quick Strike]
  • [Quick Training: Fighters]
  • [Quick Uproot]
  • [Quickened Breeding (Animals)]
  • [Quickened Mixture]
  • [Quickened Scribing]
  • [Quicksilver Cut]
  • [Quicksilver Paws]
  • [Quicksilver Stitching]
  • [Quicktime Reactions]
  • [Quiet Hooves]
  • [Quill of the Severed Contract]

R[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/R

  • [Racdelbear’s Claws]
  • [Racer's Wheels]
  • [Radiance of the Dawn]
  • [Radiant Courage]
  • [Raiding Opportunities]
  • [Rain of Arrows]
  • [Raise Corpse]
  • [Raise the Banner: Hold, with Sword and Spell]
  • [Raise the Standard]
  • [Raise the Wall]
  • [Rally To Me]
  • [Rallying Banner]
  • [Rallying Position]
  • [Rallying Presence]
  • [Ram’s Charge] / [Ramming Charge]
  • [Ram’s Spearhead Formation]
  • [Ramming Speed]
  • [Rampage Run]
  • [Ranged Dodge]
  • [Rapid Acceleration]
  • [Rapid Advance]
  • [Rapid Casting]
  • [Rapid Fire Punches: Incendiary Fist]
  • [Rapid Growth]
  • [Rapid Maneuvering]
  • [Rapid March]
  • [Rapid Reaction]
  • [Rapid Reload]
  • [Rapid Retreat]
  • [Rapid Shot]
  • [Rapid Turn]
  • [Razor Slash]
  • [Razorblade Oars]
  • [Re-read the Passage]
  • [Reaching Slash]
  • [Reactions of Calamity]
  • [Read Between the Lines]
  • [Read Your Lips]
  • [Reader’s Temporary Copy]
    • (Mundane)
  • [Ready Attack]
  • [Reanimation: Reclaim Earthly Possessions]
  • [Rearward Cut]
  • [Reassuring Presence]
  • [Recall Blade]
  • [Recall Guilt]
  • [Recall My Greatest Hour]
  • [Recall Text]
  • [Recall Weapon]
  • [Recall Weapon: Spear]
  • [Recapture the Runaway]
  • [Recharge Minor Wand]
  • [Recital: Litany of Possession]
  • [Reckless Advance]
  • [Reckless Charge]
  • [Reconfigure Aura]
    • (Haste)
  • [Record Spell]
  • [Recovering Bedrest]
  • [Recreate Image]
  • [Recruitment: The Honorable Shall Seek Me]
  • [Redirect Arrows]
  • [Redirect Balance]
  • [Redirect Missile]
  • [Redirect Momentum]
  • [Redirect Spell]
  • [Reduce Mana Flow]
  • [Reel Her In]
  • [Refinement by Accolade]
  • [Reflection Stave]
  • [Reform Ranks]
  • [Regeneration]
  • [Reinforce Spell]
  • [Reinforce Will]
  • [Reinforced Armor]
    • (Steel)
  • [Reinforced Arrows]
  • [Reinforced Block]
  • [Reinforced Frame]
  • [Reinforced Guard]
  • [Reinforced Guitar]
  • [Reinforced Hulls]
  • [Reinforced Shield]
  • [Reinforced Structure]
  • [Reinforced Wards]
  • [Rejoin Thread]
  • [Rejuvenating Touch]
  • [Rekindle Flame]
  • [Relentless Reloading]
  • [Remember My Name]
  • [Remember: My Defining Moment]
  • [Remembered Hunger]
  • [Remembered Skill]
  • [Remote Countdown]
  • [Remote Detonation]
  • [Remote Explosion]
  • [Remotely Write Ledger]
  • [Remove Basic Curse]
  • [Remove Effect]
  • [Remove Food Poisoning]
  • [Remove Impurities]
  • [Remove Inkstains]
  • [Remove Mess]
  • [Remove Stitches]
  • [Remove Stubborn Stain]
  • [Renew Skill]
  • [Repair Fabric]
    • (Minor)
  • [Repel Point]
  • [Replay Memories]
  • [Replenish Morale]
  • [Replicate Advanced Skill: (Skill)]
  • [Repositioning Leap]
    • (# Feet/Distance)
  • [Request Denied]
  • [Resistance: Acid]
  • [Resistance: Magic]
  • [Resistance: Poison]
  • [Resistance: Sleep]
  • [Resistance to Fire]
  • [Resource Locator: (Target)]
  • [Rested, Fed, Appreciated and Paid, My Workers Surpassed Mundanity]
  • [Restore Addictions]
  • [Restore Appearance]
  • [Restore Courage]
  • [Restore Morale]
  • [Retain Heat]
  • [Retreat of the Skirmisher]
  • [Retribution of the Shield]
  • [Retry Mistake]
  • [Return to Former Condition]
  • [Returned Against the Foe]
  • [Revelation of Sin]
  • [Reverse Decision]
  • [Revitalizing Touch]
  • [Rhythm Combo]
    • (Beginner)
  • [Ricochet Arrow]
  • [Ricochet Shots]
  • [Ricochet Stabs]
  • [Riders on the Storm]
  • [Right-Angle Turn]
  • [Riptide Cut]
  • [Rise, and Fight Another Minute With Me]
  • [Rising Dough]
  • [Rising Spearthrust]
  • [Risk Calculation]
  • [Ritual – The Fourth Tide Pours In Blood and Storm]
  • [Rock Polishing]
  • [Rock Scent]
  • [Rock the Ship]
  • [Rogue Trap]
  • [Rollspring]
  • [Romantic Push]
  • [Room of the Traveller]
  • [Rope Arrow]
  • [Rope Trick]
  • [Rotnose]
  • [Row With All Your Might]
  • [Royal Arms]
  • [Royal Bodyguard: Two of Life, Two of Death]
  • [Royal Casting: Reinforcement of Steel]
  • [Royal Command — Fourfold Volley]
  • [Royal Contract]
  • [Royal Griffin Peck]
  • [Royal Pact of Service: Class Ascensions]
  • [Royal Promise]
  • [Royal Rebuke]
  • [Royal Slap]
  • [Royal Slash]
  • [Royal Tax]
  • [Royal Vanguard]
  • [Royal Will: Annul Contract]
  • [Royal Will: The Weight of Treasuries]
  • [Rule of Combat]
  • [Run Down Opposition]
  • [Run Free]
  • [Rush Construction: No Mistakes]
  • [Rush Spell]
  • [Rushing Wallride]

