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Nobility in Innworld is a matter of having the right Classes.

Overview[edit | edit source]

[Nobles] ([Noblewomen] and [Noblemen]) are usually not called by that generic term but by their actual classes (which correspond to their title).

This article deals with the "lower" nobility - for higher classes like [Queens] see Royalty. According to royal knowledge, there is a substantial difference in the power level between "mere" nobles and royals: [Princesses] or [Princes] get more powerful levels than mere [Lords], and a level 30 [King] would equal a level 60 [Major] (which is not a noble class at all).[1]

Nobility may apparently be gained by:

  • Inheritance (being the child of another noble - these probably gain the class either at birth or during their childhood depending on lifestyle and education. Exact details still unknown.)
  • Nobilitation (being elevated into nobility by another (higher ranking) noble - exact details still unknown.)
  • Self-proclamation (so far only observed in case of Laken Godart - this is probably only possible in lands that are not under someone else's rule or government. Exact details still unknown.)

Legitimate nobles have some sway over the classes of other people and may appoint special classes to worthy individuals that are better than the base class. Classes like [Steward] or [Royal Guardian] may be the result. This is, like nobilitation, an act of will of the legitimate [Noble] themselves, and usually done only sparingly and with great delibaration.

Ranking[edit | edit source]

There are various ranks in Nobility, and the system varies between the continents. [Nobles] may fulfill different roles which can be distinguished for example like following: Some are more or less permanent retainers to a higher-positioned liege (so called "court nobility"). Others are governing in their own feudal estates (so called "landed nobility") or are in some cases [Rulers] in their own right and may not even answer to a feudal lord.

Terandrian System[edit | edit source]

In Terandria, there is a not-yet disclosed ranking system, or possibly even several of them. If that system follows Earth's (European) nobility orders, then the ranks go up from [Baron], [Viscount], [Earl], [Marquis] towards the [Duke] (the latter was confirmed to be the highest male noble rank below a [King][2]). [Baroness], [Viscountess], [Countess], [Marchioness] and [Duchess] are their female counterparts.

Humans of Terandrian nobility base their lineages on the purity of their descent, which they call ichorial descendancy. This is different from lineal descendancy (the child of the current ruler has first claim to rule): instead, the most pure scion of any house gets to make that claim.[2] This concept of purity may also reflect in the ranking of nobles, and guide unconventional decisions, like a [Princess] from a vaunted royal bloodline eloping a mere [Baron][3], although that case may also be based on political power or another ranking system than that of Earth.

The role of [Lords] within the Terandrian system is not clear yet, seeing how [Lord] Belchaus apparently governs a powerful state (by himself?). However, the heirs of a family's title are simply called [Lord] and [Lady].[2] Also unclear is whether [Knighthood] comes with a noble title ([Knights] are adressed as "Ser", "Sir" or "Lady"[4]), or if these two concepts are distinct.

Izril System[edit | edit source]

The Five Families and the lesser nobility of Northern Izril decided to get away from royalty (be it [Kings], [Emperors] or [Tyrants]) and rely on the [Lord] as the only class to designate [Rulers].[5] This desire to form a polycentric aristocracic network instead serving under absolute monarchs in their respective nations, has been expressed several times as a principal difference that makes Izril different from Terandria.

It is unclear what the actual, original dispute was that caused the Five Families to break away: it may have been motivated by the class system (better class benefits for [Ladies] when not subjected to [Queens]), it may have been a politically motivated power struggle of [Lords] against the overreach of [Kings], or simply being tired of wars. Given that the breakaway happened millenia ago, the Five Families might also have been rebels agains Half-Elven Kings.

As it stands, Northern Izril is ruled simply by [Lords] and [Ladies] who are rather ranked by their achievements, family lines and position within the family. This more egalitarian system even allows 'commoners' like for example [Merchant Lords] to emerge and amass power, although they are certainly not considered equal to the older, more distinguished [Lords] and [Ladies].

