Lyonette du Marquin

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
(Redirected from Lyon)
Lyonette du Marquin
Lyon by Stephanie Chen.jpg
By StephanieChn (Cut-out)
  • Lyon (Nickname)
  • Lyon Solstice (Alias)
  • Lionette Solstice (Alias)
  • Lyonette the Fiery
  • Princess of the Hearth
  • Lyonette the Extremely Stressed
  • Heartbreaker Lyonette







Inn Manager


The Wandering Inn

First Appearance

Chapter 1.31 (Archived) Chapter 1.27 R

Lyonette du Marquin is the 6th Princess in line for the Eternal Throne of Calanfer. She ran away from home to Izril, where she was forced to resort to thievery in order to survive.

After being caught by the Liscor Guard Watch she was exiled, facing death from the cold and starvation, but was saved by Erin Solstice with indirect help from Selys and Pisces. She currently works at the Wandering Inn as its manager.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

She has a thin face, with bright red hair and bright blue eyes.[2] Her height is similar to that of a Worker's.[3] She is described to be lovely in appearance by Lord Alman Ranga. More than a year after arriving in Liscor and The Wandering Inn, her skin has darkened and roughened from spending time in the sun, while her arms have thickened from muscle gained from sword training.[4]

Personality[edit | edit source]

When I was a girl, I wanted to be an adventurer. Or go on one. I had a grand dream that out there was everything I wanted. Everything I dreamed of. I suppose that’s childish to you. Today? I would have been happy to grow old without adventure. I feel old now. Somehow, I became a mother. I know I didn’t give birth to her, but I would never be anything else. I made great friends. I did something important, more important than my old life.
Lyonette reflecting on herself.[5]

Since childhood, Lyonette was lazy, spoiled, and rude. She had a sense of entitlement, expecting special treatment by way of her royal status, and had a habit of calling everyone "peon." She was also prejudiced against non-Humans, referring to Drakes and Gnolls as "filthy lizards and furry half-breeds" respectively,[6] though she was sympathetic towards the recently orphaned Mrsha.[7]

Having felt useless in her home nation to Calanfer, with her [Princess] class being stuck at Level 5, she ran away to Izril. After being "hired" by Erin (AKA rescued from freezing to death after being exiled for theft and arson), Lyonette was horrified when she gained the [Barmaid] class - claiming it to be a "peasant class"- and displayed disgust at the idea of performing menial tasks and serving commoners. However, when Erin was stranded in Celum, Lyonette was left alone in the inn. Facing starvation and loneliness, she changed her attitude for the better, earning coin by feeding Pawn and the Painted Antinium, trying to make amends for the people she hurt, and finding companionship with Mrsha. By the time of Erin's return, Lyonette became a better person, finding value in work and levelling in her classes.

Lyonette is content in her life in The Wandering Inn, being responsible for managing the inn and staff, and being a mother to Mrsha.[8] Although she temporarily lost her [Princess] class after no longer feeling like one due to her occupation, but regains the consolidated class [Worldly Princess] instead. Having felt useless for years, Lyonette's self-worth is tied to her helpfulness; amusingly, as the inn grew more successful and the staff more competent, she has grown more purposeless having less work to do.[9] She makes an effort to uphold the values of her class whenever she can, teaching Mrsha various Terandrian customs such as cursive and fashion. Lyonette can be prim and proper, displaying horror at the idea of showing skin at the beach, and telling Mrsha and Nanette to avoid a visiting [Prostitute].

Lyonette has shown great bravery and cleverness, such as single-handedly retrieving honey and bees from the cave of Ashfire Bees using smoke from Erin's magical flowers.[10] Responsible for the inn's business and finances, Lyonette can be aggressive when it comes to prices and managing funds, and has been described as being Drake-like in her enjoyment of making money. She is excellent at planning and organization, seen when she was able to coordinate multiple city-wide parties in Liscor and Invrisil in less than half a day with a budget of five thousand gold coins.[11] She also excels at politics, having navigated the court scene in Oteslia, and contending with high-level [Ladies] such as Magnolia Reinhart and Bethal Walchaís.