S[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/S

  • [Safehouse: Lockdown]
  • [Safety Dance]
  • [Safety of the Home]
  • [Safety Zone]
  • [Sanctuary of the Desert]
  • [Sanctum: Death Magic Leyline]
  • [Scatter Dash]
  • [Scatter Gallop]
  • [Scavenger Armor]
  • [Scavenger’s Stomach]
  • [Scented Thoughts]
  • [School — Countless Keys: Skill-locking Slash]
  • [School: Witchcraft (Undetermined)]
  • [Scribe Contract]
  • [Scribe Number]
  • [Scythe Cut]
  • [Scythe of the Slaughter]
  • [Scythe Rush]
  • [Scythe’s Arc]
  • [Scything Arms]
  • [Seafood Cooking]
  • [Seal of Veracity]
  • [Seat: My Best Angle, My Finest Side]
  • [Second Thoughts]
  • [Second Wind]
  • [Secured the Room]
  • [Seduction Dance]
  • [See Allegiances]
  • [See Conviction]
  • [See it My Way]
  • [Seeker Arrow]
  • [Seeker Shot]
  • [Seeking Arrow]
  • [Seeking Missile]
  • [Seeking Shots]
  • [Seithore Basic Handling]
  • [Seize the Throne: Class by Blood]
  • [Self: Slippery Waxed Floor]
  • [Sense Affection (Platonic)]
  • [Sense Attack]
  • [Sense Elevation]
  • [Sense Heat]
  • [Sense for Spectacle]
  • [Sense Integrity]
  • [Sense Intentions]
  • [Sense Opportunity]
  • [Sense Trickery]
  • [Sensor Network]
  • [Sentience-class Crafting]
  • [Serendipitous Intervention]
    • (Romance)
  • [Sergeant’s Command]
  • [Serpentine Maneuver]
  • [Server’s Memory]
  • [Server’s Prescience]
  • [Seven-League Bolts]
  • [Shadow Cut]
  • [Shadow Doppelganger]
  • [Shadow Leap]
  • [Shadow Presence]
  • [Shadowcloak Stealth]
  • [Shadowcut Blade]
  • [Shadowhook Punch]
  • [Shadowleap] / [Shadowleapt]
  • [Shadows of Empire: Every Door and Land Opens to Me]
  • [Shadows of Empire: Fear the Sound of My Wings]
  • [Shadowstep] / [Shadowsteps]
  • [Shaman’s Orders]
  • [Shamanic Memories: Other People]
  • [Shared Skill: (Skill)]
  • [Sharper Edge]
  • [Sharpened Edge]
  • [Shatter Blows]
  • [Shatterproof]
  • [Shattershot]
  • [She Danced in Moonlight’s Grace]
  • [Shield: Great Barrier]
    • (Steel)
  • [Shield Art: Shockwave Slam]
  • [Shield Bash]
  • [Shield Breaker] / [Shieldbreaker]
  • [Shield Charge]
  • [Shield Destroyer]
  • [Shield of Mana]
  • [Shield of the Fortress]
  • [Shield of the King]
  • [Shield of Valor]
  • [Shield Ram]
  • [Shield Wall] / [Shieldline Wall]
  • [Shieldtaunt]
  • [Shieldwall Formation] / [Shield Wall Formation]
  • [Ship’s Beacon]
  • [Ship: An Inn by Any Other Name]
  • [Ship: Armor-piercing Shot]
  • [Ship: Burst of Speed]
  • [Ship: Double Speed, By Wind and Oar]
  • [Ship: Dragonfire Ward]
  • [Ship: Homing Missiles]
  • [Ship: Instantaneous Reload]
  • [Ship: My Ship Shall Not Sink Before I Do]
  • [Ship: Slippery Decks]
  • [Ship Spell: Bound Wind]
  • [Ship Spell: Depth Explosion]
  • [Ship Spell: Floor of Impalement]
  • [Shockwave Hammer]
  • [Shockwave Palm]
  • [Shockwave Punch]
  • [Shopper’s Stop]
  • [Shoulder Ram’s Charge]
  • [Shovels of Archeology]
    • [Tribe: Shovels of Archeology]
  • [Sickle Cut]
  • [Sight: Significant Threats]
  • [Sight’s Bane Formation]
  • [Silence, Please]
  • [Silenced Maneuvers]
  • [Silent Footfalls]
  • [Silent Order]
  • [Silver Illusion: Whirlwind of Blades]
  • [Silverstake Spreadshot]
  • [Silversteel: Structure of Species]
  • [Silvertouched Wares]
  • [Simple Trap Construction]
  • [Siphon Luck]
  • [Siphon Time]
  • [Six-fold Grand Slash]
  • [Sixblade Slash]
  • [Skateboard: Get Back On Board]
  • [Skillbreaker Palm]
  • [Skirmisher’s Onslaught]
  • [Sky Hook]
  • [Skysplitting Clap]
  • [Skysplitting Strike]
  • [Slam Kick]
  • [Slash: Delayed Explosion]
  • [Slashy Storm]
  • [Slaves Cannot Harm Me]
  • [Sleekwater Advance]
  • [Sleep Storage]
  • [Sleight of Hand]
  • [Slinger’s Whirl]
  • [Slipless Wheels]
  • [Slow Toss]
  • [Sluggish Advance]
  • [Smoker’s Lungs]
  • [Smuggling Compartment]
  • [Snap Dive]
  • [Snap Throw]
  • [Snare Net]
  • [Sneak Attack]
  • [Snipe Charge]
  • [Sober Up]
  • [Social Network]
  • [Song of Death’s Call]
  • [Song of Light]
  • [Song of Persuasion]
  • [Song of Rejuvenation]
  • [Song of the Clear Skies]
  • [Sonic Arrow]
  • [Soothe Clientele]
  • [Soothe Ego]
  • [Soothing Balm]
  • [Soothing Melody]
  • [Soul’s Armaments: Mundane]
  • [Sound Sundering Cut]
  • [Source Information]
  • [Spark Hammer]
  • [Spark Slash]
  • [Spear Art: Fangs of the Dire Wolf]
  • [Spear Art: Sands Fly Apart]
  • [Spear Art: Scythe of the Field]
  • [Spear Art: Six Petals of the Cherry Blossom]
  • [Spear Art: Skyjump]
  • [Spear Art: The Falling Sparks]
  • [Spear Art: The Great Desert Opens]
  • [Spear Art: The Sword of Damocles Falls]
  • [Spear Dance: Crashing Rapids]
  • [Spear Dance: The Fish Leap]
  • [Spear Flurry]
  • [Spearwall Formation]
  • [Spectator’s Concealment]
  • [Speed Arrow]
  • [Speed Formation]
  • [Speed of the Striking Viper]
  • [Speed Painting] / [Speedpainting]