Depending on the rules of each family, the holdings of each family may be split up between inheritors equally, but most observed noble families in Izril ultimately answer to a Matriarch or Patriarch who holds the power over all estates of their noble house and may designate their successor freely from within the family - this is the case in three of the Five Families at least. All members of a family are called Lady or Lord, although some in fact are [Lordlings] until they come into inheritance.[3]

The Drakes of Southern Izril have their own system of nobility which varies wildly in their different polities. The most traditional Drakes system is that of a neptocracy of "Wall Lords" and "Wall Ladies" who govern their polity together, like in Salazsar. Other Drake polities have shifted to a meritocratic system of appointed "Wall Lords/Ladies" (Manus), and still others have overthrown their traditional nobility and installed a democratic government system - however, the Pallassian Wall Lords are still wealthy through their inheritance which they did not give up.

Other continents[edit | edit source]

The Blighted Kingdom's current aproach seems to be based on individual merit: The Blighted King has appointed Named Adventurers and other worthy individuals, like [Marchioness] Xersia (of court nobility) and [Lord] Hayvon (of landed nobility), the latter having inherited his rank from his father. The lower nobility is called the Burnished Court.

Chandrar has various disparate systems. In Germina, there is the [Highborn] class, which is essentially the local nobility below the ruling [Quarass] (the ruling monarch). In Jecrass, the local nobility below the [King] are the "River Wardens", which is the title of the nobility while their actual class is not yet revealed. Reim has apparently not a single [Noble], but accepts the subjugated [Lords]. Nerrhavia has a caste system headed by a [Monarch] with Emirs and Emiras under them though that may be an indicator of wealth and influence rather than governorship. The ruling Slave Lords of Roshal govern together with no monarch above them similarly to Salazsar. The Empires of Tiqr and Sands had no apparent court of nobles and may be absolutistic regimes.

In Baleros, there is little information on nobility or royalty, and they likely wield little power compared to the Mercenary Companies. Even less is known of Drath and Minos.

Classes[edit | edit source]

Some classes are rather generic while others are highly specialized. Some observations are as follows:

Ladies and Lords[edit | edit source]

The class of [Ladies] conveys a mystical component that shows similarities to that of [Witches], but is apparently connected to their property, like their estates or lands. Whether a [Lady] has to study to become proficient in that mystical knowledge, or if that knowledge is granted by the base [Lady] class or requires some further specialization, is still unclear. To become a proper [Lady] that takes full advantage of the "feminine" component of the class, one needs to be educated by [Tutors] and ideally another [Lady]. With that knowledge, special Skills may be attained, like [Deft Hand] that has so far only been observed with [Ladies]. Less proper [Ladies] may still become proficient in governance or warfare.

There are so far no indications of a corresponding "masculine" skillset among [Lords], but as [Rulers], they have a similar connection towards their holdings like [Ladies] do.