Background[edit | edit source]

Lyonette is the 6th Princess of Calanfer. She is known as Lyonette the Fiery as an excuse to cover her rude manner of speaking to commoners.[12] She received instruction from tutors and her parents on a wide range of topics . She was so disliked by the servants that they willingly covered for her when she ran away.[13]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Volume 2[edit | edit source]

Feeling useless at her home in Terandria, she ran away and booked a passage to Izril. After having arrived there, she had to escape from various monsters and with no food or money had to struggle not to starve to death.[14] Lyonette came to Liscor with one of the caravans, though probably without their knowledge, that traveled there after having heard about the newly discovered dungeon. As she had no money, she stole food and clothes, with the assistance of her magical artifacts, in order to survive. Eventually, Krshia and several other Gnoll merchants used Krshia's stall to bait her. Although they succeeded in catching her, it also resulted in the destruction of Krshia's stall, and more importantly, in the destruction of various spellbooks that were collected by the Silverfang Tribe, ruining their work of the last decade.[15] Liscor's Watch was wary of executing a possibly noble-born or child of an important figure. As a result, Lyonette was exiled from Liscor without any resources to survive.[16]

Thief Lyonette by Pkay

Selys, a friend of Erin, struck a bargain with Pisces. In exchange for informing Erin of Lyonette's sentence, Selys made Pisces a Bronze-Ranked Adventurer. Erin saved Lyon and subsequently hired her for The Wandering Inn. When Erin was unable to handle Lyonette's bad behavior and unwillingness to work, she was placed under Toren's tutelage.[17] Toren tormented Lyonette by hitting her and throwing her into Shield Spider nests when she disobeyed.

Volume 3[edit | edit source]

When Erin is stranded in Celum, Lyonette is forced to manage the inn, take care of Mrsha, and provide for herself on her own. She is helped by Pawn and Olesm while alone.[18] She becomes repentant for her previous actions and has Pawn gift Krshia a jar of Ashfire Bee honey on her behalf as the beginning of an apology. Zel Shivertail begins staying at the inn soon after[19] and has Lyonette's exile revoked.[20] When Erin returns she is dismissive of Lyonette's achievements, but Zel confronts her and forces her to recognize how Lyonette has changed and adapted.[21]

Volume 4[edit | edit source]

When Erin hires Safry and Maran, human [Barmaids] from Celum, they bully Lyonette due to their higher levels in the [Barmaid] class, and upset her with their laziness and racism towards non-humans.[22] Lyonette informs Erin and Erin ends up fires them after they push Mrsha.[23] When Erin wishes Toren was back, Lyonette yells at Erin, telling her the degree to which Toren abused her, and venting her anger at not being trusted or listened to even after she changed. After Erin and Lyonette reconcile, Lyonette begins taking on a greater level of responsibility in the inn, managing the money and much of the logistics.

She remains out of the spotlight for the next few arcs of the story, primarily managing the mundane day-to-day affairs of the inn and raising Mrsha.

Lyonnette later started training in basic sword fighting with Brunkr. While this was happening, he confided in her that he dreamed of being a [Knight], but that as a Gnoll it was difficult for him to attain the class. When she thought that no one was listening, Lyonette turned away and knighted him with a whisper. However, she underestimated how good Gnollish hearing was, and Brunkr, Ishkr, and Mrsha all ended up hearing her knight him.[24] Brunkr gained the class the next day, and both he and Krshia were very thankful towards Lyonette. After Brunkr's death, Lyonette upgraded Krshia's [Shopkeeper] class to [Royal Shopkeeper], starting a friendship between the two.[25]

Volume 5[edit | edit source]