  • [Speed Raid]
  • [Speed Reading]
  • [Speed Slash]
  • [Speed Spell]
  • [Speed Stitching]
  • [Speedwind Charge]
  • [Spell Attractor]
  • [Spell Refraction]
  • [Spell Reflection Barrier (Lesser)]
  • [Spell School: Color Magic Proficiency]
  • [Spell Storage: Book]
  • [Spellbreaker Guard]
  • [Spellbreaker Staff]
  • [Spellbreaker's Magic]
  • [Spellstrike Arms]
  • [Spellward Shields]
  • [Spider Touch]
  • [Spiked Gauntlets]
  • [Spindle, Snag My Thread]
  • [Spinning Way: Spiral Strikes of the Unicorn’s Horn]
  • [Spirit of the Wild (Enhancement)]
  • [Spiritguard Deflection]
  • [Splinter Arrowheads]
  • [Splintershot Arrow]
  • [Splintershot Volley]
  • [Split the Earth]
  • [Splitshot Arrows]
  • [Spot Deception]
  • [Spot the Culprit]
  • [Spray Cutter]
  • [Spray Hoof]
  • [Springtoes]
  • [Squad: Hob’s Strength]
  • [Squad: Incorruptible Watchmen]
  • [Squad: Minor Swarmblades]
  • [Squad: Unity’s Coordination]
  • [Stabilize Condition]
  • [Staff: Flurry of Efficiency]
  • [Stainless Fabric]
  • [Stalker’s Prowl]
  • [Stand to Attention]
  • [Standing Roll]
  • [Stasis Metabolism]
  • [Static Shield]
  • [Stay in Your Saddle]
  • [Steady Ground]
  • [Steady Hooves]
  • [Steady Rhythm]
  • [Steady Self]
  • [Steady the Ship]
  • [Stealth Roll]
  • [Stealth Wing]
  • [Stealthblade’s Mithrilbreaker]
  • [Stealthguard]
  • [Steam Boil]
  • [Steel Curtain Formation]
  • [Steel Fists]
  • [Steel Skin]
  • [Steelbound Hide]
  • [Steelbreaker Punch]
  • [Steelcut Sunder]
  • [Steelflesh Charge]
  • [Steelfriend’s Pact]
  • [Steelguard Block]
  • [Steelscale Advance]
  • [Steelshorn Relentless]
  • [Steelsundering Blades]
  • [Sterile Field]
  • [Sterile Equipment]
  • [Still Blade]
  • [Stolen Lives]
  • [Stomach of the Hermit]
  • [Stoneskin]
  • [Stoneskin Formation]
  • [Stonewall Formation]
  • [Stonewall Shield]
  • [Store Intellect]
  • [Stored Retribution]
  • [Storm of Clouded Darkness]
  • [Storm of Stabs]
  • [Stormline Advance]
  • [Storm Sense]
  • [Straight Face]
  • [Street Invisibility]
  • [Street’s Honor]
  • [Stretchline Thread]
  • [Strike my Shield]
  • [String of Fate]
  • [Stronger Together]
  • [Stunning Bash]
  • [Sturdy Footing]
  • [Sublime Daydream]
  • [Suction Grip]
  • [Summon: A Weapon Worthy of Me]
  • [Summon: Company of Khelt]
  • [Summon: The Phantom of My Legend]
  • [Summon Allies: Wolves of the North]
  • [Summon Book]
  • [Summon Dust Storm]
  • [Summon Flame Elemental]
  • [Summon Jump Ramp]
  • [Summon Leaves]
  • [Summon Reinforcements]
  • [Summon Slaves: The Spriggan Consort of Roshal]
  • [Summon Subordinate]
  • [Summoning: Call the Great Ancestors]
  • [Summoning: Pass Wounds]
  • [Summons of the Dread Tyrant: The Horror of Caexith]
  • [Sundering Blow]
  • [Sundering Palm]
  • [Sundering Scythe]
  • [Sundering Slash]
  • [Sundering Strikes]
  • [Sunwarmed Fields]
  • [Superior Counter Fire] / [Superior Counterfire]
  • [Superior Counterthrust]
  • [Superior Parry]
  • [Superior Physique]
  • [Superiority Made Manifest]
  • [Supplies: Flarepepper Powder]
  • [Support Casting: Intensified Magic]
  • [Support Skill: (Skill)]
  • [Suppress the Truth, Smother the facts: Protect Reputation] (Roshal)
  • [Suppressing Fire]
  • [Supreme Authority of the Wild Circles]
  • [Sure Footing] / [Surefoot]
  • [Suresand Step]
  • [Surge of Inspiration]
  • [Surge of Strength]
  • [Surpass Limits]
  • [Suppressing Volley]
  • [Survey the Competition]
  • [Survival Veteran]
  • [Survivalcraft]
  • [Survivor’s Call: Tell My People I Was Here]
  • [Survivor’s Intuition]
  • [Swallow’s Arrow]
  • [Swarmblades]
  • [Sway Dodge]
  • [Sweeten the Deal]
  • [Swift Infantry]
  • [Swift Kick]
  • [Swift Levelling]
  • [Swift Mustering]
  • [Swift Rearmament]
  • [Swift Redeployment]
  • [Swift Reinforcements: Thunderstrike Division]
  • [Swift Rider]
  • [Swift Slash]
  • [Swift Steps]
  • [Sword: Keening Edge]
  • [Sword and Shield Art: The Knight Charged with Wings of Steel]
  • [Sword Art: Curve of the Moon] or [Arc of the Moon]
  • [Sword Art: Four Singing Stars]
  • [Sword Art: Hurricane’s Spiral]
  • [Sword Art: Joveln’s Parry]
  • [Sword Art: Kraken’s Tendrils Lash]
  • [Sword Art: Lion’s Fangs]
  • [Sword Art: Mourning Dove’s Lament]
  • [Sword Art: My Sword Touches the Sky]
  • [Sword Art: Scattering Petals on the Wind]
  • [Sword Art: Serpent Dance]
  • [Sword Art: The Farmer’s Scythe]
  • [Sword Art: The Kraken Bleeds]
  • [Sword Art: The Salamander’s Tail]
  • [Sword Art: The Tide Breaks]
  • [Sword Art: Two Moons Curve Across the Sky]
  • [Sword Fighting – Basic]
  • [Swordbreaker’s Fist]
  • [Swordmaster’s Denial]
  • [Swordswoman’s Dive]
  • [Sympathetic Ear]
  • [Sympathetic Healing]
  • [Synced Aim: Ballista]
  • [Synchronize Spell]
  • [Synergy Skill: Driver – Inert Cargo (Box)]
  • [Synergy Skill: Teammate – Locate Teammates]