  • Specializations for Commerce:
    • [Coin Lady] Edere Sanito.
    • [Farm Lady] owns a farm.[6]
    • [Lady of Great Enterprise]
    • [Lord of Manufacture] Deilan El oversees the creation and sales of crafts and artifacts by his House.
    • [Lord of Orchards] Pellmia Quellae owns vineyards.
    • [Lord of Possession]
    • [Lord of the Fields] Lantal Afiele oversees a province of Noelictus' bountiful crops.[7]
    • [Merchant Lord] Erill Fienst also dabbles in underworld activities.[8]
    • [Mint-Lord of the New Era] Moltin Grousehawk created a new currency to protect House Terland's fortune.[9]
    • [Ship Lord] is a common specialization in the Wellfar Family.[10]
    • [Slave Lords] and [Slave Ladies] of Roshal are generally wealthy, living like royalty at the expense of others.
    • [Slaveshaper of Minds, Slavelord of Roshal] Yazdil Achakhei is the richest [Lord] of the world.[11]
    • [Wall Lord of a Thousand Exchanges, Coin and Sword] is both and commerce and warfare focused class held by Zail Gemscale.
    • Note: [Landlords] and [Landladies] are actually not [Nobles] and just listed here for completeness.[12]
  • Specialization for Courtly and Miscellaneous Activities:
    • [Diligent Lord] was the class held by a younger Tyrion Veltras.
    • [Flower of Izril, Lady of the Dragon’s Promise] is Magnolia Reinhart's class.
    • [Fulminous Lord of Cabochon] relates to gems and lightning.
    • [Hearthlord] is a class of Cenidau's nobility.
    • [Hundredlord] is a Kaazian class for a noble that sponsors at least a hundred members of the Thousand Lance.
    • [Hunting Lady]
    • [Lady] Wuvren Sitil has the class of [Eternal Beauty], possibly derived from her [Noble] class.[3]
    • Belchaus Meron, the [Lord of the Dance], has exactly that class.[11]
    • [Lady Firestarter] is the class of Maviola El, ideal to inspire others.[13] It advanced into [Bannerlady of Memory's Flame] at level 50.
    • [Lady of Pride] is a utility class, currently used in the Ulta family.[13]
    • [Lady of the Commonfolk] is a class held by Risel Afiele.[7]
    • [Lady of the Woods] is a class unique to forest-dwellers.
    • [Lady of Viper's Touch] like Vaitsha requires the person to be regularly dosed with poison until they become poisonous themselves.
    • [Lordling] is a class for a noble scion.
    • [Lord of Ceremonies] was the class of Regalius before he was raised in station to [Baron of Ceremonies]. He performs knighting ceremonies.
    • [Lord of Love and Wine] is a consolidation with [Matchmaker].
    • [Lord of the Dance], Belchaus Meron's class may be derived from this.
    • [Lord of the Five Families] is a class for a member of the Five Families.
    • [Lord of the Pursuit] held by Tyrion Veltras.
    • [Mountain Lord]
    • [Patternlord of Graven Icons]
    • [Suave Lord]
    • [Wall Lord] is a class of the Drake nobility, related to the Walled Cities.
    • [Wall Lord of Lightning] is related to lightning.
  • Specialization in Magic and Mystical Arts:
    • [Magelord] and [Mage Lady] is a common specialization for the Terland Family[3], as well as Fissival's Wall Lords and Ladies.
    • [Serpent Lady] is a noble class facilitating assassinations.[14]
    • [Spellbound Lady] is a class for the nobility of Tourvecall.
  • Specialized for Seafaring:
    • [Lady Navigator]
    • [Lady of Surf]
    • [Lord Admiral]
    • [Lord Captain]
    • [Lord of Waves] / [Lady of Waves]
    • [Sea Lady]
    • [Ship Lord]
  • Specializations for Combat and Warfare:
    • [Cavalry Lord] is a noble riding class.[7]
    • [Lady of Thorns] is the (probably rare) specialization of Bethal Walchaís who owns her own [Knight] Force
    • [Lancelord of a Thousand Victories] was the class once held by Tyrion Veltras. It was a consolidation of [Peerless Lance] and his lord class.
    • [Lord Commander]
    • [Lord of Battle] is one of the most common [Lord] specializations; Venith Crusland is one.[14]
    • [Lord of the Walls] is a Drake class associated with the Walled Cities.
    • [Lord of Wrath]
    • [Spectral Scoutlord][14]
    • [Wall Lord of a Thousand Exchanges, Coin and Sword]
    • [Warlord] / [War Lady][15]
    • [Warrior Lady]
  • Specializations related to [Beast Tamers]:
    • [Beastlords] were common in the Veltras Family once.[3]
    • [Dog Lord] is the class of Gralton Radivaek, who specialized in breeding all kinds of dogs for war, hunting and other occasions.[16]
    • [Hawk Lady] is a class that also tames hawks.
    • [Swarm Lord] specialized for controlling swarms of insects.
  • Specializations for Crime (listed here for completeness, as they are not legitimate nobility):
    • [Bandit Lord] is a gender-neutral class, held for example by Maresar Crusland who stated that "Bandit Ladies" don't exist.[17]
    • [Bandit Lord of Scarlet Nobility] held by Korizan Reeles.
    • [Bandit Lady] is a female-only class, held for example by Urele. There are several [Bandit Ladies] in Savere, whose [Bandit Queen] apparently rediscovered the class.[18]
    • [Crime Lord] (details unknown)[19]
    • [Pirate Lord] was the title that Gailenwright assumed.[20]
    • [Stormlord Captain] is the self-styled title that Imor Seagrass assumed.[11]

Ranks[edit | edit source]

  • [Baron][2][3]
    • [Baron of Ceremonies]
    • [Baron of the Mirror Lands]
  • [Baroness][21][1]
  • [Count]
  • [Countess]
    • [Countess of the Court]
  • [Duchess][1]
  • [Duke][2][22]
    • [Duke of Supreme Sorcery]
  • [Earl][23][24]
    • [Earl of Rains]
  • [Emir][25]
  • [Emira][26]
  • [Highborn] / [Highborn Lady]
    • [Highborn of Coin]
  • [Marchioness][27]
  • [Marquis][2]
  • [Sheikh][28]
  • [Sultan]
  • [Sultana][25]

Other[edit | edit source]

  • [Aristocrat][29]
  • [Lizal Noble][30]
  • [Noble Rider]
  • [Precocious Noble Child]

Known Nobles[edit | edit source]

The following names are short versions akin to commoner names that take no respect to the pretense of the nobility, which formally spells out the names like "Magnolia of House Reinhart".