Later, after leveling in a variety of classes and getting used to life in the inn, she stopped thinking of herself as a princess, She lost the class, and was heartbroken.[26] Pawn discovered this and organized a ball to get Lyonette her [Princess] class back. She was initially against the idea but eventually acquiesced, and after reconciling her other classes with being a [Princess], regained her princess class and consolidated all her other classes into the upgraded class [Worldly Princess].[3]

When Mrsha was abducted by the Raskghar, Lyonette was distraught. Despite not being a fighter, she joined the final assault on the Raskghar camp to rescue Mrsha. Lyonette used her [Flawless Attempt] skill to personally wound Nokha.[27]

Volume 6[edit | edit source]

Some time after the Siege of Liscor, Lyonette approached Watch Captain Zevara to buy back her confiscated artifacts, impressing her with her bearing and understand of Drake law. She began paying back the debt to the city for the property she destroyed using her earnings alone.[28]

Volume 7[edit | edit source]

When the Wistram team arrived in Liscor, Lyonette convinced Erin that she cannot afford to stubbornly stand alone and never give concessions when dealing with the world's power players, leading to her taking the deal offered by Palt's faction.[29]

After the inn was destroyed in the Creler attack, Lyonette designed and organized the construction of the new inn, making it significantly larger and effectively a fortress.[30] Afterward, outside of managing the inn, Lyonette largely spent her free time teaching Mrsha, engaging in a relationship with Pawn, and occasionally meeting up with the two friends she had made in Liscor: Krshia and Zevara. After gaining the [Magnified Training] skill, Lyonette began training in magic using the Rihal Spellbook with Krshia's permission, and trained with the sword with Zevara and the Watch.[31]

After Magnolia, Pryde and Wuvren came to the inn and used their auras to suppress Erin, Lyonette began helping Erin train her aura usage.[32] When Maviola visited the inn soon after, she and Lyonette both recognized the other for what they truly were, and became friends. When Maviola began teaching Erin aura usage, she remarked that Lyonette was a prodigy, reaching a higher level as a Princess at her age than most princesses do in a lifetime.[33]

Volume 8[edit | edit source]

During Volume 8, most of the cast including Lyonette went away from the inn in attempts to find cures for and revive Erin. Lyonette went with Wilovan, Ratici, and Saliss to Oteslia where they hoped to meet the researchers of Oteslia and Magnolia in hopes that they would help Erin. While there, they also dealt with issues relating to the spread of Faerie Flowers and the kidnapping of Mrsha who had stayed back at the inn. Lyonette met notable people like Illvriss,Mivifa, Rafaema and Ciridiel. She was also found by the Thronebearers of Calanfer.

Lyonette makes a deal with Rafaema and Ciridiel to not reveal their identity and help them find Teriarch if they help her reach Mrsha safely.[34]

Volume 9[edit | edit source]

Lyonette helps the newly revived Erin settle in, and consults Architect Hexel to redesign The Wandering Inn with Drevish's blueprints.

She goes to Riverfarm with Erin and Mrsha. While there, she meets [Witch] Eloise, who is something of an infamous figure back in Terandria. During the monster outbreak from the High Passes, Lyonette sends her [Boon of the Princess] to Moore when the Halfseekers and other adventuring teams are fighting the Eater Goat and Gargoyle hordes attacking Orefell.[35] After Nanette Weishart's [Witch] class is removed by Laken Godart, the young girl travels back to Liscor to live at The Wandering Inn. Lyonette breaks up with Pawn, citing that they both had changed too much since the beginning of their relationship to be able to remain together.[36]

When Erin confronts the leader of the Bloodfeast Raiders via her [World's Eye Theatre], he orders a Deathslayer Arrow to be targeted at Lyonette. While she is evacuated to the [Garden of Sanctuary], Ser Lormel draws the arrow towards him with [Decoy: My Ward], successfully blocking it at the cost of losing his right arm. [37]