T[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/T

  • [Tag Team: (Skill)]
  • [Take Cover]
  • [Take Cover, Idiots]
  • [Take His Perspective]
  • [Talent Finder]
  • [Talent Seeker]
  • [Tame Monster]
  • [Tangible Concepts]
  • [Tantalizing Bait]
  • [Target Shield]
  • [Tavern Brawling]
  • [Taunt]
  • [Taunt the Foe]
  • [Taunting Warcry]
  • [Tea Omens]
  • [Teacher of Magic]
    • (Universal)
  • [Team Benefits]
  • [Teammate: Side Skip]
  • [Telekinesis: Bubble]
  • [Tell Me Everything]
  • [Tempest Impaler]
  • [Temporary Armory: Every Weapon I Ever Held]
  • [Ten League Mark]
  • [Ten Second Routine]
  • [Ten Second Rush]
  • [Ten-foot Reach]
  • [Ten-foot Strike]
  • [Terror of My Name]
  • [The Actor’s Shadow]
  • [The Avid Collector]
  • [The Binding of House Reinhart]
  • [The Changing Citizenry]
  • [The Choice of the Conquered]
  • [The Courier’s Last Road]
  • [The Defeated Lie Still]
  • [The Eternal Hunt]
  • [The Eternal Partner]
  • [The Eternal Wave]
  • [The Fire Glows]
    • (Honor)
  • [The First Tide Covered Land]
  • [The Innkeeper’s Daily Bounty]
    • (Inn)
  • [The Innkeeper’s Daily Supply]
  • [The King’s Architect]
  • [The Knight Charged With Wings of Steel]
  • [The Kraken Dives]
  • [The Labyrinth of Fithel] / [Labyrinth of Fithel]
  • [The Law Upheld]
  • [The Line Holds]
  • [The Messenger’s Shortcut]
  • [The Ocean at Our Backs]
  • [The Perfect Thief: A Successful Theft, An Hour of Repose]
  • [The Perfect Thief: Unscryable, Unfindable, Come Catch Me]
  • [The Play Must Go On]
  • [The Pride of the Fallen]
  • [The Scythe Cut Low Across the Grass]
  • [The Sniper’s Second]
  • [The Sprouting Shields of the Forest]
  • [The Thinking Room] + [Host: The Thinking Room]
  • [The Traveller’s Eternal Home]
  • [The Treasury of House Marquin]
  • [The Twice-Born Warlord]
  • [The Veteran’s Second Chance]
  • [The Winds of Izril Blew Ever Under My Wings]
  • [The World is My Canvas]
  • [The Worthless Pawn Rises]
  • [These Wheels Don’t Stop]
  • [They Shall Never Chain Me Again]
  • [They Marched as Friends, Until the Hammer Fell]
  • [They Waited, For My Hour of Need]
  • [Thick Skin]
  • [Think About It]
  • [Thirty-foot Slash]
  • [Thirty-Foot Thrust]
  • [This Palm Shall Move Mountains]
  • [Thorn Formation]
  • [Thou Art Cut] / *[Thou Art Cut]
  • [Thought Blank]
  • [Thought-Provoking Statement]
  • [Thoughtful Conclusion]
  • [Thousand Foot Sprint]
  • [Thousand Mile Conversation]
  • [Thousand-Step Sprint]
  • [Threat Analysis]
  • [Threaten Object]
  • [Threefold Elemental Body]
  • [Threefold Shot]
  • [Throw of the Wyvern Hunter]
  • [Throw Voice]
  • [Thunder Arrow]
  • [Thunder Blow]
  • [Thunder Hammer’s Blow]
  • [Thunderclap Palms]
  • [Thunderstrike Impact]
  • [Tidal Jab]
  • [Time of the Archer]
  • [Time to Chat]
  • [Time Slows For All But Me]
  • [Titan’s Cut]
  • [Total Immersion: Literature]
  • [Touch of Gentleness]
  • [Tough Carapace]
  • [Tough Leaves]
  • [Tough Mouth]
  • [Tough Skin]
  • [Tough’s Duel]
  • [Tower Guard’s Bulwark]
  • [Tracer Shot]
  • [Track Quarry]
  • [Trade War]
  • [Tranquil Skies]
  • [Transcribe Knowledge]
  • [Transfer Momentum]
  • [Transfer Momentum: Ship]
  • [Transformation: Goblinkind]
  • [Trap: Masterful Concealment]
  • [Trap Sense]
  • [Traveller’s Advancing Techniques]