Northern Izril Nobles:[edit | edit source]

Southern Izril Nobles:[edit | edit source]

Unknown Families:[edit | edit source]

Terandria Nobles:[edit | edit source]

Chandrar Nobles:[edit | edit source]

Rhir Nobles:[edit | edit source]

Baleros Nobles:[edit | edit source]

  • Loiqe - [Lizal Noble][30]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Chapter 7.16 L
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Interlude: The Titan's Question
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 Chapter 7.18 M
  4. Interlude - Talia
  5. Chapter 7.24
  6. 6.0 6.1 10.19 E
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Gravesong Book One
  8. 8.0 8.1 Chapter 5.62
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 10.23 LMGY
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Chapter 7.15 R
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Chapter 6.68
  12. Chapter 6.05 D
  13. 13.0 13.1 Chapter 7.23 LM
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Chapter 7.09 K
  15. Chapters 6.15 K, 6.63 P
  16. Chapter 6.42 E
  17. Chapter 4.03 K, Chapter 6.06 D
  18. Chapters 6.53 K, 6.54 K, 6.55 K
  19. Chapter 7.07
  20. Interlude: Chess and Ships
  21. Chapter 3.37
  22. 22.0 22.1 Chapter 4.04 K
  23. 4.38 B
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 Chapter 6.27 M
  25. 25.0 25.1 Chapter 5.02 K
  26. 26.0 26.1 Chapter 8.54 H
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Chapter 1.04 C
  28. Chapter 6.45 E
  29. Chapter 8.31
  30. 30.0 30.1 10.08 (Pt. 1)
  31. 31.00 31.01 31.02 31.03 31.04 31.05 31.06 31.07 31.08 31.09 31.10 Chapter 5.21 E
  32. Chapter 8.18 H
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Interlude – Paradigm Shift (Pt. 1)
  34. 34.0 34.1 Chapter 4.06 KM
  35. 10.13
  36. Chapter 7.60
  37. Volume 9 - Epilogue
  38. Chapter 8.20
  39. 10.18 E
  40. Chapter 8.40 CTV
  41. Goblin Days (Pt. 3) – Vengeance and Talking
  42. Chapter 7.20
  43. 43.0 43.1 Chapter 8.24
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 S02 - The Antinium Wars (Pt. 3)
  45. 45.0 45.1 Chapter 9.25
  46. Chapter 9.43 L
  47. 10.04 V
  48. Chapter 9.41 (Pt. 3)
  49. Chapter 9.65
  50. Chapter 9.29
  51. Interlude - The [Rower] and the [Bartender]
  52. Chapter 8.21 L
  53. Chapter 8.10
  54. Chapter 9.41 (Pt. 1)
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 55.4 55.5 55.6 Chapter 9.63
  56. 56.0 56.1 Goblin Days (Pt. 5) – Redblade and Lilbrasi
  57. 57.0 57.1 Goblin Days (Pt. 2) – The Pilot and The Knight
  58. Chapter 9.25
  59. Chapter 9.56
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 Interlude - Stories
  61. Chapter 8.68
  62. 62.0 62.1 Chapter 9.68
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 Interlude - The Revenant and the Naga
  64. Chapter 9.70 (Pt. 2)
  65. Interlude - Paradigm Shift (Pt. 2)
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 10.17
  67. Gravesong Chapter 1.01
  68. Chapter 9.17 R
  69. 69.0 69.1 Chapter 8.36 H
  70. Chapter 8.00
  71. Chapter 8.15
  72. 72.0 72.1 Interlude - Pisces
  73. Chapter 10.14
  74. 10.11 H
  75. 75.0 75.1 Chapter 8.25 KH
  76. 76.0 76.1 Chapter 9.32
  77. Chapter 6.12 K