Erin turns one of her [Gardens of Sanctuary] into a public beach, opening it to her guests. While everyone else is enjoying it, Lyonette has social anxiety, realizing that other than managing the inn and taking care of Mrsha, the [Princess] has no hobbies or close friends. While going for a walk in the snow, she encounters Bethal Walchaís and Pryde Ulta, who are competing with each other with surviving outside in the freezing cold for a week. While trying to catch a Flatfish and unsuccessfully start a fire (unknowingly becoming the subjects of a viral scrying recording titled A [Princess] and a [Lady] Versus a Fish), the three women are rescued by Colfa val Lischelle-Drakle and are taken to the Lischelle-Drakles' new farm nearby. Returning to the beach, they become newfound friends.[38] After Wall Lord Ilvriss's return to Liscor and Erin's disastrous attempt to ingratiate him with the Human nobility, Lyonette becomes Ilvriss's new liason.[39]

During the Winter Solstice, Lyonette, the children, and the Thronebearers are in Magnolia Reinhart's mansion in Invrisil when they are attacked by Draugr. Using a Thronebearer tactic The Fool, the Blade, and the Bodyguard, Ser Sest sacrifices himself to lure away and slay the undead.[40]

Volume 10[edit | edit source]

After the Night of Bloodtear, with a Fraerling-sized Erin stranded in Baleros, Lyonette has become the acting [Innkeeper] of The Wandering Inn, with her class advancing to [Princess of the Inn].[41] Lyonette is struggling with the inn's finances, as there are fewer guests and The Wandering Inn's relationship with Liscor becoming "complicated." She is also forced to deal with her daughters, Mrsha and Nanette, as well as two high-priority guests, Sammial and Hethon, who are trying to track down the ironwood wand on behalf of the Gladelords. Lyonette reluctantly reaches out to her mother, Queen Ielane du Marquin, barely managing to justify staying in Izril, as well as receiving promises new staff and funding if she helps Calanfer's efforts in the New Lands. The inn discovers Erin's new Level 50 Skill, the [Box of Incontinuity]. Fearful of the box, Lyonette bans everyone from touching it, but Calescent surreptitiously puts a garlic bulb inside it, and accidentally discovers that it can seemingly endlessly spit out duplicates of garlic.[42]

When reaching out to Colfa LIschelle-Drakle in search of a female friend, she is disheartened when she overhears the Vampire family's financial woes. Lyonette goes to a public forum in Liscor to negotiate a space for the Rheirgest villagers, but is faced with hostility from two of the inn's friends, Palt and Selys who blame Erin and the inn for Imani's injuries and Tekshia Shivertail's death respectively. When Valeterisa and Demsleth confirms the garlic's authenticity, Lyonette decides to use the box to create gold.[43]

Lyonette is given a <Mythical Quest> by Erin to "Keep the Wandering Inn Safe Until I Return>. The [Princess] is unnerved by the optional, impossible condition of "Don't let anyone we love die," but is determined to achieve it, especially when backed with literal mountains of gold inside the [Garden of Sanctuary]. She meets with Hexal to confirm the start of The Wandering Inn's reconstruction based on the Naga [Architect's] and Drevish's blueprints. The Order of Solstice returns with the Rheirgest villagers, who are unable to go to their allocated plot of land due to it being occupied by Drakes protesting the villagers' [Necromancer] classes. Lyonette negotiates on their behalf with Liscor's council, but has less fruitful meetings with Invrisil's [Mayor] and the Merchant's Guild, who have both banned dealing with Rhiergest, all the while slowly realizing that gold can't solve everything.[44]