  • [Traveller’s Gift From Home]
  • [Traveller’s Welcome]
  • [Treefell Chop]
  • [Treesplitter Cleave]
  • [Tremor Blow]
  • [Tremor Fist]
  • [Tremorsense]
  • [Tribute to the Bandit Queen]
  • [Tribute: Hometown Gift]
  • [Trick Glass]
    • (Alchemy)
  • [Trick Space]
  • [Trickster’s Mana Conversion]
  • [Trifling Incentive]
  • [Trinket Trade: Something Better, Something Worse]
  • [Triple Shot]
  • [Triple Slash]
  • [Triple Thrust]
  • [Troops: Commoner’s Offensive]
  • [True Gaze of the Gorgon]
  • [Trusted Voice]
  • [Truth is Never Certain]
  • [Twenty-foot Strike]
  • [Twicelasting Fires]
  • [Twin Lances of Ruin]
  • [Twin Strikes]
  • [Twin Swallows, Fly]
  • [Twister Spear]
  • [Two Hour Warmth]
  • [Two Hundred Pound Stroke]
  • [Two Mile Shot]
  • [Twofold Rest]
  • [Twofold Yield]

U[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/U

  • [Unbreakable Hooks]
  • [Uncontrolled Laughter]
  • [Undead: Boundless Speed]
  • [Undead: Duelist Instincts]
  • [Unerring Aim]
  • [Unerring Throw]
  • [Understood By All]
  • [Uniform of Steel]
  • [Uninterrupted Monologue]
  • [Unit: Acid Jar Blades]
  • [Unit: Antinium Nature]
  • [Unit: Bows of Sand]
  • [Unit: Elemental Barrier]
  • [Unit: Enhanced Strength]
  • [Unit: Extended Spears]
  • [Unit: Freedom’s Gallop]
  • [Unit: Incendiary Provocation]
  • [Unit: Lucky Dodge]
  • [Unit: Moment of Frenzy]
  • [Unit: Ram’s Charge]
  • [Unit: Razor’s Edge]
  • [Unit: Selphid’s Rampage]
  • [Unit: Snowcover Riders]
  • [Unit: Speed Raid]
  • [Unit: Speed Wing]
  • [Unit: Stone Skin]
  • [Unit: The Gloomless Troupe]
  • [Unit: Thunder Punch]
  • [Unit: Tough Skin]
  • [Unit: Unstoppable Advance]
  • [Unit: Yawning Bite]
  • [Unitasis Network]
  • [Unitasis Shared Skill: Flawless Shot]
  • [Unnoticed by One, Invisible to All]
  • [Unnoticed Presence]
  • [Unpredictable Insight]
  • [Unscrupulous Instinct]
  • [Unsnappable Thread]
  • [Unstoppable Advance]
  • [Unstoppable Charge]
  • [Unstoppable Command]
  • [Untearable Dough]
  • [Until Death or Dishonor, I Challenge You]
  • [Untouched by Weather]
  • [Unveil Potential]
    • (Magical)
  • [Up To Speed]
  • [Upgrade Material: (Material)]

V[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/V

  • [Vague Directive]
    • (Ants)
  • [Valor of Champions]
  • [Value of Sum]
  • [Vanguard: Cleaving Arcs]
  • [Vanguard: Haste]
  • [Vanguard of Steel]
  • [Vanguard of Terror]
  • [Vanguard of the King, the Phantom Storm]
  • [Vanguard’s Advance]
  • [Veil of Inconspicuousness]
  • [Verdant Growth of the Fields]
  • [Vertical Charge]
  • [Vessel of Alchemy]
  • [Vessel of Oneself]
  • [Vessel: Stormrider’s Blessing]
  • [Vestments of the Warrior of Green]
  • [Veteran’s Knowledge]
  • [Veteran’s Stealthguard]
  • [Vial: Spore Explosion]
  • [Victor’s Push]
  • [Vigor of Champions]
  • [Vine Snare]
  • [Viper’s Counterstrike]
  • [Viper Strike]
  • [Virtuous Shame]
  • [Vision of a Dream]
  • [Vision of Completion: Projection of Factors]
  • [Visions of Defeat]
    • (Legendary)
  • [Visualize Data Set]
  • [Visualize Outcomes]
  • [Voice in Your Ear]
  • [Volatile Mix]
  • [Volley: Blacksteel Rain]
  • [Volley: Piercing Arrows]
  • [Volley: Venom Flight]
  • [Volley Fire]
  • [Volley of Arrows]
  • [Vow of Poverty]
  • [Vow of Privation]
  • [Vow of the Bladeless Smith]

W[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/W

  • [Wager Set]
  • [Wagon: Damage Shield]
  • [Wail of Agony]
  • [Walk Forwards Unto Death, Or Victory]
  • [Walk of the Blademaster, Path of Legends]
  • [Walk of the Swordmaster]
  • [Walk Out of Trouble]
  • [Walking in Your Shadow]
  • [Walking Shadow]
  • [Wall Run]
  • [Waltz: The Traveler’s Journey]
  • [War Cry: Eleleu]
  • [Warding of Safety]
  • [Wardrobe Change]
  • [Warriors Fall Back]
  • [Water-Retaining Soil]
  • [Water Bridge]
  • [Waterproof Fabric]
  • [Waves Rock Me Not]
  • [Wave Sense]
  • [Wavebreaker’s Advance]
  • [Waypoint]
  • [We Both Win, We Both Lose]
  • [We Fell Upon Them Like Mist]
  • [We March Under Friendly Skies]
  • [We Marched Amidst the Surf]
  • [We Sailed Under Flags of No Quarter]
  • [We Travel Together]
  • [We Took No Prisoner]
  • [We Unleashed Our Truest Potential]
  • [Weak Frost Resistance]
  • [Weak Lucky Draw]
  • [Weakness Feint]
  • [Weapon Art: Aggregate Volley] / [Weapon Art – Aggregate Volley]
  • [Weapon Art: Stake the Bloodsucker]
  • [Weapon Art: The Bonfire Rages]
  • [Weapon Clash]
  • [Weapon of Faith]
  • [Weapon Proficiency: Club]
  • [Weapon Proficiency: Knives]
  • [Weapon Proficiency: Shield]
  • [Weapon Proficiency: Spear]
  • [Weapon Proficiency: Sword]
  • [Weapon Switch]
  • [Weapon: Extended Range (5 Feet)]
  • [Weapon: Moment of the Half Giant]
  • [Wear My Integrity]
  • [Weather-resistant Structure]
  • [Weathersense]
  • [Webwork Riposte]
  • [Weight Control]
  • [Weight of My Sorrows]
  • [Weightless Throw]
  • [Wheels: Uneven Rolling]
  • [When She Drew Her Blade: Time Fled Her]
  • [Whirling Guard]
  • [Whirlwind Cleave]
  • [Whirlwind Dodge]
  • [Whirlwind Followup]
  • [Whirlwind of Blades]
  • [Whirlwind of Blows]
  • [Whirlwind Slash]
  • [Whirlwind Slice]
  • [Whirlwind Sprint]
  • [Who Can Smile]
  • [Wide Sweep]
  • [Wider Clean]
  • [Wild Affinity]
  • [Wildcall]
  • [Wild Call: Howl of the Continent]
  • [Wild Gallop]
  • [Wild Gift: Elephant’s Strength]
  • [Wild Riot]
  • [Wildwind Ride]
  • [Will of Steel]
  • [Will of the Beasts]
  • [Willow’s Counter]
  • [Willowind Charge]
  • [Wind Cutter]
  • [Wind Resistance: Projectile]
  • [Wind Sheathe]
  • [Wind Slashes]
  • [Windcaller’s Fist: Howl of the Vortex]
  • [Windcutter Strikes]
  • [Wings of Salvation]
  • [Wings Upon Ice]
  • [Winning Smile]
  • [Winter Growth]
  • [Wire Noose]
  • [Words of Reconciliation]
  • [Words Only For You and Me]
  • [World Traveller: (Skill Name)]
  • [Written Decree]
  • [Wyvernhide Flight]

Y[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/Y

  • [Yawning Bite]
  • [You Are Humanity’s Finest]
  • [You Are My Worthy Foe]
  • [You Cannot Escape My Steps]
  • [You Go Low, I’ll Go High]
  • [You Have the Wrong Man]
  • [Your Dishonorable Blow, I Deny It]
  • [Your Legs, Heavy as Lead]

Z[edit | edit source]

Skills Effect/Z

  • [Zeikhal Shakes Before My Name]
  • [Zone of Interception Fire]
  • [Zweihander Chop]