Multiple nations have realized that The Wandering Inn has a truly massive fortune of gold and sends their [Diplomats] to speak with Lyonette. She has a meeting with Diplomat] Zaltha from the Empire of Sands, who is trying to get her to buy several hundred tons of Chemath marble. While fending off unwanted attention from interested groups and parties and Hexel and Bird revealing there aren't enough workers in Liscor to start construction on the new inn, Lyonette is forced to deal with her daughters' and the staff's newfound buying frenzy, the final straw being when several Antinium who were given fortunes of gold by Rosencrantz and the other Antinium staff members suffered mental breakdowns. Lyonette sets new standards of spending the gold, setting up a "Helpful Inn Fund" to give smaller, more discrete amounts of gold to others in need. Her spirits are further bolstered when Rheirgest decides to help construct the new inn, and offers to have their village be constructed a mile away from The Wandering Inn. However, Lyonette is put on high alert when Rhisveri Zessoprical breaks into the inn via sock puppet simulacrum to steal the wand, and when Tolveilouka is caught lurking around the inn. While both are driven off, Lyonette knows it's only a matter of time before they return which spurns her to Erin-levels of craziness and determination.[45] She begins with hiring new security for the inn, stealing away Todi and his Elites away from Selys (getting into a fist fight with the [Heiress] in the process) and also Gemhammer, Vaulont the Ash, and more relucantly, Elia Arcsinger. She also has second, more successful interactions with Invrisil's [Mayor] and Merchant Guild. Lyonette meets the Quarass and the King of Minotaurs via the [World's Eye Theatre], using <Quests> as loopholes to bank gold with their respective nations, while the Quarass advises her on how to deal with Tolveilouka. She also arranges to buy the Chemath marble from the Empire of Sands.

That night, Lyonette holds a high-stakes poker game with Rhisveri, Tolveilouka, Teriarch, Taletivirion, the Quarass, Fetohep, and Queen Ielane. The [Princess] manages to bankrupt Tolveilouka, and has her mother use her contract Skills to force the undead half-Elf away from the inn. Afterwards, Lyonette levels five times in her [Princess] class.[46]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Princess of the Inn] Lv. 38[47]
    • Derived from [Princess] Lv. 6 → [Worldly Princess] Lv. 29
  • [Mother] Lv.? [48]

Class Consolidation: Removed[edit | edit source]

  • Classes Consolidated to [Worldly Princess] Level 11:
    • [Princess] Lv. 6
    • [Barmaid] Lv. 15
    • [Beast Tamer] Lv. 5
    • [Carer] Lv. 8
    • [Tactician] Lv. 2
    • [Warrior] Lv. 4

Titles:[edit | edit source]

  • [Diplomat of the Tauslech Forest]
  • [Gambler of Treasuries]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Balanced Posture]
  • [Basic Cleaning]
  • [Basic Crafting]
  • [Basic Footwork]
  • [Basic Leadership]
  • [Basic Negotiator]
  • [Boon of the Princess]
  • [Calming Touch]
  • [Conceal Reputation]
  • [Dance of Blessings]
  • [Declare Foe: Bane (Furniture)]
  • [Detect Poison]
  • [Endowment of the Thief]
  • [Enforce Pact: The Chessmaster’s Wrath]
  • [Enthralling Glance]
    • Advanced from [Charming Smile]
  • [Flawless Attempt]
  • [Greater Resistance: Poison]
  • [Healthy Rearing]
  • [Imperial Aura]
  • [Lesser Bond]
  • [Lesser Intuition]
  • [Lesser Stamina]
  • [Lesser Strength]
  • [Magnified Training]
  • [Remember: My Defining Moment]
  • [Royal Artifact]
  • [Royal Contract]
  • [Royal Tax]
  • [Seafood Cooking]
    • Advanced from [Basic Cooking]
  • [Shared Authority: The Wandering Inn]
  • [Staff: Flurry of Efficiency]
  • [The Gambler's Dice]
  • [The Treasury of House Marquin]
  • [Traveler's Advancing Techniques]
  • [Trifling Incentive]
  • [Weapon Proficiency: Sword]
  • [Wildspeech]

Pact Skill[edit | edit source]

  • [Defenders of the Inn (Shamblers)]

Apista's Skills:[edit | edit source]

Skills that apply only to Apista.