List of Colored and Newly Created Skills[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Aspect of the Wandering Inn] The User gains an ability based on one Inn Skill of the Wandering Inn.
  • Reinforced Structure: The User's skin becomes much tougher.
  • Twofold Rest: The User can sleep half as long as they need.
  • The World's Eye Theatre: The User gains a third eye on their forehead and their vision sharpens. The third eye is immune to being blinded by light.
  • Garden of Sanctuary: The User can briefly summon statues from the hill, which can speak to the User.
  • Pavilion of Secrets: A keyhole appears on the User's chest, which can be unlocked by the Key of Insight. Turning it transports the User to the void corridor to the Pavilion, and returns them to where they were afterwards. The User cannot take other with them, and objects they carry will disappear at the destination and reappear upon return.
  • Long Hallways: The User's limbs extend and lengthen.
  • Partial Reconstruction: The User can reattach small body parts.
Epilogue (V9)
10.09 E10.10 E (Pt. 1)10.18 E
[Berserker’s Rage] 8.19 H
[Blinding Insight of the Madman] 9.54 C
[Death Before Dishonor] 6.67
[Deep Breath] 9.38 TV (Pt 2)
[Divine Intuition (Weak)] 8.19 H
[Extended Battery] Extend an electric battery inside an electronic device so that it lasts longer. 7.21 KQ
[Fame – Remember My Name] 9.51 Z
[Famous Name: (Name)] 7.58
[Final Run] (Effect not possible to be known as the Skill was Cancelled before its effect could ever be shown.) 2.35
[For So Long As I Stand Evil Shall Quail] 8.19 H
[I Will Find Her Bones, Or Perish Searching] 9.37 HO
[I Walked Under Heaven’s Sky] Overlaps the area with a clear daytime sky. Causes Spells to fail under it. 8.29
Interlude - Hectval (pt. 3)
[Immortal Moment] Stretch how long a moment lasts. Activates automatically, causes those affected to have a lasting memory of the moment. 1.31
[Induction: Royal Bodyguard] 8.75
[Inn: The World’s Eye Theatre] Creates a theater that can project images. For more information, See Here 9.31
[Intimidation: Spear of a Thousand Graves] Interlude - Hectval (Pt. 1)
[Legacy: Find the Dragon's Grave] Interlude - Adventurers (Pt. 3)
[Legacy Whispers: Heartflame Set] The User hears words that appear in their heads, which sear themselves into a unforgettable memory, hinting them on how to keep progressing their inheritance Legacy. 5.18 S
[Local Landmark: (Place)] The property of the User becomes well known to all the people of the (Place). 5.49
[My Life, be Thou My Fire] The User conjure all-consuming flames that are even able to burn shadows themselves and immortal beings.
The User has to burn their own lifespan to use this Skill, with a ratio of about +1 year of their life for 1 minute of use.
6.43 E
6.64 E
[Open the Vaults] Summon whatever objects stored in the User's vault. 8.78 F
[Open the Vaults: The Gemstone Giant’s Halberd of Khelt] Restricted to the ruler of Khelt. Summons the giant, enchanted, jewelled halberd created by King Serept.
Uncertain if it's royal, or if it only appears colored because of Fetohep exerting his aura and authority while calling the Skill.
[Perceive Noble Gases] The user can see the six noble gases, which are; Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon, as clouds of color, identified by increasing in spectral signature the higher its atomic number. 9.54 C
[Phantom Gears] Creates another set of gears on the User's bike, allowing them to shift to gears it doesn't normally have. Vengeance and Talking
[Pinpoint Distance Kick] A Kicking Skill that combined range and accuracy to allow the User to kick something over 300 feet to were the User intended. 8.15
[Raythrust of Light] 9.17 R
[Recaptured Sublimity] For a few minutes the User can return the strength, abilities and power to the time of their prime.
This Skill has a 12-hour cooldown.
7.39 A
[Reputation: Infamy, Now My Fame] 8.75
[Reputation: My Famous Name] Conjure a towering astral-projection of the User, which shows them based on their famed reputation. 8.19 H
[Revine’s Jet]
[Royal Robbery: Birds] 9.57 B
[Royal Transaction: Instantaneous Delivery, Instantaneous Reward] The User can instantly deliver the product from a transactional contract to the recipient, even across continents. 10.15
[Share My End] Kill the person who killed the User in the same way that they used to kill them. 8.64 K
[Shared Authority: (Place)] The User can access most of another person's building-based Skills and abilities. 10.01 L
[Ship: Kayak Roll] 8.77 B
[Squad: The Chess Club’s Stand] Interlude - Hectval (pt. 1)
Interlude - Hectval (pt. 2)
[Summon Aberration] 7.62
[Supreme General of the Cities: Shut Up And Follow My Orders] 8.81
[Sword Art: Goblin’s Smile]
[Sword Art: The Curve of the World]
[Synergy Skill: Innkeeper – Lease Lesser Room] The User gives a room from their establishment to another person. The door to the room in the building will lead to a blank void, and the loaned room will be in a closed dimensional space. The room's orientation is based on the door to it. If the leased room is placed in something mobile, gravity in the room will change as the door moves and tilts. 9.54 C
[Tell Me What You Truly Believe] Forces those around to speak their honest feelings, even if they know they shouldn't and are aware of being affected. 10.17
[The Door to Earth] Epilogue (V9)
[The Laughing Folk Bowed to None; Neither Shall I] Negates any of the Opponent(s) authority effects directed at the User, while the sounds of laugher are heard laughing with mirth at the Opponent(s). 9.20
[The Light Be Blessing Upon Us All] 8.19 H
[The Transient, Ephemeral, Fleeting Vault of the Mortal World. The Evanescent Safe of Passing Moments, the Faded Chest of Then and Them. The Box of Incontinuity] Comprised of multiple indestructible boxes.
  • Box of Incontinuity: Duplicates an object placed inside of it endlessly. When the object it was copying is removed, it cannot be placed into the box again. The User can change the rate of duplication.
Epilogue (V9)
10.01 L
[The World of You and Me]
  • Combination Skill. Creates a bounded, shining bubble of faintly-heard sounds. Stepping inside of it lets one experience Earth for two hours, every sixteen hours. Inside, the person is treated as an Earth human. It has an occupancy limit of 200.
  • Dying inside will only have one get ejected. Injuries, Changes to the person and anything eaten while inside will not translate to the real world. Inside, species that cannot naturally speak can do so.
  • The experience is limited to the understanding possessed by the Earthers from who knowledge of Earth came from, but it can be used to research topics they do not know. The date inside the Skill changes to reflect Earth's current date.
[They Feared My Name] 8.64 K
[They Walk With Me] 8.19 H
[Time of the Olympian] Replicates the User's best athletic performance, including those aided by Skills, and leaves them full of energy when the Skill wears off. It possibly has other effects. Solstice (Pt. 1)
[Tongue of Deikat Vunn] Allows the User to pronounce words of the Deikat Vunn language. 10.20 E
[Torreb’s Step]
[Undying Loyalty] Allows the User to order their loyal citizens not to die, so that they can continue fighting even past the point where they should have died. If they get healing in time, they can even recover. 4.23 E
[Way of the Elements: Current of the Sea]
[Way of the Elements: Fury of Skies]
[Way of the Elements: Path of the Land]
[Wings of Escieda] 9.57 B
[Wondrous Fare] Cooking Skill that enables the User to make Magical Food.
For more information go Here.
[Your Wounds Shall Close] 8.19 H

Fake and Imaginary Skills[edit | edit source]

Name Description Reference Chapter(s)
[Advanced Flirting] Skill that an aroused Fierre thought Ieka is using on her. 9.53
[Ankle-blasting Kick] The Skill that Ryoka envisions Nerry wishing to have. Brewing Sariants
[Aura of Stress] Hypothetical Skill imagined by Cara. 8.68
[Aura of the Bird] Skill that Bird wishes he had gained from Niers. 8.52 MN
[Aura Pizza] Skill Rabbiteater hoped he wouldn't obtain after performing his first aura manifestation. 8.68
[Aura Sword] Used by Erin when she tried to manifest her Aura. 7.23 LM
[Automated Scarecrows] Lupp briefly believed he had gained this Skill. 7.60
[Awaken Scarecrows] Lupp briefly believed he had gained this Skill. 7.60
[Bad Fruit Detector] Skill Erin imagined the Goblins having. 1.07
[Blade of Calanfer] Fake Skill shouted by Marquin to distract Dioname. 8.74 DR
[Can't Be Late for Work] Skill Luan guessed a Fraerling had. Actually a [Speed] spell provided by Paeth's vurel. Luan the Giant
[Cloudburst Theft] Skill Yisame imagined the Thief of Clouds having in her daydream. 8.36 H
[Food Dangersense] Like [Dangersense] but goes off when faced against clearly horrendous food. Foody Discussions
[Greatest Teleport] 9.57 B
[Pride is Heat] Bethal asked if Pryde had this Skill. 9.43 L
[I Breathe in Air] Redundent Skill that Klbkch compares to an Antinium getting [Unitasis Network]. 9.13
[Inn: Extended Rooms] Speculated Skill. 10.10 (Pt. 1)
[Inn: Stretched Corridors] Speculated Skill. 10.10 (Pt. 1)
[Inn: Unlimited Mana Pool] Imaginary capstone Skill. 6.67
[Invisible Appearing Rock] Skill that Idis thought that [Psychic Guardian] Ressk used while sparring. Actually the use of psychic abilities. 8.51 D
[Kamehameha Punch] Imaginary capstone Skill. 6.67
[Kiss of Love] Used in a fantasy scene. The Innkeeper's [Knight]
[Like Fire, Infidelity] Joke Skill referencing [Like Fire, Memory]. 10.19 E
[Like Fire, Love] Joke Skill referencing [Like Fire, Memory]. 10.19 E
[Like Fire, Romance] Joke Skill referencing [Like Fire, Memory]. 10.19 E
[Like Flame, Blowtorch] Joke name for [Like Fire, Memory]. 10.09 E
[Line-Ender Hot] Invalid Skill registered by the Grand Design when Halrac's special arrow removed the 'S' from Elia's [Line-Ender Shot]. The Grand Design assigned [Line-Ending Inferno] as a replacement. 9.41 (Pt. 3)
[Mini-Minotaur Punch] Joke name for [Minotaur Punch] while Erin was Fraerling-sized. 10.10 (Pt. 2)
[Outrun the Law] Skill that Relc suspects a [Dissident] has to outrun him. 8.34 R
[Posterior Damage] Skill that Lyonette suspected was applied to an uncomfortable chair. 10.13
[Realization of Your Deepest Dream] An imaginary [Dreamer] capstone Skill that Felkhr wishes to have so that he could fly, even for just 5 minutes a day. Innovation and Invention
[Relc Feint] Shouted by Relc Grasstongue when attacking. 9.30
[Relc Headbutt] Shouted by Relc Grasstongue when attacking.
[Relc Hug] Relc Grasstongue warming, biggest hug imaginable, which maybe should be a Skill as it is more impressive than his fake skill punches. 9.33
[Relc Kick] Shouted by Relc Grasstongue when attacking.
[Relc Punch] Shouted by Relc Grasstongue when attacking.
[Relc Sense] Relc Grasstongue intuition of something that he believes is going to happen. 9.34
[Super Jump] A Skill that Felkhr wished his ‘[Dreamer]’ Class had given him for his flying dream. Innovation and Invention
[Super Teleport] 9.57 B
[Tail Attack] Shouted by Relc while sparring with Klbkch. 9.02
[Tail Stab] Said by Klbkch in retaliation to Relc's [Tail Attack] 9.02
[Total Immunity: Shame] A Skill that Mrsha believes Ser Sest has. 9.00
[Wall of Femininity] Narration joke. The Innkeeper's [Knight]

Others[edit | edit source]

List of Skills-like magical abilities.

Aspects:[edit | edit source]

Conditions:[edit | edit source]

Inheritances:[edit | edit source]

Miracles:[edit | edit source]

Memories:[edit | edit source]

Songs:[edit | edit source]

Spells:[edit | edit source]

Synergies[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Titles can grant Orange (Yellat/Fame) skills, along with a myriad of other rewards.
  • In ancient times, likely near the start of the Grand Design, Skills were called the Prowess of the Accomplished.[27]

References[edit | edit source]