  • [Apista: Form Change (Ashbringer Scourgebee)]
  • [Agile Flier]
  • [Basic Training]
  • [Crimson Stinger]
  • [Enhanced Intelligence]

Temporary Skills:[edit | edit source]

Skills obtained temporary with [Boon of the Guest: Pebblesnatch][49]

  • [Cooking: No Bad Poos]
  • [Goblin Cookbook]

Spells:[edit | edit source]

  • [Bound Spell: Summon the Throne]
  • [Conjure Prepared Dish]
  • [Flame Arrow]
  • [Light]
  • [Razorwind] (Partially learned)
  • [Silverglow Enchantment]

Quests:[edit | edit source]

  • [Post: Basic Quest]
  • [Post: Rare Quest]
  • [Post: Royal Quest]

Quests Posted:[edit | edit source]

  • <Rare Quest – Mentor the 6th Princess of Calanfer and Hold Onto My Gold!>[50]

(For Leveling History see Here)

Possessions[edit | edit source]

(Pleas note there are some typos about some of the artifacts that she brought with her from Calanfer.)

  • Cloak of Balshadow[28] - Enchanted cloak that rendered whomever it covered invisible.
  • Ring of Conflagration[51]
    • Or; Ring of [Fireballs][52] (Presumably the same thing)
    • Or; Wand of [Fireballs][53] (Presumably a typo)
  • Wand of Sticky Webs[52]
    • Or; Enchanted emerald ring that shoots out a huge, thick tendril of spider webbing.[54] (This or the other a Typo)
  • Ring of Flash (?)[52]
  • Tiara enchanted with a high-grade protective spell[52]
  • Enchanted Amulet - Unknown enchantment[52]
  • Ilvriss' Ring of Salazsar[55]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • A running gag in the series is Lyonette trying to conceal her identity as a [Princess], but failing miserably. By volume 9, her [Princess] class is an open secret in Liscor.
  • Originally, Lyonette was the third daughter in her family of a small kingdom,[18] but it was retconned into the sixth princess of Calanfer.
  • While she initially appeared in Chapter 1.31 (Archived), it took fifty-five chapters for her identity to be finally revealed in Ch 2.21.
  • She was revealed to be a [Princess] in chapter 1.33 (Archived)
  • She is distantly related to Magnolia Reinhart.[56]
  • Before she had started leveling in her new classes, four years went by without her having gained a single level,[19] resulting in her almost forgetting the feeling of doing so.[14] Therefore, she cherishes every level she now gains, no matter how insignificant the class might be.
  • Lyonette is fond of dogs, though her mother Queen Ielene exhibited some concern that Lyonette may have conflated taking care of Mrsha to taking care of a dog.[57]
  • Being a [Princess], even when a low leveled one, Lyonette is permitted to grant individuals royal classes.[19]
  • Her family believes that by gaining classes that are completely unfitting to royals, such as Lyonette's [Barmaid] classs, one sullies their position. Her mother especially seems to be of that opinion. She hates letting the princes even take [Knight] and [Commander] classes.[19]
  • Lyon was expected to pay forty-seven gold coins of her own volition for the damages she caused (that excludes the destruction of the Krshia's shops and the spellbooks).[28] As of Chapter 8.00 she has paid it off, and reclaimed all of her former possessions.
  • In Terandria, the nobles who are unaware that she is a runaway, gossip on the fact that she has refused every single suitor. They said that she only partook in the most removed of dances. They speculated that she had a serious suitor, or was afflicted with some kind of disease.[58]
  • She had learned to insult other people with lower authority than her by calling them ‘peon’ (which means a low-ranking worker) from the 3rd Princess, Aielef. However unlike her sister, she was not smart enough to not say it in public,[59] which reflected poorly on her character. Due to this, she was propagandized as ‘Lyonette the Fiery’ by Calanfer as a way to explain her way of addressing the common folk as peons.[12]
  • By the beginning of Volume 10, she has become the third-highest leveled [Princess] of Calanfer, including her sisters-in-law. She also broke the record for the longest time spent running away from the kingdom.[60]

References[edit | edit source]